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This Week’s Craziness


April 12, 2012

I cannot believe it’s Thursday already… my how the days are flying by! I realized this morning that next week Caroline will be 1 month old-holy moly.
This week, I made a huge to-do list, but broke it down by tasks for each day, and I am finding time to tackle most everything that I had been pushing aside for the past few weeks. Makes me think I am finally starting to get the hang of this schedule.
Occupying my free time is party planning for 3 of my friends wedding parties/showers, working on Caroline’s birth announcements, and finishing my blog revamp…and thanks for all your sweet comments on the refresh. I love it. I am also attempting to nap at any given moment-Mom and Gran caught me the other day doing this…

Speaking of something else I love, look at what Mimi and Pappy surprised little bit with for Easter-her very first set of luggage! I know we’re going to get loads of use out of these essentials for all our trips and overnight stays. {Tote Bag: LL Bean; Rolling Suitcase: Pottery Barn Kids}

And in other great news, another one of my friends had her little one on Monday-Leslie and Dusty welcomed Davis Charles Walker! It was so exciting as they had waited until the delivery to find out whether they were having a girl or a boy, and just as everyone guessed, a healthy baby boy was brought into the world! I think Caroline is going to have a good number of boyfriends on her hands ;).
So check this out…I’ve had a few of you out there ask questions about working out post-delivery. Yes, I have started back going to the gym 2-3 times a week, and it feels SO GOOD to run and lift weights again. I assure you though, I am taking it very easy and trying not to overdo it…I know the rest of this weight isn’t going to fall off overnight and I am going to have to work harder than I ever have before.

Not to mention when you’ve got grandparents bringing over dinner and sweets 2 times a week, things could get ugly…I’m trying to treat myself every now and then–deprivation has never been my style. I am also writing a post all about my workouts so stay tuned!

  1. Aww, love the pic of you too! And her luggage is so so cute! Seems like motherhood is treating you well!

  2. Brittany says:

    I love her tiny luggage!

  3. Rachel says:

    So much happiness in your life right now 🙂 That's awesome that you're already in the gym, you go girl! Can't wait to read up on your workouts!

  4. Awww!! You will get so much use out of that luggage!! We have the large version of that tote andit us great for traveling with Olivia!!

  5. Brooke says:

    Aww the tiny luggage is tooo cute!

  6. Erin says:

    That luggage is just DARLING! I love it 🙂 That napping picture is just so sweet!

  7. That luggage is amazing…..and your sweet little picture sleeping next to each other. PRESH! I love reading your updates! You will be back to pre baby weight in no time! You look amazing already!

  8. love her cute luggage!

  9. Samantha says:

    I'm impressed you have kept your blog about you and your interests not just your love life or baby. Baby blogs get boring for people like me who are far from that stage in our lives- I love your blog's originality!

  10. that is so cute, the two of you napping together! I'm sure CC will be very popular with all the boys 🙂 Love her cute little luggage!

  11. Jessica says:

    Sweet Caroline is so, so cute! You look great and I can't wait to hear about your workouts.

  12. So nice that you're finally getting into a schedule! Can't believe all you're doing actually!! Little C is so so cute all snuggled up!

  13. Tess says:

    I'm glad that you are getting used to your new life with Caroline. She is such a doll. That luggage is absolutely adorable….and I actually want that tote for myself!

  14. Kayln says:

    cutest pic of you two napping! i hope you're getting some rest :). xo

  15. Shari says:

    That photo of you two napping is so sweet!

  16. lori says:

    ohhh my goodness… little baby luggage? i die. that is SO cute!!! and id love to hear the workout schedule! you are handling this momma thing with such grace… doesn't sound to be slowing you down a bit 😉

  17. Caroline says:

    Oh my! The luggage is adorable!

  18. That nap picture is just too sweet! I'm glad you're getting the hang of the schedule; she's precious.


  19. You're one productive mama!! Love the new monogrammed goodies for C:)

  20. Melissa says:

    Schedules are a life saver! 🙂

  21. Angie says:

    Sounds like you are staying busy! Don't forget to get as much rest as possible. New babies can really zap your energy 🙂

    I love the little luggage set, too cute!!!

  22. The suitcase is adorable! What a great idea! 🙂

  23. Kimberly says:

    a few post birth questions for you.. did you wear the spanks? And, where does Caroline sleep throughout the night? I am petrified for the initial transition to life with baby and would love to hear what worked/didn't for you. Thank you!!

  24. Miss V says:

    Loving all the Caroline posts and pictures!! Glad you are getting a good balance of mommy and you time and looking forward to hearing about your workout routine! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new design as well xoxo

  25. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Such a sweet pic of y'all napping!

    I know it's only been a month, but I would love to hear what baby products you have really found helpful and what's worked for you so far (and what hasn't). It would be helpful for any soon to be mommy's 😉

  26. Laura says:

    You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

  27. Leslie says:

    Thanks for the shout out to our sweet little Davis 🙂 Can't wait for you guys to meet him & you're right…Caroline has many boyfriends!!

  28. i really love the first picture!!<3

    parenting articles

  29. Chas says:

    Oh my gosh, enjoy those naps! I remember not taking them very often, now Georgia is all over the place and I don't have the option of those little catnaps! Also, send me an email, I have a little gift for Caroline!

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