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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Ultimate Wedding Week Party…The Ceremony


March 26, 2012

A new week with all new wedding linkup party fun! {P.S. as I write these, it’s funny how in 9 months, everything can change so quickly…I now have a tiny little one sleeping in her bouncy chair next to me-random, I know, but still crazy nonetheless}
Here they are: the ceremony pictures. The first big decision we made after we got engaged was where we were going to get married, and it was clear to Jeff that my heart was set on one venue…Scarritt Bennett. It’s still the one component of our wedding day that was obviously the most important-the place we took our vows in front of our friends, family, and God and I can remember it like it was yesterday…all the emotions I had, the nerves getting the best of me in anticipation, and the smile you couldn’t shake from my face because I was marrying my best friend. Here are some of the special details:
We hired a trio to play our ceremony music which included Trumpet Voluntary, Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, Canon in D for my walk down the aisle, and then we left the cerermony serenaded by the Wedding March. I was also lucky enough to have my friend Cami sing Ave Maria which was incredible! 
During the ceremony, we had asked friends to read scripture passages from John 15:9-17 and Colossians 3:12-17. We also had our bridal party surround us before the ceremony concluison to bless our marriage and then recite the Lord’s Prayer.
Jeff and I opted not to see each other before the ceremony. Now I am well aware everyone has differing opinions on this aspect, and I agree there are pros and cons of each, but in the end, I am SO glad we waited…I’ll never forget the look on his face when he saw me, which made the day even more special.
So, here they are, just a snapshot of some of my favorite pictures from the ceremony:

My best advice: personalize your ceremony with elements that are important to you and your groom, accessorize your venue to make it stand out and incorporate flowers, colors, and such from your wedding palette, and most importantly, try to take in each moment of your vows…you’re saying these words for a reason and it will all be over so very quickly.
That’s all for today…venture over to Natasha’s blog, Schue Love, to hear all about her ceremony details and linkup! I’m hosting the party this Wednesday so come back to see all the reception fun!

  1. Sarah says:

    Such a pretty ceremony! Cant wait to hear all about that little one 🙂

  2. Erin says:

    Sooo gorgeous, I've never noticed all the details on your dress until now. So stunning 🙂

  3. I love your dress. We were almost dress twins! Yours was a Watters dress too, right? Mine had that same floral detailing on it but it had thick sheer straps with a v-neck.

  4. You look so gorgeous and happy! What a beautiful ceremony 🙂

  5. i love the dramatic backdrop for your big day- the alter is just stunning 🙂 and if you haven't already heard it enough- you were a beautiful bride!!

    hope you're enjoying baby C! Can't wait for some photo updates!

  6. kate funk says:

    I LOVEEE this church!! Gorgeous wedding!!

  7. Lauren says:

    Beautiful ceremony!!! 🙂

  8. SSM says:

    Just beautiful!

  9. Shari says:

    So gorgeous. Please share more photos of sweet Caroline soon. 🙂

  10. I love Scarritt Bennet…I think I told you one of my best friends was married there a couple years ago. That center aisle and pews are amazing – you looked gorgeous and so so happy!

  11. You are such a gorgeous bride! Thanks for sharing these images! Absolutely beautiful.

  12. Allyson says:

    What a beautiful wedding. Thanks for sharing – I can't wait to start planning my own!


  13. Jess says:

    I couldn't agree more-personalize, personalize, personalize! It makes it more intimate and more you.


  14. Janna Renee says:

    I agree- best advice is to take in every moment <3 Your ceremony looked absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to link up with you tomorrow!

  15. Kendra Lee says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! Love your pictures! You look beautiful!

  16. sSe says:

    This is completely Bridal-wedding magazine worthy! All of the small details are gorgeous!

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