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Scatterbrained…and Photo Challenge Updates!


February 8, 2012

It’s Wednesday, which is the perfect time to do a scatterbrained post including anything and everything that seems to be crossing my mind these days…

1. I seriously do not think there is anything cuter than baby bathing suits…I’m clearly obsessed. Little Bit already has 3 to take with her to the beach this summer, and I am finding it hard to contain my excitement over “baby beachwear”. Seriously, how can anyone say no to these?
{P.S. I am secretly hoping Caroline is a chubby little monkey because there simply is nothing sweeter than a bambino with little rolls in a swimsuit-ha!} 

 2. I finished buying Jeff’s Valentine’s Day presents yesterday-we wanted to get creative, so we set a $20 budget and I used every penny-savvy shopper! I know he is going to be pumped for his little goody basket filled with fun surprises. 
3. I’m wrapping these photo-a-day challenges into a few at a time…
February 6: dinner…yes, this is a bowl of ice cream because that is what I had for dinner. Edy’s Fudge Tracks to be specific, so sweetly brought home to me from the hubs

February 7-button. I desperately want to make this button letter art for Caroline’s nursery at some point. Maybe this will give me the inspiration I need to make it happen.

February 8: sun. I’m including a pic of the weather here in Nashville on my way to work this morning…dreary and foggy=no sun {and yes, before anyone judges, I am listening to Lil Wayne-I needed some “get up and go” and I promise, Caroline likes it, too!}

4. Since I’ve been a slacker recently and haven’t been cooking as much, I thought I’d whip up something last night…it was AMAZING and oh so easy! Pizza grilled cheeses: take turkey pepperoni slices + 2 slices of provolone + 2 slices of whole grain bread + pizza sauce + a dash of italian seasoning…then spread margarine on both outside slices of the bread and use a griddle/cast iron skillet to melt just until a crispy crust appears-easy, semi-healthy, and yall, the hubby loved it!

5. The Real Housewives have taken over my TV this week so far…Reunion Part II of Beverly Hills and the premiere of the new season of OC-yes, this is my weakness and I tune in every week to see these women go nuts and get crazy…I have to admit, I missed Vicki’s notorious “woohoo!” moments, so I am happy to see her back in action. 

6. I am so excited for today! Jeff is coming to take me out to lunch and we’re going to get a tour of the preschool where we’ve enrolled Little Bit starting in June…fingers crossed everything goes well and I dont break down like the emotional trainwreck I am these days. 

P.S. thanks to so many of you who left encouraging and insightful tips adn advice regarding the baby registry post yesterday…makes me feel a lot better knowing I am on the right track and have made some {what I hope will be} wise decisions-it’s so good to know I have successful mommy blogger friends out there who are always willing to jump in and help!
Happy Hump Day friends!

  1. Omgosh, today is the preschool tour?! EXCITING!! Also, how cute would it be if they made MATCHING mommy swim suits?

  2. jayme says:

    i'm so obsessed with the real housewives! i know you don't like her, but i think brandi is hilarious. such a devils advocate and so proud of herself. haha, also… so happy the oc is back! and $4.7 mill for a LOT?! why am i marrying an accountant instead of a plastic surgeon? just kiddin. xo

  3. Kayln says:

    I LOVE chubby babies – I hope Caroline is one too ;). Those swimsuits are adorableeeee btw. So jealous you have a little one to shop for!

    Ps. I TOTALLY fell off the photo challenge bandwagon but will play catch-up today 🙂

  4. chelsieast says:

    If you don't love the preschool I know a really cool lady that would love to keep her!!!!!

