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Our Baby Registry…Part II: Feeding/Diapering/Bathing/Well-Being


February 7, 2012

Hello friends!! Back for round 2 of operation “let’s get prepared for everything baby!” It’s just crazy how much these little wee ones need {well I say need, some are just wants}, but you get the idea. Let’s get on with the important stuff:

Medela Pump in StyleDouble Electric Pump. To put it nicely, I’m just not certain how I am going to feel about breastfeeding. To me, it’s an extremely personal decision for a mother and so I’ve decided to try it out and see how it goes. If it is something that works for both Caroline and I, we’ll try to stick with it for a bit. If it proves to be too much/she doesn’t latch/etc, then we will seek alternative methods to ensure that baby gets the proper nutrition she needs. From every mother I know, they have raved on and on about the Medela brand, so we’re sticking with that!
{Update: we learned a lot more about breastfeeding from the class we took at the hospital…to be honest, it made the whole process a lot less confusing and I highly recommend taking a class like this for any expectant mother considering the possibility-they showed us holds, informed us on what a proper latch should look and feel like, gave us pointers on bottles/pacifiers/pumping/etc, too!}
Dr. Brown’s BPA Free Bottles. Bottles…another area of experimentation as I see it. We were informed Dr. Brown bottles are great in that they comfort the little one with a “vent system”, and is the most similar to breastfeeding. Air never mixes with the milk/formula, which helps prevent colic, spit-up, burping, and gas {we shall see about that friends, we shall see}. We registered for the infant set that has a variety of sizes of bottles and nipples to see what works best for us.

Medela Breast Milk Bottles. We also registered for Medela’s bottles, both in the 5 oz and 8 oz sizes, since they are compatible with Medela pumps—you can pump, store, and feed with 1 bottle, which is a big plus in my book! The less to clean, the better.

Aden + Anais Burpy Bibs. Another hot item that seems to be on everyone’s wish list is anything and everything from Aden + Anais. They are 100% cotton muslin, and serve 2 purposes as a bib and a burp cloth—genius! The fun prints are cute, too!
Skip Hop Splash Drying Rack in White. Space saving design (because our kitchen isn’t tremendously large), plus an attached brush, as well as the perfect shelf to hold all the feeding essentials, and you have a winner in my book. 

Mamas and Papas Baby Snug. This is basically the newest version of the Bumbo and I read a lot about it to compare the two. It adjusts as your baby grows, comes with the tray for easy feeding, is lightweight, and easy to clean. Personally, I think it’s a lot prettier to the eye rather than the Bumbo—but that is totally just my preference.


Diaper Dekor Plus. In the world of champs, genies, and such, we decided on a slightly different option. With a hands-free step disposal, that had me sold! It’s also odor-free, larger capacity than a few others on the market, and isn’t a complete eye sore. Only downside is that you have to buy specific refill bags, which we registered for as well.

Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers. The diaper aisle…now this is a topic that could have its own post, but I wanted to make it as simple as possible. When I was little, I was a Huggies baby and so was Jeff {yes, we absolutely asked our moms to verify}. So, we’re going to give these a shot and hope for the best. My grandparents have done their own independent research and have stocked me up. Remember, this is a team effort my friends, and everyone is involved.
Huggies Extra Sensitive Baby Wipes. These contain aloe as well as Vitamin E, are hypoallergenic and fragrance free. Here again, personal preference as I assume there are tons of great options, but our family loves the Huggies brand.
Prince Lionheart Premium Wipes Warmer. I’ve been told this isn’t a necessity, but more of a little luxury to make diaper changes a tad bit more pleasant. The warmer helps keep wipes fresh, and the pop-up lid makes it easy to use when your hands could be occupied with other “exciting” things ;).

A+D Ointment. This is why it pays off to have mom friends, so they can be the testers for everything before me…if I’ve heard one thing more than any other, it’s to stock up on A+D ointment and never leave home without a travel tube. Helps to relieve minor irritation, and the nurses at Baptist recommend using it with each and every diaper change to prevent diaper rash.

