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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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39 Weeks and a VERY Happy Birthday!


March 14, 2012

How Far Along? 39 weeks, 5 days…3 days to go
Size of the Peanut? Only the biggest fruit there isβ€”a
watermelon! Caroline is weighing in at 7.25 pounds and
she is estimated at a whopping 20 inches long
Maternity Clothes? I’m working whatever covers my
ginormous belly these days…I cannot lie, I am so happy I am taking this week
off and I am not having to worry about wearing β€œcorporate appropriate” attire. However, spring/summer temps have invaded Nashville (80s no less) and I am having to rummage through my closet to find spring-like clothes to work with. Difficult yes, impossible, NO!
Weight Gain? 29 pounds
Stretch Marks? I haven’t seen any…so we’ll call that a no!
Gender? If she would hurry up and come out I would be able to
see my darling GIRL!  
Sleep? Sleep…obviously I didn’t have to wait to have a baby to find
out what it’s like not to sleep. There isn’t much of that going on in our house
these days and it shows :/
Food Cravings? How the heck am I going to give up
these doughnuts once Caroline comes? My menu preferences are quite repetitive:
cereal, doughnuts, bananas, pizza, peanut butter/apples, hot dogs, and ice cream.
What I Miss? Everything from my β€œformer life”…I
feel like a walrus this week. Maybe I miss my optimism and the ability to be
patientβ€”not my best attribute and I’m not afraid to admit it.
Symptoms? Braxton Hicks contractions, the
endless potty breaks, tiredness
Belly Button? Definitely Out!
Best Moment of the Week?  More progress at
the doctor! 3cm dilated and 70% effaced…I won’t even go into the other details
as I don’t want to scare you friends. We went ahead and scheduled my 40 week
appointment and ultrasound for next Monday, though I am praying to the Good
Lord that I see my doctor before that for her to deliver Miss Priss. Then they
went ahead and walked me through the induction process which is scheduled for
the 25th if she decides to be β€œdifficult”.
And in other important news, I wanted to make sure I took a moment this morning to wish my #1 guy a Happy Birthday!! Today is Jeff’s 28th birthday and we began the celebration bright and early this morning when I surprised him with Krispy Kreme doughnuts…his absolute favorite treat!
Baby, I hope you know how much joy and happiness you bring to my world each and every day–our life is a fun adventure and there is NEVER a dull moment with you… I thank God for such an amazing husband and best friend. I am one very lucky girl ;). I love you Jeff!! OXOX
  1. CMae says:

    You look so happy pregnant!!! So often people dont post as many pictures of themselves but you never hesitate!! Love that!! One week left! hang in there!!!

  2. Aww yay! Happy b-day to your hubby! Looking beautiful as ever in your weekly bump pictures! She will be here before you know it!

  3. Holly says:

    Lady… You're almost to the finish line. Eat up all of the donuts you can without judgement.

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. Happy Birthday to sweet Jeff! Awww, Caroline and Jeff will have birthdays so close together!

  5. SO sweet! Happy Birthday to Jeff! And OMGGGGGGG you're SO close! She could come any day now!! So so excited for you Natasha!!! Fingers crossed she makes an early debut! πŸ˜‰

  6. I hear you on feeling like a walrus… I think I used the term beached whale last night! You're so close! Do you have a local restaurant that specializes in eggplant Parmesan? We have a place here that swears it sends you into labor and it worked for me at 28 weeks! Their recipe is online if you want me to send it over?

  7. Tiffany says:

    Happy birthday to Jeff! And you look precious, as always! She's about ready to make her grand entrance!!

  8. Yay she's almost here!!! Hope everything goes well and she makes her debut soon for you! Best of luck!

  9. Erin says:

    Happy Bday to Jeff! You two make such a good-looking couple, I can't even imagine how gorgeous sweet C is going to be!!!!

  10. Kayln says:

    so close so close!!!! happy birthday to jeff!!

