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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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My Favorite Staple…The Dress


April 20, 2012

If you browse through my pictures, it’s evident that I am a lover of dresses. It’s my go-to wearable, and my closet has been taken over by casual sundresses, maxis for running errands, and fun cocktail styles for parties and weddings.
There is just something so feminine about a dress and I can’t help but feel a little more put together when I am sporting one of my favorites. In looking for some fun new ones to add to the spring and summer wardrobe, here are a few of my new purchases and some I may have on my to-order list!

Await Your Return Dress via Modcloth
Smooth Sailing Taupe Dress via Lulus
Cascade Ruffle Knit Dress via Loft

Running Lines Tank Dress via Tobi

Color Block Key-Hole Dress via Old Navy
Jodi Dress via Francesca’s
P.S. if you’re on the hunt for fashionable, yet affordable dresses, check out some of these websites…they are always offering discounts and their prices are really affordable, too!

  1. jayme says:

    if i could live in maxi dresses, i would. i'm seriously obsessed. in fact, i'm headed out the door to meet with a wedding vendor in a long skirt. greatest invention ever.

  2. I am a dress hoarder. In fact, I think I have more dresses than bobby pins. Nothing makes me happier than a cute comfy dress.

    Once I tried to convince my husband that "Francesca's" was a gas station near my office when he questioned all of the $45 purchases on our bank statement one month.

  3. So many cute dresses! Loving all of them, especially the last two!! 🙂

  4. The girl in the tobi dress is too skinny!! Love that first dress and the loft dress!

  5. Lauren says:

    Love this post, and I couldn't agree more! I often feel the prettiest when I am wearing a dress (or at least dressed up).

    Not everyone thinks that though. Once I was in the store checking out, and the cashier asked me where I was going. I told her I was just running errands, and she was like "in a dress" like it was the weirdest thing! It was just a cotton sundress! Ha!

    I saw the blue dress from old navy and loved it on the hanger. When I tried it on, it just did not fit right. It was too short length wise, and to big everywhere else. Very unflattering. I would have loved to take it home. I found a maxi dress I love at Anne Taylor but it was $80 – no way could I spend that.

    Sorry this is such a long post! Hope you have a great day!


  6. Lori Supek says:

    My new thing is any dress in my closet that is "length appropriate" for work is easily paired with a cardigan and your good to go!


  7. I am a dress girl too…for some reason I just feel more comfortable and pretty in a dress 🙂 Love your choices – Francesca's is one of my favorite places to shop for an affordable & cute dress!

  8. Melissa says:

    I love these dresses…thanks for sharing! Im definitely checking out these websites. 🙂

  9. These are all so cute! I am loving dresses more and more…my new favorite for the summer is my maxi from Wal-mart…I know!


  10. Mrs Xenos says:

    That Lulu's Sailing Taupe….TO DIE FOR!!

  11. Leah says:

    Love the color blocking dresses! Wish they had cuter maternity dresses out there right now!

  12. Just found your site. Absolutely love these dresses! Your newest follower!

  13. Love that first dress! I love dresses, so easy to wear, but you look so put together…

  14. Cecilia says:

    I love dresses too! I was a DG at UT and I graduated in 2001. I was Kelly Mitchell's big sis and I seem to remember hearing that you might have fit in our "family tree" somehow. Anyway, I absolutely love your blog!


  15. LOVE dresses too! My fav go-to's for casual are forever 21 and Old Navy and then for date nights and the VERY rare girls night (now) LOVE LOVE BCBG Max Azria!

  16. That Old Navy dress is cute!

    I'm a new follower of your blog! Would love the follow back 🙂

    The Pretty Pinhead

  17. That Old Navy dress is cute!

    I'm a new follower of your blog! Would love the follow back 🙂

    The Pretty Pinhead

  18. That Old Navy dress is cute!

    I'm a new follower of your blog! Would love the follow back 🙂

    The Pretty Pinhead

  19. That Old Navy dress is cute!

    I'm a new follower of your blog! Would love the follow back 🙂

    The Pretty Pinhead

  20. I love that first one! So preppy and sweet

  21. Your posts always make me want to go shopping!! I'm an addict!

    Colleen @ Meet the Sullivans

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