Mustela Stelactiv Severe Cream. In cases where you can’t prevent diaper rash, mom friends have told me that Mustela’s cream is one of the best. It works quickly to treat the area the FIRST time without having to reapply over and over again.


Primo Eurobath Kit in White. I know, the giant blue whale is a top registry item for most, yet this was a top contender for us—5-star reviews from multiple sites, and transitions easily from birth to 24+ months so you only have to buy 1 infant tub. It supports babies by “cradling” their arms and legs, and the plug is easy to drain, too, which I’ve been told is VERY helpful. Even better, it’s white so it goes with everything. {can you tell I don’t like it when everything screams “baby”?}

Swaddle Designs Hooded Towels and Washcloths. Bathing essentials that every little one needs, and I think they should be cute, too—I’ve been told this is one of the best in how they hold up after use, softness of the materials (cotton and terrycloth), and they are really absorbent to keep Caroline warm straight out of the tub.
RH Baby and Child Hooded Towels. I also registered for these (and these) adorable hooded towels from my favorite baby décor store. They are simple, personalized, and are large, so they can transition to use when Caroline is a toddler, too! 
Mustela Newborn Gift Set. I was told that the starter set is perfect because you get to try out multiple items and Mustela is supposedly great for a newborns’ sensitive skin. This comes with foam shampoo, barrier cream, gentle cleanser, and body cream.
We also registered for the traditional Johnson & Johnson line of baby products (baby shampoo, moisture wash, and lotion) because we all know nothing smells better than a clean and fresh wee one.
Crane Drop Shape Humidifier. When I was little, I couldn’t survive without a humidifier in my room—granted, I had really bad asthma so it was a necessity, but I’ve been told that it’s always a good idea to invest in one of these gadgets to allow the little one to breathe easier. It also helps with congestion, and cold/flu symptoms and increases air moisture. This one is energy efficient, too-yay for the environment!

Other must-haves we registered for: Nasal Aspirator, Medicine Syringe, Little Tummys Gas Relief Drops, Rectal Thermometer {yes, I’ve asked numerous times, this is the best way to get the proper temperature reading}, Summer Infant Brush and Comb Set/Nail Clipper Set, and Orajel Day/Night Pain Reliever.

So there you have it–round two of everything baby! Exciting stuff, isn’t it? 😉
The final registry roundup featuring all the fun goodies and toys will come soon, so stay tuned!

  1. I just started to register so this is super helpful to compare notes on! I had never heard of the Mamas and Papas Baby Snug…looks super cute!

  2. All this baby stuff is so fun! Love reading your updates Natasha!

  3. Aww! Everything is super cute.

  4. Erin says:

    Everything is so cute and beautiful! I like the "snug" you're right.. it's much cuter than the original bumbo 😉

  5. a' la mode says:

    Hey girlie, first of all CONGRATS!! ok, so my 'baby' just turned 2 and I am a baby item freak. and snob, lol. I pride myself on finding the 'best' of everything- you can find a lot of my faves on my blog, but I think you did awesome on your registry! I had all of those things except the new baby seat wasn't out yet when k was born. I have just 2 suggestions for you. 1. don't waste your money on the medela bottles. You won't use them. You can buy playtex liners and a little kit that screws them right onto your medela and it is SO much easier to pump when you don't have hard bottles hanging from your 'girls' (lol)….the liners are maliable and soft so it is easier to move about (typing on laptop, whatever, just trust me- I had both!) Then you just pour your breastmilk into your regular bottles or you can even screw a playtex nipple right on to the liner to feed the baby! Also, I had ALL of the Dr. Browns bottles and then when I decided to stay home full time and let my nanny go, and had to wash all of those bottle parts I went BACK to Babies R Us and bought all new Avent bottles- SO MUCH BETTER. Less to clean and just as good for baby, no gas bubbles, etc. Less parts, less mess. Just a couple of thoughts for you. Also, you should get a few wubbanubs- best EVER! If you have any specific questions or anything I am HAPPY to answer you!! I am a freak about baby stuff and know ALL the GOOD stuff, yes, I am a crazy woman =) SO happy for you!! xoxo shel

