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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Just a Spoonful of Sugar…


March 15, 2012

it must be the amount of sweetness i’ve already consumed this morning due to my ritualistic cups of OJ and coffee, but i’ve got a ton of energy today! it could also be the fact that the sun is out, i’m writing thank-you notes, and finishing my last few loads of baby laundry {gosh it’s all just so stinking cute}, but i am happy as all get out this thursday!
to be honest though, this week has been a roller coaster of emotions…i’ve been going nuts with all this free time. i thought i would be able to take it easy and relax, but who am i kidding? that just isn’t me. instead, i’ve ran countless errands around town, baked, laid out in my backyard, went to the gym, and caught up on all the TV you could imagine {p.s. i’m obsessed with fashion star already}.
other miscellaneous highlights:

my new spring banner via Target
  headbands for Caroline’s newbown pictures via Little Loves Designs

my coveted afternoon snack from McD’s (only 150 calories)

finishing packing hospital bags for Caroline and I
how else am i supposed to occupy my time? on today’s agenda, i’m meeting mom for lunch, working on party planning for some fabulous showers we have coming up, shopping for my office nook, drafting blog posts for the wedding linkup that starts on monday, and possibly treating myself to a mani/pedi. i feel like will ferrell in old skool… “maybe go to bed, bath, and beyond…i don’t know, i don’t know if we’ll have enough time.” {yes, one of my all-time favorite movie quotes}
hope you all have a wonderful SPRINGTIME day!! OXOX
  1. Nicole says:

    I'm going to be on the lookout for that banner today!

  2. Mandy says:

    I love that banner! Glad you are enjoying some time to yourself before Miss Caroline makes her big debut 🙂 Every time I check your blog my fingers are always crossed that it will be a post introducing her. Can't wait!

  3. LOVE that quote!! Too funny! Oh you should do a post on what you're planning on bringing to the hospital! I would love to know! 😉

  4. I think your burst of energy is because you are about to have a baby! They say that happens a week or so before you go into labor! Have fun shopping!

  5. Lindsay says:

    that target banner is super cute! i think i might have to head on over to target 🙂
    i think you should totally treat yourself to a mani/pedi, that sounds perfect! 🙂

  6. Kayln says:

    bahaha i just laughed out loud, i LOVEEEE that quote!

    ps. look at the pic of the ice cream and what it says on your radio stations (middle left)… DYING!!! lol

  7. Kristin says:

    You're so funny-the first thing I noticed on the hospital bag pic was your list!! Probably the most important thing of all! I love love love the Spring banner!

  8. Sarah says:

    I bought the same banner! Love it! 🙂

    And I totally agree with Natasha…curious as to what all you are bringing with to the hospital! Or even what you suggest afterwards! 🙂

    And love that quote….I find myself saying it a lot lately…I guess that's what happen when you get pregnant and are a planner! HA!

  9. Erin says:

    Cuuute cute banner! 🙂

    Btw- am I the only one who noticed the word "orgy" behind your ice cream cone?!?! lol!

  10. Brown Girl says:

    That movie is awesome, in fact that quote is the story of my life recently, haha! Love the banner, too cute

  11. look at you- so prepared with your bags all packed!! 2 days… WOW, i can't believe the day is almost here 🙂

    btw, do you guys have pinkberry down south? its a kind of frozen yogurt that is tangy, delish and topped off with fresh fruit or sweet treats like chocolate chips. if you like the micky d's cones, then I think pinkberry would be right up your alley! and calorie wise it's abou the same!

  12. AllyceR says:

    Girl, I think you are doing just what you're "supposed" to be doing. That is all "your type" of relaxing so soak it up! I can't wait to see those cute headbands on her sweet lil' head! And yes, that movie quote is absolutely classic, we say it all the time!

  13. Kim says:

    A mani/pedi is a MUST before delivery. 🙂 And save some DVR'ed shows for when you're nursing… which you'll be doing a lot of soon! I'm SO excited that she's almost here! Enjoy these last few days of being able to just get out and go like you're doing!

  14. Miss V says:

    Obsessed with your diaper bag! I'm so the same way give me time "off" and suddenly I'm busier than I've ever been! And that quote gets used all the time around here on weekends, story of our life HA! Thinking of you in the final countdown!! xoxo

  15. Tricia says:

    Wow, you are really keeping busy! I can't believe your little princess is almost here. So exciting! Try to get some rest. 🙂

  16. Liesl says:

    Yay for packing your bags for the hospital! Such an exciting time ahead for you! Hope you are enjoying your spring too! 🙂

  17. Mrs. W says:

    By far my favorite movie quote!! We use it quite often. You are so close I can't wait for newborn pics! Good luck!

    Side Note: My parents are going to Nashville for the first time this weekend for the basketball games. They don't have a lot of time…but do you have any MUST SEE/DO suggestions?


  18. Sarah says:

    Yes, get a pedicure!!! I wish I would have gotten one right before Sally was born…my toes are looking crazy right now!

  19. Ashley says:

    Those headbands are so stinkin' cute!! I favorited the shop – just in case at 20 weeks our little bean is actually a bean-ette hehe 🙂

    Where is your diaper bag from? It's so nice.

  20. Angie says:

    Well it doesn't sound like your resting much BUT it does sound like your enjoying your time!

    LOVE that Spring banner!!!

    Hope your day was fabulous 🙂

  21. lori says:

    i LOVE that banner. i think i need it. seriously.

    and 150 calories? i need that ice cream, too.

    adorable headbands!!! can't wait to hear about sweet caroline's appearance.

  22. Ahh, the waiting game! I'd say rest up as much as you can because once Caroline comes you're going to be busy busy!!

  23. i LOVE McDonald's ice cream cones! my favorite!

  24. My friend Brooke has that same diaper bag and I love it!!

  25. Great minds….. love that banner!!

    And I have almost identical photos still on my camera from the weeks leading up to J's arrival (minus the cute headbands, of course).

    And YES, I love that movie quote… Cason and I say it just about any time we're listing off what we need to do. So funny!

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