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Mother’s Day…A New Holiday to Celebrate!


April 30, 2012

Am I totally a nerd for getting excited about the opportunity to celebrate my first Mother’s Day? Let’s just hope the mister doesn’t forget, since it is less than 2 weeks away! In perusing for some much-needed new necessities, I thought I would post a few gift ideas in case the hubby just happens to read the blog and needs some helpful inspiration in the gift department:

manicure/pedicure/spa massage package
naked 2 eyeshadow palette
Are any of you out there asking for something fun in celebration of Mother’s Day?

  1. I'm not even a mother…but these all sound so great!


  2. Love these! Happy first mother's day – so fun!

  3. Amy says:

    I'm so excited for Mother's Day too! I know the boys are planning to make me breakfast, since restaurants will be crazy that day. I'm already looking forward to spending the day with them and planning something nice for Peter's first Father's Day in June 🙂

  4. Love all your ideas…I can always use new running shoes, too!

  5. So exciting that you have your very first Mama's Day!! I hope I get some love, even though he's still cooking! 😉

  6. I cannot decide what to ask for! I have a spa gift certificate that I haven't been able to use yet, baby girl will not take a bottle whatsoever..I love the tory burch makeup bag!

  7. Olga says:

    Love your list! I think I'm in need of those asics as well. Although I'm not a mom, haha 🙂


  8. BELL HERE says:

    and by "inspiration" you mean he should get you each of those things? because that's usually what i mean. 🙂


  9. Erin says:

    I'm not a momma yet, but I've been slowly dropping a few hints for ideas for our 1st anniversary, which is now less than a month away! 😉

    I could totalllly use a day at the spa– I hope that's what you get!!

  10. Jenna says:

    Great Ideas! I just got a new pair of Asics! I love them. I hope you have a great Mother's Day!

    I am asking for a new pair of TOMS.

  11. Shana says:

    I have just added quite a few things to my wish list after reading this post!

    I wonder if I will get a mother's day gift since my little lady is still "cooking" as soon say…hmmm..

  12. Your not a nerd, I'm excited for my first one too!! 🙂

    Last year since Olivia was still in my belly Jer got me some pretty flowers, this year I want coordinating Toms for Olivia and I! There are a couple pairs that my hubby knows I am obsessed with! haha

  13. dWa says:

    How exciting! I love these picks!

  14. dWa says:

    How exciting! I love these picks!

  15. Angie says:

    I'd give anything for a mani/pedi/spa package right now. I'm in DESPERATE need!!!

  16. Such fun gift ideas! And what a joy that you get to celebrate this year with your little miss!

  17. lori says:

    sooo exciting that it's your first mothers day to celebrate 🙂 i love everything on your list… hope your hubs spoils you big time!

  18. I'm excited you get to be showered this Mother's Day!!

  19. Tara says:

    Great choices! I'm sure this first Mother's Day is going to be extra special 😉

  20. Julia says:

    LOL i love the Tory Burch bag!!!

  21. Liz says:

    you should create a pinterest board to keep track of fun things like this! I had one for my birthday wishlist and my hubby picked the most beautiful Loren Hope necklace and a wrap watch from there! Supplemented with a hot air balloon ride – not on the Pinterest board 🙂

    Happy almost Mother Day to you!

  22. Rachel says:

    It's TOTALLY okay to be excited about your first mothers day! Funny story, last year my friend and I went to brunch with our boyfriends on Mothers Day since we weren't with our mothers on that day. Our boyfriends called it a "future mothers day brunch" haha 🙂 I'm not married, have a child, or even engaged I can't wait until I can celebrate! I personally think you should get that spa day! 😉

  23. Cecilia says:

    I got the naked 2 eye palette and it is amazing! Highly recommend it. I want a pair of the snow leopard Toms for mothers day 🙂

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