  6. a' la mode says:

    ps- buy the vicks digital thermometer, buy probe covers and use for the rectum, FASTEST read ever which is what you want and works the best (trust me, I bought them all) lol. xoxo

  7. a' la mode says:

    Do NOT lose the nasal aspirator from the hospital as it is the best. Also, go to essex and get a nose frieda- yes it is weird and kinda gross but it works WONDERS.

  8. a' la mode says:

    CHeck out itzy ritzy online. Cutest wet/dry bags and the BEST shopping cart cover. Their organic breast pads are the BEST too.

  9. a' la mode says:

    get a tub with a newborn sling – I didnt' and wished that I did, the baby is so stinking tiny and it is hard to bathe them in that big old baby tub- then buy a hopbop bato when baby is bigger- both awesome.

  10. a' la mode says:

    Keep your receipts for the diapers you bought and don't buy too many bc your baby can have a reaction to them and you might have to change brands =) We had to use pampers sensitive for k and had to return all other diapers…..just a thought =) Also, I bought every diaper cream on the market (and love the mustela brand, everything they make) but the one that happen to work best for k was butt paste. It is all kiddo specific! xoxo shel

  11. a' la mode says:

    I hijacked your blog today! (sorry) Did I mention how adorable you look???? I'm kinda missing that preggo feeling, geez, maybe it is almost time for another? lol xoxo shel

  12. Julia says:

    Don't forget your dinner pic! I can't wait to see what you made 🙂

  13. In addition to A&D ointment, I highly recommend Boudreaux's Buttpaste. It can be found at Walmart, BabysRUs, Target, etc. Both of my kids had very sensitive skin so diaper rashes were a very common thing & Boudreaux's was a lifesaver! It very quickly healed diaper rashes & redness.

  14. Kristen says:

    I agree with a'la mode on the Butt Paste, it is awesome! Worked much better than A+D on our little man.

  15. As I'm sure u already know, everyone has an opinion on baby things and not every thing works for every baby. We used the huggies natural in the beginning when K was super tiny. I hated pampers, once he got bigger we found that the target up and up diapers were fantastic, my pedi. Recommended them. For bottles I luckily had a few different kinds on hand because Keating hated the dr browns. I'm glad he did because I hated washing them! I also got numerous paci types because they dont all like the same kind. He ended up liking the Nuk genius. Just do what works for you and keep receipts so that you can return! Also if u get diaper brands you don't like, babies r us will take most of them back and give u store credit.

  16. Angela says:

    The twins I nanny for used the Dekor, and let me tell you, that thing is hands down the best diaper pail ever! You never smell it! Some of those things can make a room smell funky, but not that one!! It rocks and we had poopy diapers times 2!!! Good choice!

  17. Shari says:

    I love the hooded towels. I'm looking into getting one of those for my new niece. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  18. Kendyl says:

    Thanks so much for posting your registry lists! I am exactly a month behind you in my pregnancy (due April 17th) with my first! I have enjoyed reading your blog and it has been really helpful when it comes to all these baby things!!

  19. I seriously need to bookmark this for when I someday have a little bun in the over! You are so prepared!!

  20. Jen says:

    You will love the Aden + Anais Burpy Bibs. I recommend the swaddle blankets as well. My baby girl is 4 months old and loves them. We have found that Dr. Brown's bottles are great as well. P.S. I love reading your blog!

  21. Samantha says:

    ahhh! that is soooo exciting! I can't wait to have a baby one daY!

  22. Great list! I was and still am obsessed with all Muestela products and Adian and Anais blankets and bibs. I will have to try the Baby snug for our next baby!

