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I’m Not Behind…I’m Taking My Time


February 6, 2012

Post failure this weekend, but I didn’t forget my photo-a-day challenge by any means!
February 4-Stranger: in the produce section…strangers everywhere
February 5-10AM: we were at church, singing our little hearts out
So, happy Super Bowl win to the Giants-I love it when the underdogs win! I couldn’t be happier for one of the Mannings to get another ring, especially against the Patriots…we laid low this year, grilling hot dogs and eating ice cream-my how life has changed! I have to admit, I normally watch for the commercials, and except for a few, I was disapppinted. So thanks to M&M, the VW workout dog, David Beckham, and Clint Eastwood for entertaining me-otherwise, I thought the majority were fairly unoriginal and boring.
It was the perfect ending to our weekend, relaxing on the couch, knowing I needed to savor some ‘down time’. We were productive around the house, however-cleaning out the refrigerator/kitchen pantry {nesting has commenced in other areas now apparently}, purging through my closet, Jeff assembling the pack ‘n play, working on our taxes, and finding the perfect hardware for the nursery window treatments.
We even managed to sneak in brunch at Tavern, which is worth raving about-the ham and brie omelet was amazing! And we rented “How Does She Do It?” with SJP which surprisingly was a really cute movie.
So now, we’re back to Monday, and I am chomping at the bit to get going and be productive…coffee time and GO! Have a great week dear friends 😉
  1. Rachel says:

    I LOVE the Tavern! I've only been once, but it was delicious and looking forward to getting a chance to go again! I've been wanting to rent SJP's recent movie, so I think I'll have to do it now that you gave your review!

    Hope your week goes by smoothly and quickly 🙂 Have a fab Monday, sweet girl! Can't believe baby Caroline will be here so SOON!

  2. Kristin says:

    I was unimpressed with the commercials too. I wanted the Pats to win, but it was a good game! The hubby is now sad that football is officially over! Ha!

  3. I've been wondering if How Does She Do It is any good! I love SJP!

  4. I thought the M&M commercial was hilarious! But otherwise, they were a snore. Glad you're taking it easy and enjoying your down time!

  5. I totally agree, the commercials this year were really nothing special…which is kind of a shame considering how much they pay for those advertising spots! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! Xoxo

  6. KRISTIN says:

    I was also super bummed by the commercials. David's was an obvious favorite but the M&M one was great as well!

  7. Those weekends are the best! Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Emily says:

    Hi! New follower – your blog is adorable! {I loved the VW workout dog too!}

  9. I was a little disappointed in the commercials this year! But I loved the M&M commercial!

  10. I loved the M&M's commercial too – other than that, I agree, a little bit of a let down commercial wise

  11. Sarah Wyland says:

    I was also unimpressed with the commercials – although I did look up from my laptop for Becks, haha. I STILL haven't made it to Tavern yet! It's high on my list of things to do.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    I agree. There were only a few commercials that I loved and sadly I was unimpressed with the half time show.

  13. Julia says:

    So you did get the pack n play! I'm glad. I got behind on my photo challenge too lol. I Never blog on the weekends..
    did you get a chance to check out my blog? I'm new at this and I need to know tips! I have no idea how you made yours look so put together! XoXo

  14. Erin says:

    The M&M was my fave of the commercials too! 🙂 I think we just put such high standards on commercials, its hard to impress everyone! We haven't had those 'tagline' commercials where everyone rememebers a phrase or scene (wasssssuppppp) anymore! Where are those writers? lol

  15. Shari says:

    I watched the SJP movie this weekend as well and was shocked by some of the awful reviews it had received. I thought it was exactly the type of movie that was portrayed. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  16. Caroline says:

    Yay Giants!!! 🙂

  17. Allyson says:

    I almost always root for the underdog. I don't care much about either team, but I was so glad to see the giants win!


  18. I love the flower pic! Isn't the pic a day fun? A good little challenge.

    Sounds like a great weekend…

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