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You’ve Got Questions…I’ve Got Answers


April 24, 2012

I have received all sorts of questions as of late and I wanted to put them all into one big post as not to disappoint…actually, I did this so I would remember all of them {or so I hope}. I think everyone knows I am an open book so if there is ever a question you have for me, I am happy to answer away!

1. Are you wearing spanx to help your body recover from labor? Actually no! I found something better thanks to my best friend. She told me about a product called the BFF and went to the store to pick it up for me, just a few days after Caroline arrived. It’s basically like spanx, but you can make it tighter and it really helps to pull in that little belly I still have. For those interested, I bought mine at Pickles and Ice Cream and got an XS. It’s a little pricey, but well worth the investment!
2. Where does Caroline sleep at night? Thanks to Mimi, she sleeps in a bassinet right next to our bed. We knew we wanted her in our room for the first few weeks {possibly even months} just for peace of mind, and to make it easier for middle of the night feedings and such. We got the Kolcraft Bassinet with sounds, vibration, and it has an incline so she isnt sleeping flat on her back, which helps with reflux and such. We absolutely love it! Even better, it’s got room storage underneath it as well. CC has yet to sleep in her pack n play since it’s a little too large so this has been a necessity!
3. How are you keeping up with your normal routine right after having the baby? Maybe I should do a “day in the life” post soon to show you just how I feel like I am barely treading water. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly and I assure you each day has an assortment of all three… basically, I am just trying to stay as positive as possible and tell myself that this initial newborn stage will be difficult, but she’s only this little once and I need to savor every moment.
4. What have been the items you have used most with Caroline so far? As far as newborn necessities, I am definitely going to voice my opinion, as I think it’s helpful to “pay it forward” to other mommies out there. I was given lots of advice and I know it’s been so beneficial, because the world of babies is just way too overwhelming.
Aden + Anais Muslin Blankets: hands down, the best there is. They are lightweight, comfy, easy to swaddle little bit, breathable, and have the cutest designs. I want 10 more of these!
Aden + Anais Burpy Bibs: a bib plus burplcloth in one…same great absorbent material as the blankets…these are the favorite in our house!
A&D Ointment: when CC gets redness on her bottom from one too many “wet” diapers, I apply this to her wrinkled little tushy and she seems to get some relief ASAP.
Soothie Pacifiers: I know they say some babies aren’t picky about pacifiers, but Caroline is quite the little diva and will only take a soothie made by Avent. Lucky for us, these are the same pacis that are used in Wubbanubs, which make the thought of using a pacifier a little more appealing.
Cloud B Sleep Sheep: we love the different sounds on this handy dandy stuffed animal and we use it everynight to calm Caroline to sleep after she feeds. Now I can see why so many people use noise machines to help them sleep!
My Breast Friend Feeding Pillow: I wouldn’t have had this to use if it wasn’t for my good friend Amber. She brought it over to me to borrow and I haven’t put it down since. This is WAY better to use for breastfeeding rather than the Boppy, as it straps on to you and is more “snug” during feeding time. It also has a little storage pocket, perfect for mini lotion, lanolin cream, and emory boards so I can file CC’s nails when she is “occupied”.
Green Grass Drying Rack: this is the perfect rack for drying multiple bottles and such all at the same time, not to mention it will accomodate all brands…it also adds a fun pop of color to the kitchen counter, too- quite the conversation piece I assure you 😉
Medela Pump in Style Breastpump/Bottles: Another alert of a must-have if you plan on feeding a la boob…thanks Amber, I owe you one for this, as well. This boob tube pumper makes it SO much easier to pump, and faster, too. Not going to lie…this is one of the least glamorous parts about being a mom, but nutirition wise, momma’s milk can’t be beat.
Carter’s Sleep and Plays: Caroline has lived in these onesies since the day she came home from the hospital. They come with either zippers OR snaps, and they are the absolute best and most comfortable clothing for everyday wear. Plus, they are way easier when it comes to diaper changes which seem to occur way too often.
I’m sure there will be tons more products I rant and rave about in the future, but these are ones that stood out to me from day one, and have made life way more pleasant.
5. How tall are you? I’m 5’4″, but almost 5’5″ on a good day 😉
6. What’s the best piece of advice you have been given? For me, it’s something my grandmother has enstilled in me for as long as I can remember…it’s all about knowing that I am not in control and that I should talk to God each and everyday and put my complete trust in Him. He listens no matter what-when I am happy, when I am sad, and I know that as long as I have Him on my side, I can tackle anything life throws at me. Having a relationship with God has transformed my life and I have my grandmother to thank for that.
7. What is your most prized possession? I know we shouldn’t get wrapped up in possessions and physical things, but the one item that means the most to me is my wedding ring. It signifies a once in a lifetime love, a commitment to put my marriage above all other, and whenever I look at it, I know that I have someone that loves me unconditionally, forever and always.
If you’ve got other questions for me, feel free to send them my way!

  1. Jenna says:

    I loved all those baby essentials too! I want a CC picture Fix! I bet she is changing soo much!

  2. You're doing great, momma!!! And you are so right – the newborn stage doesn't last long and it gets so much easier soon!

    ps – my very favorite part of this was #7. Great reminder and oh, so true.

  3. Emily Marie says:

    Thank you so much for all the helpfull tips! I can't wait to try some in a few short weeks to see what works for us:)

  4. Caroline says:

    Your grandmother is a very wise woman!

  5. Awesome post!!! Love all the newborn necessities! We registered for the same bassinet as well…love that it reclines!! 🙂

  6. Sarah says:

    Is the BFF the same as the Belly Bandit? I just heard about that and I am thinking about getting it.

    And yes, please do a "day in the life"! Us soon to be moms are curious as to what are life will become in a few short weeks! 🙂 Those must-have items are fabulous too, I'll take all the advice I can get! 🙂

  7. Shari says:

    I love Q&A's and re: the ring that's exactly how I feel about a wedding ring, hence why it's so important to me. Thanks for putting into words exactly how I think/feel. 🙂

  8. I've been wrapping myself with a tight ace bandage and it makes all the difference. I think it helps to have extra support while your muscles are still figuring out what to do again.

  9. Meredith says:

    Love this!! Getting all the tips I can before Millie gets here.

  10. Would love to read a "Day in the Life" Story of having a new born. As a gal who doesn't have kids, I would love to know what to expect if I decide to have a lil one!

  11. Such a sweet post – the last two answers are so adorable, and I agree totally!


  12. Angie says:

    I definitely think you should do "A Day in the Life" post! I'm getting ready to have baby number 3 and would find it quite fun to read 🙂

  13. Amanda says:

    This was a great post! I hope you are able to do the "day in the life" post. I think it would be really neat to read!

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