  5. Lindsay says:

    oh my word a preschool tour…so fun!!! it is becoming more and more real i bet. i am sur eyou and your hubs will LOVE the preschool and you will feel great about leaving your little miss there 🙂
    oh and i am so on board with you about a chubby little bambino in a swimsuit, it is the cutest thing ever!!! 🙂

  6. I'm IN LOVE with that little yellow bathingsuit!! I got Olivia a bunch from Old Navy last summer when they were on clearance and I CAN NOT wait for her to wear them! She is JUST starting to get chubby and I agree a chubby little baby in a bathingsuit is SO cute! 🙂

    I'm OBSESSED with the Real Housewives too!! I DVRed the reunion and OC to watch this weekend! 🙂

  7. The first little bathing suit is adorable!! And I am with you on the Real Housewives of OC…they're NUTS but I can't help but watch! 🙂

  8. Sarah says:

    Oh my…where did you find those bathing suits??Baby Sally needs some more 🙂

  9. Hey, I meant to tell you yesterday when I saw your post! I thought about you this weekend. We were using one of our fav baby items, and I told Brian "I've got to tell Natasha and Jeff about this, because they would love it." It's the Chicco Caddy Hook-On Chair. We use it when we travel, go out to eat, etc. I thought it might be up your alley, since y'all are on the go a lot. We registered for it, and got it as a gift. Whenever we use it, people stop us and say that they wish they had that when they had kids.

  10. lori says:

    i completely agree!! there is NOTHING cuter than baby rolls in a swim suit. love all the ones you picked. so presh!

  11. omg, my poor hubby. he can't go a day without catching a glimpse of some real housewives episode… whether it be a reunion or a premiere. me on the other hand; i LOVE it 🙂 such a guilty pleasure! enjoy your lunch date out!

  12. Sarah says:

    So many things about this post!

    First, that one-strap bathing suit… I saw that at Gap the other day…I want it so bad, but I think my sweet little girl will be too little for sunning this year! 🙂

    Those pizza sandwiches….I think they are going on my menu for next week.

    And last, The Real Housewives of OC…it is a little sad how excited I got last night when I realized they were on! 🙂

  13. Great post! Those suits are darling!

  14. Ashley says:

    oh my gosh! I am totally making pizza grilled cheese this weekend! that sounds delicious!!

    I ADORE that first baby suit you posted – too darling!

  15. OMG those swimsuits are the cutest! and yay for housewives!!!

  16. Oh goodness, thouse swimsuits are insanely cute! I am so grateful that I have boys. We would be so poor with all of the money that I would spend on girl clothes! 🙂

  17. Miss V says:

    I just adore you! Lil wayne, cutie patootie bathing beauty suits, preschool visits, and real housewives of OC… you are a girl after my own heart! ALSO is it bad that I kind of want that last baby bathing suit to come in a grown up style? Ha! Have a great day mama! xo

  18. Those little swimsuits are adorable!

  19. Julia says:

    Oh my gosh those suits are SO freakin adorable. I would be SO broke if I had had a girl. LOL

  20. Kaytee says:

    LOVE the swimsuits! I ate ice cream for dinner all the time while pregnant with Kenley! I hate not having that option anymore… xo Kaytee


  21. Mrs. W says:

    OMG…that sandwich looks amazing! And little bitty bathing suits are just adorable.

  22. {Ashley} says:

    The bathing suits are so cute!!! Will you start posting the sites that you are ordering from?

  23. Shari says:

    Those swimsuits are SO cute! That sandwich looks amazing, and I too tune into the Real Housewives. It's addicting. One you start, you can't stop.

  24. The suits are ADORABLE!! I love the little one shoulder one 😉 Hope you're feeling well… getting close to meeting Baby Caroline!

  25. Caroline says:

    Yummy sandwiches!! 🙂 And there's nothing wrong with eating ice cream for dinner!

  26. There is nothing cuter than ruffles on a tiny bathing suit!

  27. 1. Those swimsuits are the cutest things I have ever seen!

    2. I am obsessed with ALL of the Real Housewives….I just can't help it!

  28. I love a chubby baby too–Caroline is going to be a beach babe!! Can't wait to hear about the preschool!

  29. Kristen says:

    oh my, those bathing suits are adorable! i was just looking at that yellow one on the gap site today.. E already has 2 as well that I got last summer. baby girls are SO fun to shop for!

  30. Jamie says:

    How cute are those bathing suits?! Love them!

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