  23. Nicole Marie says:

    humidifiers are great! i still use one sometimes when i'm sick

  24. hey girl, ive been a reader for a while and just wanted to say you are such a cute preggo! we got married 2 months after you & jeff and i just love following along your journey into motherhood. 🙂 ~lia

  25. Hey! Great job with the registry! I have just about everything on itand love it all. One suggestion to go with your pump that I couldn't live with out was the handsfree bra that you put the breast pump through so you can have your hands free while pumping. It was sooooo worth it and I used it every time. If you need help finding it just email me and I'll send you the link. Hope your feeling well sweet girl!

  26. How exciting for you to stock up on everything for baby! Must make it feel very real for you!

  27. We got the same bath tub and think it is perfect. We fold up a receiving blanket to put inside to make it a little more "comfy" for baby but think it works well!

    I agree with the above about the Boudreaux's Buttpaste!

    Also, keep your receipts for the diapers bc they grow out of sizes FAST!! I just taped them to the box so they didn't get lost or I put them in the drawer of the changing table in a folder. (I did the same with baby clothes)

    I would also recommend the lamaze toys and a security blanket!

    For burp cloths don't get the fancy ones, they get stained and aren't worth the money, we returned the ones we got as gifts and just got cloth diapers. They work AWESOME as burp clothes!

    We got the Avent bottles instead of Dr. Browns and have loved them! Easy to clean and not so many parts! ALSO, you can get an awesome microwave steamer and it works GREAT!!

    I loved my medela breast pump, BEST investment ever!! 🙂

  28. All looks great! We have the diaper dekor plus, wipes warmer and a lot of the other stuff (and that pump – it rocks)!

    As a few others have said, I purchased bottles w/ tons of parts after researching and researching (Born Free) and they were a HUGE pain to clean. In fact, we used them for maybe a month and then I switched to Playtex Drop-ins. Oh, how I love them!!! SO EASY!!! But, at the time, you couldn't have convinced me that Jackson didn't need the Born Free bottles, because I had in my mind that they were best! Ha! Jackson has never been picky and took anything well — the Medela bottles were great too and we used them a lot when I was pumping! I looked into that set so you could pump directly into them, but never got it…. I too am all about what's most convenient and quickest!

    So excited for you!!! I loved all of this stuff, all though it was fairly stressful!

    I put together a list of my "baby must haves" for a blog (Stella & Henry) and am hoping they do a post of my "mommy faves" soon. If / when they do, I'll send you a link so you can see if there's anything you like (lots of this was on there!).

    Happy day!

  29. Mrs. SE says:

    I've given all of my friends Mustela products for their shower gifts and everybody has loved them. Their nursing creme is supposed so be especially good. Also- you can buy it on drugstore.com and get some cash back!

  30. i have the diaper dekor plus & i love it! never had a problem with it being smelly & i am still using it three years later! you can use your own bags & there should be instructions, but i like the bags that are specific for it.

  31. Kristen says:

    you've got a great list here! A&D ointment is amazing..my pediatrician recommended it on our first visit and that is all we've ever needed {so far} i'm planning to do a post about my fave newborn things, but off the top of my head…burp cloths-we use gerber cloth diapers and they work so well, just make sure you get the quilted kind. it will almost be getting warm once your little one arrives but i love the swaddle me flannel blankets–warmer than the aiden & anais swaddle blankets. i actually use the medela bottles most..i have dr. browns as well but haven't tried them yet. i like the medela ones because they are easy to use with the pump. it's so fun picking out all the baby stuff 🙂 oh, and in response to your comment about exercise…ha! it's a work in progress. i just had my 6 week postpartum appt. and got the go ahead to "resume all activity"…and really wasn't quite ready until then anyway. the healing/transition process definitely takes weeks. i'm so excited for you! being a mom really is the best.

  32. SSM says:

    Hello Natasha,

    We also used the Dr Brown bottles and the same wipe warmer (don't listen to what people say it really does come in handy). If they get cold you can only imagine what happens.

    We also purchased that same tub.

    Enjoy your presents and purchases.

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