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Calling Cards


April 19, 2012

I guess as you get older you realize you have to grow up and invest in some proper “calling cards”. I know, this is just a way for me to get something with my name on it to give to friends and other people who will need my information for Caroline and such, but I love any and every excuse for personalized paper!
Here is just a peak at some of my favorites- now I just need help figuring out which to get…thoughts?

  1. Caroline says:

    These are so cute!

  2. Jenny says:

    Have you seen the ones on Minted.com. Some of them are really cute.

  3. the pink and navy one for sure!

  4. I am so glad you are getting these! I am no help because I like all of them! They are all so fun!

  5. I love the green one OR the pink and navy! Precious!!!!

  6. Kayln says:

    I love the white and green ones – adorable!

  7. lori says:

    all of these are SO cute. i think i need some for myself.

  8. LEA says:

    i love the first two!! those are my favs!!

  9. Madison says:

    If it were me, I'd be going with the Harper Gray white, green, and navy!! So classic and preppy!

  10. They're all so cute! I don't think you can go wrong with any of them!! 🙂

  11. So cute! I really like the first two!!

  12. Rosie says:

    Pink and navy hands down those are PERFECT

  13. obsessed 🙂 i love the first one 🙂 so classic!

  14. P*P*P says:

    They are ALL so cute!!

  15. Alyssa says:

    Love the pink!

  16. Shari says:

    I love the first one. Gorgeous!

  17. Tess says:

    <3 them! You'll def. appreciate having them once you start looking for babysitters, setting up playdates, the whole nine yards!

  18. Jenna says:

    Love these, great idea and super stylish!!

  19. The first and third are my favorite ! Such a cute idea 🙂

  20. I love the idea of calling cards – they are all so cute!

  21. These are all adorable – my vote is green or navy!

  22. Meredith says:

    They're all so cute!

  23. Amber says:

    I love these!!! You must've read my mind 😉 I was just talking about getting some of these for all the times women at the park ask me if I can babysit their kids!

  24. The green one! Its my favorite color so maybe thats why I like it the most, but the design is also so crisp and neat looking.

  25. Katie says:

    How sweet are these? I love the 2nd and 5th ones!

  26. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Very cute! I've seen some free templates on Pinterest and around the blogs. Maybe do a search for them so you can save some money.. or splurge on one of these, they're cute 🙂

  27. Hannah says:

    So pretty! I've debated getting some for myself, too. I think I like the top one the best. Come enter my Kate Spade giveaway that ends today. Happy Friday!

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