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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fashionable Friday..Transition Time


February 3, 2012

If where you live is like the rest of the country, it’s as though we’ve bypassed a good majority of the typical winter temperatures for less frigidness, and days resembling something like early spring. I’ve always thought this in-between season is such a difficult time to dress-one day it’s cold, the next day it’s warm, and so on.
Not to mention stores are bombarded with hoards of new spring styles and it’s hard to say no! Here are some perfect transition pieces you can wear now and well into the spring:

 Open Arms Dress via Anthropologie
Scallop Sateen Skirt via JCrew
Ladder Stitch Cardigan via Anthropologie

Cotton Trench Coat via Loft

Viennese Cafe Pleated Dress via Shop Ruche
 Cadence Striped Jacket via Lulus

On the Wharf Striped Top via Shop Ruche

Bennett Chino via JCrew
Rugby Stripe Sweater Dress via Loft
  1. Faith says:

    i need a trench coat! love the one you posted. and that rugby sweater dress is fabulous!

  2. Love the anthro open arms dress – our weather is the same here in Texas – so up and down! Have a great weekend!!

  3. I love all your picks, especially the bright chinos from J.Crew…I need those! 🙂

  4. I am LOVING that first Anthro dress…trying to figure out if I can consider it maternity for a little while…hmmm!

  5. Amy says:

    I want both J.Crew things. So cute!

  6. Allyson says:

    Oh my goodness, I love all of these! Once it stops being freezing in the morning and night and warm in the middle of the day, i will be so much more set on what I want to wear!


  7. KRISTIN says:

    So cute! I am in love with that striped jacket!!!

  8. I am going to need to hit up J Crew, stat!! It's still pretty chilly here in Boston, but I am so ready to busy out some warmer gear 🙂 Happy weeekend!

  9. I LOVE that striped jacket from Lulu's!

  10. TaraR says:

    HUGE fan of the Jcrew jeans, love-love-love!

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