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The Ultimate Wedding Week 2012 Linkup Party…The Details


March 30, 2012

It’s time for our last installment of the fun wedding week linkup party! This time, Amy from Fresh and Fancy is featuring all the special touches that make each wedding celebration unique…today, it’s all about the details!

out-of-town bags for our guests
homemade popcorn snack mix, mini jack daniels’ bottles, tennessee postcards, homemade tennessee jam cake, and all sorts of fun themed goodies
 moss covered letters for the church doors
 altar flowers with dozens of candles in honor of jeff’s father
 our guest book….a fun picture book of our engagement session photos
 reception flower arrangments
 a necessity…flip flops for everyone to dance the night away!
 painted mr and mrs signs for our chairs at the reception
custom napkins with our monogram
 my bridal bouquet and brooch as a gift from dad
 smore packets as favors for our friends to take home
 late night krystals were delivered on the dance floor…a fun surprise!!
custom wedding program…ahhh how i love paper 😉
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Amy for hosting this fun linkup…what girl doesn’t love any excuse to relive one of the best days of her life, right? For all you brides-to-be,  I hope you were able to find some helpful inspiration from everyone that participated and good luck for making your wedding day absolutely perfect!
  1. I am crazy for all things paper as well and yours looks amazing!

  2. I love the "Kick off your heels and dance!" sign with the flip flops. Cute idea!

  3. everything is so cute!

  4. Erin says:

    Your wedding is pure southern elegance. I seriously love everything about it 🙂 We did a photo guestbook too and I'm so glad! It's out on our coffee table and we've looked at it a lot, plus all our guests can when they come over!

  5. I Do Declare says:

    I had late night Krystals, too!

  6. I am SO glad you wanted to do this! Your wedding was gorgeous & I have loved seeing all of your pictures – the yellow with black is so so pretty! And how fun is Krystals as a late night snack!?! Such a fun idea! Have a great weekend new Mommy!

  7. Sarah says:

    Love it all! Question though, my good friend is getting married in July and loves the idea of doing Krystals at the end of the night…did they deliver or did you have someone go get them?

  8. The s'mores is such a cute touch! Also love that you had flowers in honor of Jeff's father…very sentimental. Loved getting to see your wedding unfold! It was gorgeous!

  9. Kaity says:

    I love all the little TN details and the Mr & Mrs signs were too cute!

  10. Shari says:

    So many great ideas. When it comes wedding time for me, I know who i'll be asking for detail advice. 🙂

  11. I love the SMORS packets as favors! I sOOoOO wanted to do this!! Yours look perfect!

  12. Allyson says:

    I love all the Tennessee details, and Krystals would be so great – love!


  13. you killed it on the details! love the flip flops- that is definitely a dance party must 😉 the altar at the ceremony with all the flowers was not only beautiful, but so sweet and thoughtful. loved getting a peek into all the elements of your big day. hope is well at home with the babe!


  14. Love the details 🙂

  15. yay for gorgeous Tennesee weddings!

  16. Liesl says:

    I think it is all about the details, and what lovely details they are! 🙂

  17. Just stumbled across this post and I know it's from so long ago – but I am getting married in August and my fiance's father passed away a couple of years ago and I'm trying to figure out the best way to honor him. I noticed the candles for Jeff's dad, did you all do anything else? Just looking for some good ideas and know that you handle etiquette well 🙂 appreciate your help!

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