  11. Lori Supek says:

    I would like to know….. How does one look so gorgeous being 39 weeks preggo?? It amazes me how great you look!


  12. Kristin says:

    Happy Birthday to Jeff!! Sweet C is almost here!

  13. almost there! yayyy

    happy bday jeff!

  14. Sarah says:

    Oh my goodness, any minute now!! πŸ™‚ Thinking about you and little miss this week and praying for a safe delivery! πŸ™‚

    And Happy Birthday to you Hubby!

  15. You are SO close, friend! I had Alaina at exactly 39 weeks! You look fantastic, 29 pounds is great!

  16. Sarah says:

    You are almost there…enjoy this time and soak in every moment!

  17. This could possibly be your last weekly update post!! YAY!!

    Happy birthday to your hubby!! πŸ™‚

  18. . says:

    You look great, so close!! Happy B-Day to Jeff, today is my husbands B-Day also!! Great day:)

  19. Almost there!!! I can't believe how time as flown! So excited for you guys! And a very happy birthday to your hubs!

  20. Day Old News says:

    You are so close, I'm excited for you! And you still look beautiful. Can't wait to see little miss!

  21. KRISTIN says:

    So sweet! Happy Birthday Jeff!

  22. jayme says:

    waaahoooo!!!!! happy birthday jeff and happy almost birthday to caroline! so so excited. you're almost there!


  23. You are beautiful — seriously – you look freaking fantastic at almost 40 weeks pregnant!!

    And time has flown by! I cannot believe she'll be here so soon! I'm praying for you and hoping that little miss decides to come soon! Coming from someone who went ahead with an induction (4 days past due), I can honestly say that I wish I would have waited another day or two. But, I was over it at that point and am a planner, so it was ultra appealing! Haha!!

    Hugs and prayers for your little family!!!!

    And happy 28th to the hubs!

  24. You look beautiful!!!! Happy 39 weeks!

    And Happy Birthday to Jeff!

    Saying prayers for you in these last days πŸ™‚

  25. You look great! Heres to hoping that baby girl comes soon because I know how hard the end is!!

  26. Meredith says:

    Happy Birthday to Jeff!!! I wish my pregnancy weight gain was not so much!! Ugh I hope I don't hit more than 29-30 lbs.

  27. Jessica says:

    Oh my gosh, you're almost there!!!! Best of luck to you for a safe & healthy delivery. Hopefully the little lady baby will come on her own πŸ™‚ XOXO

  28. Raquel says:

    You look GLOWING! So beautiful πŸ™‚ I bet you're so ecstatic for little caroline to come now!

  29. Shari says:

    Happy birthday to Jeff. Have a fabulous day! πŸ™‚

  30. Miss V says:

    Can't wait to meet little Caroline! You look great and your hair is getting so long! Happy birthday to your love! Also loving the fitness post thanks for the info will bookmark it for when the time comes for me πŸ˜‰ Hope you're enjoying the last few days of nesting and resting at home. Sending so much love to your little fam xo.

  31. Cassie says:

    Natasha you are so cute preggers!
    Random question where did you get the shelf in the pictures of your bedroom?

  32. Jess says:

    Ahhhh! The day is quickly approaching! CONGRATS! I can't wait and happy birthday to your sweet husband!

  33. Angie says:

    Girlie you are looking amazing! Hang in there, won't be long now πŸ™‚

    Happy Birthday to Jeff!

    Hope you all have a great week.

  34. Angie says:

    Girlie you are looking amazing! Hang in there, won't be long now πŸ™‚

    Happy Birthday to Jeff!

    Hope you all have a great week.

  35. Amber says:

    She's almost here!!!! You look stunning, as usual!! Still only growing mostly in the belly. Lucky you! My friend had her son last week, she was about 4cm when her water broke… You're close!!!! Happy bday to your hubby πŸ™‚ Can't wait till the next post– I know it's going to be all about your baby!!

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