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Photo Challenge Day 2: Words and Brain Banter


February 2, 2012

1. Yesterday I started the February Photo-A-Day Challenge–today’s category is “words”. it is one of my favorite quotes that I wrote out this morning. Oh what fun!

2. The Superbowl is fast approaching on Sunday…shout out to Eli and the NY Giants, for I am cheering for a Manning boy of course! I can’t lie, I always get more excited about the food and commercials than the actual game-this year, I found some great Superbowl posts from fellow bloggers for food ideas…check them out here, here, and here.

3. I got the best package delivered on Monday-another Etsy find! I stumbled across Dilly Baby a few months ago and bookmarked it so I could purchase a Change N Go system-a way to conveniently transport diapers, wipes, and a changing pad all in one! I absolutely love it and the Ppoppies Amy Butler pattern is perfect.

4. Tuesday night, I finished reading my first book of 2012-Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Fantastic read, and it’s quite the pageturner. Hops from present day in Paris back to 1942 during WWII. Ready to get started on #2 this year…any ideas you can send my way would be wonderful!

5. I have been on a shopping spree lately for Little Miss-with such cute spring stuff out on the racks, how can I say no? Here are some new additions to Caroline’s closet: {P.S. is it obvious I heart stripes and patterns?}

6. Opry Mills is FINALLY set to reopen in 54 days! I cannot wait for my favorite outlet mall to reopen with some new stores {Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren among a few others}…perfect indoor place to take the little one for shopping adventures during maternity leave.

I know the groundhog technically saw his shadow this morning, but if we’re in for 6 more weeks of temperatures like we’ve been having in Music City, winter can stay around and I won’t be complaining one bit! Mid 60s today with loads of sunshine-happy day!!  
  1. Caroline says:

    Opry Mills is reopening?! Can't wait. Now I won't have to drive to Lebanon for the Ralph Lauren outlet. Love!

  2. Meredith says:

    Yay that's great news Opry Mills reopening loved coming down that way for outlet shopping.

  3. I used to love Opry Mills when I lived in Nashville! I'm planning on making some fun super bowl foods too! Have a great day!

  4. Shari says:

    so many things to say today.

    1. love that quote.
    2. Those chocolate football lollipops are adorable, and now you have me wanting to make them.
    3. I am looking into this change-n-go system for my BFF, so thank you.
    4. We are reading Sarah's Key for my book club. I just started it and am already very intrigued. I have quite a few book recommendations. Let me know what you are looking for?
    5. Love all of the new clothes for Caroline. So cute.

    And, lastly..I finally particpated in your post you tagged me in. Be sure to stop by and check it out. Happy Thursday, friend! 🙂

  5. Ooo I must check out the diaper change n go! Also love that cute little green dress! 😉

  6. Kayln says:

    Ummm SUCH cute clothes for Caroline!!! How fun to shop for a baby girl :). And book suggestions… Girls in White Dresses (easy, fast read but still great), Bossypants (Tina Fey's book, first 50 pgs arent that great but the rest is laugh out loud hysterical), Lies that Chelsea Handler Told Me (I've read all her books and this was my fave).

  7. Leslie says:

    Stop buying things! 😉 I was totally going to buy the changing system for you and Aid haha

  8. Mrs. W says:

    Such cute little bitty outfits! You are going to have so much fun dressing your little one up!

  9. Jess says:

    Sarah's Key is on my book list too! Can't wait to read it!

  10. I love that first quote and exciting all the new stuff you are getting for Caroline. I know that you can't wait for her to be here. Have a great day 🙂

  11. Lauren says:

    I'm doing the photo challenge too, via Instagram! You're going to be such a great mom!!!

    Love the quote!


  12. Charity says:

    Yes the Superbowl is fast approaching and as someone who LIVES where the Superbowl is, I am hoping it quickly goes away!!! It's cool that half the US is here but man alive. I don't even live in Indy, just about 45 mins out of it, and our hotels are full and so are the roads.

  13. Oh my goodness! Those little spring outfits are adorable! She is going to be such a lucky little, stylish lady! I love the Change N Go, too. Just don't forget a little roll of plastic bags to store any soiled clothes (what a shame, but it will probably happen to some of those precious outfits while you're out somewhere and you'll need to stash them until you get home to wash) or dispose of some stinky diapers while you're out with your little Miss. This is the voice of experience talking… 😉

  14. That diaper sack is so cute!! As for a second book some of my recent favorites are: Firefly Lane(this one is an all-time fav), American Wife, and The Swan House!

  15. Samantha says:

    I loooove baby girls outfits super cute!! If you have a TJ Maxx where you live check it out…tons of cute little girl ralph lauren dresses for spring!

  16. meghan says:

    Shopping for clothing for a little girl is so much fun! Love your picks and the nursery bedding is just beautiful. 🙂

  17. Mrs. SE says:

    I heard that book was really good, now I might try and pick it up!

  18. Heather says:

    I was kind of underwhelmed by the 2nd half of Sarah's Key but it was still pretty good. I recently reviewed the Luxe series. It's like Gossip Girl but set in the late 1800s. Pretty fun!

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