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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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February is Here! 33 Weeks and a Bedding Sneak Peak!


February 1, 2012

How Far Along? 33 weeks, 4 days…45 days to go! It’s February 1st meaning we will have a baby in our arms NEXT month!!
Size of Baby Caroline? One website says pineapple, one says honeydew—either way, that baby is getting big! She is over 17 inches and weighs more than 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Leggings, yoga pants, long sleeve shirts, and cardigans are my BFF! The weather this week in Nashville is in the 60s so I am busting out non-winter attire and it feels great.
Weight Gain? Still at 25 pounds-I think that scale is going to start creeping up as Caroline starts to gain more weight these next few weeks.  
Stretch Marks? None that I can see! Let’s face it, that big bulge is making it hard to see below the waist these days.
Gender? Baby Girl…I’ve officially gone overboard on the wardrobe. Everyone says I am going to have to change her outfits every3-4 hours because she has so many clothes. You know what they say “like mother, like daughter” 😉
Sleep? This changes daily…one night is great, and the next not so much. Keeping the house colder definitely helps keep me comfortable, though little bit loves to kick all night long.  
Food Cravings? Still with the powdered doughnuts {thanks Shell and Pattie for stocking me up!} as well as cereal and ice cream.  
What I Miss? I am perfectly content—I know that sounds cliché, but I am happy with peanut growing inside me and wouldn’t change it for the world.
Symptoms? I get tired by mid-afternoon now…wishing my company approved of a little siesta break every now and then; also with the achiness, occasional leg cramps, and swelling, and now I know what people are talking about when they mention heartburn-WHOA painful!
Belly Button? 3/4 of the way outie
Best Moment of the Week? Jeff has been in California spending time with his family, so what does that mean? Slumber party time with Mom. She has been staying with me the past few days and I am so thankful she came to the rescue. We’ve been hard at work each night, stocking up on necessities, working on craft painting projects for the walls, and then we put the crib bedding on Caroline’s crib last night. And yes, I promised a sneak peak {because I can’t contain my excitement} so here you go: I am in LOVE with the way it’s all coming together! Jeff will be home this afternoon and I cannot wait to show him our progress.

putting on the new changing pad cover
Practice makes perfect…Pinky the Pig is one of
my favorite new nursery friends
  1. Meredith says:

    looks so good!!!

  2. Amanda says:

    How precious, I love the bedding and the crib! She is going to be one well loved baby girl. And no girl can EVER have too many clothes…or shoes 🙂

  3. That little girl is going to be so adorable and decked out! You couldn't be a cuter pregnant lady.

  4. OH you look great!! I can't believe how close you're getting! And I LOOOOVE the crib!! Soo cute!

  5. I cannot believe baby Caroline is going to be in that adorable crib NEXT MONTH!!! Her room definitely belongs in a Pottery Barn magazine, and you belong in a Gap maternity magazine!

  6. Sarah says:

    The nursery looks fabulous so far!! Can't wait to see it all finished! 🙂

  7. What pretty bedding! So girly 🙂

  8. kate funk says:

    Looks like a cozy place for little Caroline! Love that name! You look awesome!!

  9. You're getting SO close to the big day!!

  10. Allyson says:

    This is such a sweet post! The nursery looks great, and your pictures are so precious!


  11. jayme says:

    so so so cute! i can't believe it's NEXT month! that's so incredible!!

    also, thanks for the tag, i just posted the post! 🙂


  12. You look BEYOND amazing!! Love the preview of Caroline's nursery! Adorable!

  13. You are seriously so cute!! The baby's room is really adorable! Love the bedding!

  14. Julie says:

    Love LOVE LOVE!!!!!

  15. AllyceR says:

    You look beautiful, the bedding is beautiful and your beautiful girl will be here before you know it! Enjoy these last few weeks with the lil' peanut in your belly!

  16. Faith says:

    pregnancy looks so good on you!

    loving the bedding!

  17. Kayln says:

    GORGEOUS room!!! So classy and girly – I just love it!

  18. Samantha says:

    YOu make me so excited for the future with my boyfriend! 😀

  19. 45 days is going to FLY BY! you are one prepared mama with all those clothes, gorgeous nursey and perfect bedding 🙂 baby C is one lucky girl!!

  20. Oh my gosh, the nursery looks great! As do you! I can't believe baby Caroline is going to be here next month. Crazy!

  21. Caroline says:

    Oh how beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  22. Nicole-Lynn says:

    How exciting caroline will be in your arms SOON! The nursery looks great, love the bedding!

  23. You are glowing!!! And I love her bedding…absolutely perfect w/ her crib! Gosh, these days are SO exciting! I can't believe she'll be here next month!!!

  24. Holly says:

    Adorable as always. The room is looking about done; you're getting so close!!

  25. Looks beautiful!! Is that pink and grey bedding I spy? It's hard to tell from the pictures…that's what I did my nursery in:) My bedding should be here any day, can't wait to put it on!

  26. You're adorable!! Can't wait to see more of the room!

  27. Shari says:

    Time really HAS flown. Next month you are going to have a baby girl. So exciting. My best friend is scheduled for a c-section for her baby girl on Friday. I didn't realize how close your due dates were. Yay for new baby girls!

  28. Jamie says:

    I can already tell the nursery is going to be beautiful 🙂 Can't wait to see the rest!

  29. Rhiannon says:

    You look SO GORGEOUS girl 🙂 So very excited and happy for you!!! XOXOX

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