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Important Little Thursday Tidbits


February 16, 2012

a. I was perusing Pinterest and found this idea for a 1/2/3 cake…it sounded amazing, yet I was doubtful. Thanks to Valerie, it looks like she has perfected the recipe so now I am going to have to try it out…who doesn’t need a little sweetness at night time?

b. I am almost done with baby shower thank-you notes. Everyone thinks I am nuts {or major OCD} for wanting to get these done ASAP, but I can’t stand having something like that lurking over me…I have a system that helps me get it done quickly, too. I place all the gifts in a room and then once I write a note, I can put the gift away. This helps to make sure I never forget someone and then I know everything is conveniently placed in its proper home.

c. Our Valentine’s Day was perfect…sweet, simple, and just the two of us together at home. The best part was that Jeff surprised me with new workout wear, the cutest pajama pants, and the icing on the cake? He bought Caroline a present…the sweetest little stuffed monkey to add to her toy collection-he said he wanted her to know daddy was thinking of her, too. I know he is going to be one incredible father!

d. Speaking of holidays…are you aware that the next “official” celebratory holiday is St. Patrick’s Day? Normally I love any excuse to drink green beer, though this year marks a more significant milestone…it’s Caroline’s due date! Who knows if she is going to make her debut as a tiny little leprechaun or wait a few more days after {please no!}, but I can’t help but think she will be here in a matter of a few short weeks. YIPPEE!

e. More Photo Challenge catch-up time:

February 13: Blue…I was feeling a tad bit “blue” Monday and had a little breakdown, so what did Jeff do? He brought home my fav flowers…yellow and white tulips
February 14: Heart…this is where my heart is currently at-
patiently waiting for someone to make their debut!
February 15: Phone…if I had to go without my phone, I’m not sure what I would do. Who needs a security blanket when you  have an iPhone?
f. I’ve started working on my next giveaway and I cannot wait to post the goodies. This one is going to be for my 1,000th post {only 58 more to go!} so stay tuned. I promise it will be fun!
  1. Let me know what you think about the cake! For a low cal treat, I think its pretty tasty! 🙂 Hope you like it!

    & those tulips are GORGEOUS! 🙂

  2. Aww, how sweet of Jeff. What a thoughtful daddy! I did not realize Caroline is going to be a St. Patty's baby! I hope you have a green onesie waiting for her to go home in! 🙂

  3. KRISTIN says:

    That cake sounds amazing!!! So glad you two had a good v-day and what a sweet boy you've got. 🙂

  4. Cant wait to try that cake!!!

  5. Faith says:

    your tulips are amazing, so pretty!

    and that looks like the perfect dessert. easy too! i have wanted to make it since Valerie posted it on her blog.

  6. Kristin says:

    There's nothing wrong with sending thank-yous right away! I actually get annoyed when I hear people say that they're proud they did their wedding thank-yous within a year. We moved across the country 1 week after our wedding and I still had ours (over 100!)sent out within 2 weeks because I didn't want it hanging over me. Good for you!

  7. Amy says:

    That was so sweet of Jeff! Just a few more weeks…how exciting!!! It seems like y'all are more than prepared for your sweet little arrival!!!

  8. I'm a new follower! Hope your feeling well. I am due the 10th. Your husband is a sweetheart for sending the flowers! -Heidi

  9. Lindsay says:

    So excited for you! I also go to TWC. Not sure who you see but Dr. D and Dr. O were wonderful when I had my baby girl.

  10. Erin says:

    I love that Jeff got lil miss a present too– you guys are already such great parents 🙂

    I was OCD about getting my wedding thank you's out– I think it's important! I did a similar system of writing a thank you note and then letting myself put away our new item somewhere!

  11. Beautiful flowers! I saw that on Valerie's blog and thought how yummy it looked! I may have to make it too !

  12. Tiffany says:

    What a sweet hubs!! Beautiful flowers!!!

  13. Kayln says:

    I'm officially the WORST photo challenge partner EVER!!! I promise I'm going to post a serious update tomorrow!!!
    ps. GORGEOUS flowers!!!

  14. So sweet that he got her a V-day gift! Loved that!

  15. I've made cake in the microwave before and it's good! It really hit me when you said Caroline is going to be here in a few weeks! What!? Craziness!

  16. Shari says:

    I love that Jeff bought Caroline a gift. So sweet. And, I really like your thank you note system. I'm so bad at these..I think your system would help me majorly!

  17. BeckyJo606 says:

    I love tulips! Such a sweet gesture! And, I love that he bought Caroline a Valentine's Day gift! 🙂 Hope you're having a great Thursday! 🙂

  18. lori says:

    i love the tulips!!! soooo sweet.

    and i know you are so excited that by the next holiday you could have that sweet baby girl in your arms 🙂

  19. such a thoughtful hubby with the flowers. and an even more thoughtful future daddy with the monkey 🙂 always thinking of his girls! hope you are feeling better today. congrats on your almost 1000th post- thats amazing, lady!!

  20. That is so sweet that Jeff bought Caroline a Valentine's Day present!!

  21. I'm with you on the thank you notes. I like to get them done ASAP and I love doing them in general. I think it's an old, classy, ladylike tradition.

  22. Kristin says:

    Hang in there, one more month! she is gonna be soooo cute

  23. Such a sweet hubs – the flowers and the little monkey. He's going to be an amazing dad!

    Love your thank you note procedure. Definitely going to have to do this next time…

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