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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Photo Challenge-Day 3: Hands


February 3, 2012

*My hands are indeed swollen…blame it on the bambino 😉
*I’m sporting pink nails for the month of love-Essie’s In Stitches to be exact
*I love jean days at work
*I know, I have old lady hands-unlike my hubby who claims he could be a “hand model”-totally just sold you out my darling-hehe

Yall have a GREAT weekend!!

  1. Cait says:

    obsessed with the ring 🙂 and your pretty nail polish!

  2. Jeans at work day is my favorite day of the week. My maternity life would really be much easier if I could wear them every day!

  3. LOOK at your BELLY!!! SO CUTE! and I LOOVE that Essie color. 🙂

  4. beautiful ring & cute baby bump!!

  5. Kayln says:

    omg you don't have old lady hands AT ALL! so freaking cute your belly shows and i LOVE your bracelets!!!

  6. Julia says:

    I am doing the photo challenge too! Check out my blog 🙂

  7. Allyson says:

    Your ring is just gorgeous! I wish I had the self-discipline to do a photo challenge…but I'm loving reading yours!


  8. i'm jess says:

    Hi Natasha! I'm a new follower and just wanted to say Hi! love your blog! I wish we had a jeans day at work… I love your nail color! Have a great weekend!

  9. Shari says:

    I love that I can see your baby belly in this photo. 🙂 Happy Friday friend!

  10. the bump is toooo precious! and your ring is just gorgeous 🙂

  11. ok…obsessed with your ring!! and yay for jean day on Fridays!! 🙂

  12. Jess says:

    I love your bangles and nail polish. Super cute pic!

  13. Looooove your pretty ring! So sparkly! Oh yes, and your nails too! 😉

  14. Arielle says:

    Love your ring!! haha:) what exactly cut and name should I have on my list for when I get engaged one day??

  15. Katy says:

    I enjoy your blog..love your nail polish…your hands look beautiful…especially with that stunning ring and baby bump sneaking in the pic.

    I a doing the challenge too. Feel free to check out my blog…

    Happy Weekend!

  16. lori says:

    pretty ring 🙂 and your nails are lovely, too.

  17. Lindsay says:

    Oh my word your ring is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! WOW! It is seriously stunning!!!! 🙂

  18. Andee Layne says:

    very cute and beautiful ring! how far along are you?! Im 33 weeks xo

  19. your ring is absolutely stunning! and don't worry, they do not look swollen at all.
    can't wait to see your little "bambino" on the way! 🙂
    xo TJ

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