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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself


March 12, 2012

It’s Monday and I am at home…is this for real or am I dreaming? I could TOTALLY get used to this {shhh! don’t tell Jeff or he will freak out}. Granted, it’s only day #1 of stay-at-home-wife, but I’m not complaining. I’m currently sitting in bed, sipping coffee, catching up on blogs, and listening to The Today Show. This all feels a little surreal. 

The  weekend highlights can be summed up in just a few short words…Horrible Bosses is a fun rental for a relaxed Friday night, Safehouse was action-packed and entertaining for a macho man movie, church felt like home yesterday, and operation “walk this baby out” has officially begun. Meg and I spent Sunday afternoon at our neighborhood’s greenway catching up and doing some major walking trying to use gravity as our best resource-fingers crossed this will be the week!
Until then, I am trying to keep myself calm and relaxed in anticipation of the chaos that is going to ensue shortly…I’ve got lunch dates planned, solo shopping adventures to my favorite home decor stores so I can shop for the office nook, and I’m working on some fun blog posts requested by some of you fabulous friends out there-Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

  1. Enjoy your time girl! Baby girl will be here before you know it!

  2. Erin says:

    Ahhh- cannot believe the time has come!! We are all looking SO forward to hearing all the details and seeing Miss C! Praying for you!

  3. Before I got my first "big girl" job I was a house wife and loved it! It was definitely something I could get used to. You will be busy before you know it, so enjoy every second 🙂

  4. Kate says:

    From a reader that had her water brake … I would protect your mattress and have a spare set of sheets freshly washed for when you get home! I had my baby at 37 weeks and hadn't protected my mattress yet! I went for a run early in the morning and decided to lay down and right after I did huge gush! Only thing u wasn't a 100% prepared for!

  5. Allison says:

    Hope this is the week too!!

  6. Tiffany says:

    Enjoy being home…baby girl is coming SOON!! That nursery will be full in no time. XOXO

  7. Lindsay says:

    love that quote! And oh my word, little Caroline is coming this week?!?!?!??! WOW! You are probably on cloud 9!! I sure would be 🙂
    Sounds like a perfect weekend 🙂
    Relax and enjoy your week at home 🙂

  8. Cait says:

    enjoy your time hunny! your little one will be here soon 🙂

  9. Enjoy your maternity leave! So nice to have the time off before Baby Caroline arrives! I'm watching Today Show too…one of my favorite morning rituals! 😉

  10. I hope you slept in! Maybe Jeff will get used to the idea of a cute lil stay-at-home Mommy! 🙂

  11. Arielle says:

    yay! your on leave!!! Caroline is sooo close! 🙂 Love your blog! Hope you have time to check mine out too!

  12. As one of your good friends…. go get a pedicure, lay around, take naps, have a date with Jeff every night, take long baths/showers, and read a good book. 🙂 Love you and am thinking about you this week.

  13. Can't believe she will be here soooo soon! Seems like just yesterday you told your blogging followers yall were expecting! Where does the time go?! Wishing you all the best!!

  14. AllyceR says:

    I loved my time in between work and baby. It goes by quickly so enjoy every moment and definitely take all the time you need to RELAX! 🙂 Happy Monday to you, pretty mama!

  15. Lauren says:

    Hope you enjoy every second of your time off! 🙂

  16. She's gonna be here soon, so exciting! Enjoy your time off now and relax!

  17. Shari says:

    Enjoy your time off. I'm sure it will go by so quick! 🙂

  18. Brown Girl says:

    Enjoy the time off, I've had over a month off and I'm going insane. Although you are about to have your hands full whereas all I do is sit around and get drunk…totally different. 🙂

  19. Like others have said: enjoy some "me" time!! Once the baby comes your "me" time happens less often and for shorter periods of time and is instead replaced with glorious wonderful sweet "mommy + me" time!

  20. I am so excited for you – love the operation walk the baby out 🙂 It's going to be such an exciting few weeks!

  21. Enjoy yourself and the " me" time!!

  22. What a great weekend!

    Will you be staying home or will you go back to work?

    Go like my new facebook page…I'm giving away a pair of earrings.


  23. I hope it won't be much longer! So excited for you!

  24. Caroline says:

    She'll be here before you know it!

  25. Julia says:

    So nice that you are finally off work! I did that too, took off a week before the baby was due so that I had time to REST and catch up anything that I hadn't had time for before :)) SO EXCITING!!!

  26. Enjoy your time at home!! That sounds like the perfect morning to me!

  27. Angie says:

    Enjoy your time at home!!!
    I'm sure it's a welcome change for you 🙂

  28. Samantha says:

    Enjoy your time off- 😀 You are going to need it!

  29. Amber says:

    Enjoy the quiet house while you can~ and take lots of naps!!! Your little one will be here before you know it!!!!

  30. Jess says:

    Ah! The baby comes so soon! Yay!

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