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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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34 Week Baby Update…Still Chugging Along!


February 9, 2012

How Far Along? 34 weeks, 5 days…ahhhh!! 37 days to go
Size of Baby Caroline? another week of contrasting site views…one says canteloupe, and one says durian fruit-these people need to get it together. wee one measures right at 4.75 pounds and is about 18 inches in length.
Maternity Clothes?  i’m sporting anything and everything these days…it doesn’t matter if it’s “maternity” or not…it’s all about comfort, so we’re talking long tunics, dresses, and leggings.
Weight Gain? 26 pounds-my doctor said i need to gain more weight these last few weeks, oi vey. i’m trying, but i get full so much more easily now.
Stretch Marks? the Good Lord is treating me well in this department
Gender? GIRL!
Sleep? i’m really trying to be a tough cookie {oh a cookie sounds good} but i am over the non-sleeping component of pregnancy. tossing and turning, hot/cold, and the endless potty breaks…nighttime isn’t my favorite, however, my doc approved me taking tylenol to help me sleep and i am already seeing a major difference.
Food Cravings? any kind of ice cream i can get my hands on! loving my fruit, and any type of breakfast food
What I Miss? my energy…this lady is slowing down dear friends and i am not happy about it. jeff tells me to rest, yet all i want to do is go, go, go. feeling kinda helpless and I hate having to ask for help.
Symptoms? picture this-we’re in the grocery store last weekend and i start getting this lower back pain…i think i have a fairly high pain tolerance, but this had me bent over in the middle of the aisle with jeff massaging my back-i wanted to cry it hurt so bad. apparently it was my sciatic nerve acting up, which is normal during this stage. other symptoms: bloatedness, leg cramps, emotional, and just plain uncomfortable.
Belly Button? out…at least i can still wear my wedding ring though!
Best Moment of the Week? i was at target the other day checking out when an older gentleman comes up to me and asks “when is the blessed event?” to which i told him next month. he then asks me if i know if it’s a little boy or girl and then i tell him a little girl and he says “oh, those are the best!”. you could tell he was a grandfather and the sweetest little thing i’ve seen in awhile. just makes my heart happy when people go out of their way to say kind things about babies and such.

i am getting SO excited for this weekend…it’s my 2nd baby shower with all my friends and i cannot wait to see everyone! i know my best friends have gone above and beyond to make this a special event and i am ecstatic to enjoy some much needed girl time-yay!

  1. jayme says:

    So sweet. I can't believe she will be here in less than 40 days! Maybe not to you, but I feel like it has been so quick! So happy for y'all.

  2. jayme says:

    So sweet. I can't believe she will be here in less than 40 days! Maybe not to you, but I feel like it has been so quick! So happy for y'all.

  3. Miss Chelsea says:

    It's getting so close! She is gonna be gorgeous just like her momma

  4. Kate says:

    You look wonderful! I have a friend who is 5'1" and she was up an even 30lbs at 40 weeks, when she had her girl. I'm sure all doctors are different, but hers never told her to gain more weight.

    You look as fabulous as ever! I swear, with how well pregnancy looks on you… you'll be pregnant again in the next year 🙂

    I have a request — Can we get a picture of you in a more fitted shirt? I'd love to see that baby bump!

  5. little b says:

    Ouch! My bf has sciatic nerve problems and he gets terrible back pain. One thing his doc told him to do is ice the area — if the muscle is swollen it puts pressure on the nerve, causing the pain.

    I'm not sure if that's what's causing the problem or if it helps with preggo-related back pain but I thought it might be worth a shot — feel better!

  6. Erin says:

    You're glowing for sure! Hang in there— 37 days will FLY! 🙂

  7. Brekke says:

    You look great and you're in the home strech now! Have a blast at your shower! 🙂

  8. OH man, I feel like I'm already with you on so many of those symptoms but I have a LONG ways to go! You're almost there…and you look great!! Hope you have a blast at your shower! 🙂

  9. Lindsay says:

    you dress super cute! love your pregnancy style, well i love your normal style too! 🙂
    37 days to go?!?! oh my word that is so close, literally around the corner. have fun at your shower this weekend, cant wait to see the photos!! 🙂
    do you have an outfit picked to bring Caroline home in?

  10. chelsieast says:

    26 pounds!! Come on girl you have a good 20 until you catch where I was!! Get that baby girl some pizza or Chipotle!!! Avery's right arm was Chipotle and left leg was pizza!!!

  11. what a cute baby bump!!

  12. Sarah says:

    You look too cute! I randomly found this website (http://www.lindsaybrin.com) its for moms/loosing pregancy weight… anyways I am doing a lot of her workouts and they are AWESOME. Knowing how much you like to workout I thought it would be a great resource for you!

  13. Kayln says:

    Umm I can only hope and pray that I look HALF as cute as you do preggers! You're still so skinny minny!!!

  14. Omgosh – what a sweet old man! I love your Target moment!

  15. P*P*P says:

    YAY! So close! Can't wait to see all of the details from your latest baby shower and of course, you're still looking great! 🙂

  16. Aww I love the story about the sweet man in Target!! A second baby shower? That's so exciting!!

  17. Kristin says:

    You look great! And what a sweet grandpa in Target!

  18. You look WONDERFUL, Natasha!!! I can not wait to meet baby Caroline!

  19. 37 days, thats crazy!!! so soon til you get to meet your sweet girl 🙂 enjoy the shower!

  20. Allyson says:

    This is just precious. I probably would have cried at that sweet old man! I hope your sciatic nerve doesn't do that too much more. I've never even been pregnant, but mine does that sometimes, and it is about the worst thing I've ever felt! These posts just get sweeter and sweeter, and I can tell how excited y'all are!


  21. Sarah says:

    Have a blast at your shower. You look super cute!!

  22. Julia says:

    Oh my! I had the same thing happen to me with my sciatic nerve. Thankfully, it only acted up about 2-3 times. Take plenty of pics at the shower! 🙂

  23. Jessica says:

    Sciatic nerve pain is so not fun!! It still stops me in my tracks every now and then. Have fun at your second shower!! Only a few more weeks left!

  24. Shari says:

    That Target story is so sweet. I love when people go out of their way to say kind things.

  25. You look so cute!!! Have a great time at your baby shower this weekend!!!

  26. Melissa says:

    I think you might be the most adorable pregnant woman in the world! 🙂

  27. Nicole says:

    I love the sweet comment that man made! It just goes to show that you never know what your kind words will do for someone!

  28. lori says:

    you are so, so cute!!

    i absolutely love what that grandpa said to you in target. sooooo sweet. two of my friends had babies today, my facebook is overflowing with cuteness of brand new babies and i LOVE it.

    so excited for you!

  29. Kristin says:

    Such a cute baby bump!

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