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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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All Sorts of Random…


April 2, 2012

My mind is all sorts of jello, just like this post:
1. My house has been taken over by someone who weighs a mere 7 (and something) pounds…how has this happened? Walk in our front door and you’ll find her stroller, car seat, diaper bag, activity mat, bassinet, bouncy seat, and a changing station all in our formal living room-glamorous, huh? We are turning into Babies R Us around here.

2. Weather in Nashville has been absolutely amazing…we took little bit on another walk around the neighborhood this weekend, which was a success, and Jeff and I plan on doing it as much as possible. We may not be able to take her out to “public outings” yet {our doctor recommended no mass public interaction for 4 weeks}, but we can certainly take little drives/walks here and there to get some vitamin D.

3. The house has smelled like a florist ever since we came home from the hospital…from friends, family, and work colleagues sending such gorgeous arrangements, it has been so pleasant to have happy flowers all around our abode as of late.

4. I am itching, and I mean itching to get back into the gym. I’ve got hand weights that I try to use every other day or so to keep my arms in check, but my legs are ready to be put back into motion. I am hoping I can inch my way back there soon because I need some 1-on-1 meditation time with the treadmill…gosh I have missed it so much!
As for those of you that have inquired about the pound lossage so far, as of this morning, I have lost 20 of the 29 pounds I gained with little bit. Honestly, I can’t believe it has fallen off so quickly…some I blame to my lackluster appetite and my inability to eat when I have a free moment, but I am happy with the progress so far. Everyone keeps telling me the last 8-10 pounds are the hardest to get off so we’ll start working on that soon!

5. Opry Mills has officially reopened! Bring on the spring time shopping…JCrew Outlet, BCBG, Michael Kors, Janie and Jack, Off Fifth-good thing someone’s stroller has more than adequate storage space for shopping bags!

6. DVR is my new best friend..once I get peanut down for naps, I get to catch up on all my favorite shows that I’m not able to watch during regular hours-thank you technology for keeping this non-sleeping mother semi-sane ;).

7. Another Monday, which means another new week of my new “routine”. I’m excited about all sorts of activities this week…my grandparents coming over to watch Caroline so I can get my hair done, CC’s 2 week checkup, my new blog design being installed, and then Easter weekend!

Have a great one my friends 😉

  1. Reading this post makes me want a baby 🙂 Those walks sound like such a sweet time for you guys! Congrats on your weight loss already – that's awesome!

  2. Loved this post! It's exciting to hear how well you are doing- I can't believe you have already lost 20 lbs! You go girl. I bet the last 9 will come off faster than you think. Have a great week!



  3. Kristin says:

    Woah congrats on the weight loss! That is great!!

  4. Sarah says:

    That is awesome on the 20 lbs!! Wonder if it is that easy for everyone…hmmm… ha! 🙂

  5. Wow 20 pounds!!! That is incredible!

  6. Sounds like you are doing great 🙂 I'm so glad she is finally here 🙂 You sound super happy 🙂

  7. Jess says:

    I'm so jealous of your 20-lb weight loss! You can TOTALLY do 9 lbs girl! Hope I'm as lucky as you one day!

  8. 20 pounds?! I bet those 9 lbs melt right off in no time!

  9. Kate says:

    Don't believe everything you hear about weight! Mine fell right off by week 3ish I was UNDER my per-preg weight. On the gym I was very excited to get back but I couldn't do my full work out until the baby was sleeping longer periods … So dont get discouraged if after 30min your exhausted it's hard to function on little sleep!

  10. Erin says:

    Go you girl, 20 pounds?! You're impressive 🙂 I'm sure the other lil' bit will be gone in no time!

    Can't wait to keep hearing more updates and getting more pics of lil miss!

  11. Hi! I found your blog from where someone else linked up for the Wedding Week last week. I am getting married June 2013. Congrats on the baby and even bigger congrats on losing that baby weight, you go girl!!

  12. 20 pounds is awesome!!! That gives me hope!! You'll lose the rest in no time. So glad things are going well… and that the weather is nice! That makes all the difference!! 🙂

  13. 20 pounds is awesome!!! That gives me hope!! You'll lose the rest in no time. So glad things are going well… and that the weather is nice! That makes all the difference!! 🙂

  14. 20 pounds is awesome!!! That gives me hope!! You'll lose the rest in no time. So glad things are going well… and that the weather is nice! That makes all the difference!! 🙂

  15. Caitlin says:

    20 pounds already?! Go you! That's so great!
    And I'm LOVING the good news about Opry Mills! I was beginning to worry that it would be closed forever. Looks like it's better than ever, too! And I'm secretly jealous of women with strollers at the mall, all that SPACE to hold your bags! Sigh.

  16. Angie says:

    Isn't it just amazing how much stuff little one's use? Just wait till it's toys. My 18 month old has trains, cars, blocks, you name it spread throughout my house. It looks like a jungle!!!

    Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing FABULOUS 🙂

    Sounds like a fun week and weekend ahead. Have a great Monday!

  17. Its such a thrill to see the weight disappear, isn't it? Owen is 11 weeks and I'm still carrying about 7 extra pounds, but it has been so hard to get to the gym–I mean who has the time or energy??

    Hope you have a great week and that your little one continues to nap so you can get some rest and relaxation!

  18. it sounds like you are doing an awesome job!

  19. Kate says:

    Okay, so I must ask… Are we calling her CC or Caroline? I see CC a lot and think it's darling, but love the name Caroline. Maybe CC is just a mama/baby nickname. If so, it's absolutely precious!!! I love reading about this journey of yours 🙂

  20. Shari says:

    I CANNOT believe you have lots 20 lbs in no time at all. That is wonderful! 🙂

  21. 20 pounds?!? Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pictures of baby caroline!

  22. Olga says:

    With your motivation, you will lose those 10 pounds quickly, I'm sure!


  23. Lori Supek says:

    20lbs already, you GO girl!!!!


  24. lori says:

    wow, natasha… it sounds like you are really are tackling this mommy thing with such ease!!! i am so impressed with your weight loss (and with the fact that you didn't gain that much!)

    did you work out during pregnancy? i don't have kids yet, but i am hoping for them in the next year or so…. but i have set a goal for myself to lose 25 more pounds before i get pregnant. i want to be in tip top shape BEFORE i get pregnant so i can work out during pregnancy.

  25. You go girl! 20 lbs already?! You are super woman 🙂

  26. You are doing great! I know the last few pounds will come off in no time!

  27. Nicole Marie says:

    it sounds like you're doing great! so happy for you!

  28. Allyson says:

    I'm glad things are going so well for you! I can't wait to see the new design.


  29. Glad you are back blogging, and I too am pumped Opry Mills is reopened!! Woohoo!! Let the shopping begin!

  30. Rachel says:

    Wow! I bet you look fabulous already even after that baby 🙂 Make sure and fill us in on your workouts for that last 10 pounds! 🙂

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