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A Change for the Better…My New Career


May 29, 2012

It’s official…today marks the beginning of a brand new chapter in my life. Today was the day I was supposed to return to work after 11 weeks of maternity leave. But, believe it or not, today is the day I have a new role…with the title of Stay at Home Mom.
weighing the pros and cons of each scenario and deciding what was ultimately best for our family… I thought about what would make us happy and it all came back to me being home with Caroline. I bit the bullet my friends, I took the plunge, and I am not looking back.
Don’t get me wrong, I have questioned my decision, “is this what I really want?” but I know in my heart there is no job more important or more fulfilling than this role I am taking on.

I was dreading calling my manager to tell her I was putting in my resignation, but when I talked to her, she let me know she not only supported my decision, but she thought I made the right choice. She had been in my situation when her children were little, and funny enough she did the same thing…she quit her job and put her career on hold to stay at home and she said it was the best thing she ever did. That was God’s way of giving me confirmation and reassurance and letting me know I was doing the right thing.
The funny thing is that during my pregnancy and shortly after Caroline was born, people would ask if I wanted to stay at home to which I would say a quick “heck no!”, but now that this precious angel is here, I can’t fathom the idea of having someone else be with her day in and day out. Even more, I am thankful that we are at a place in our lives where I can stay at home and we can make it work. Sure, we will be going out to far less extravagant dinner dates and someone’s {yes I am talking about me} shopping habits are going to change quite a bit, but these little details mean nothing in comparison to what I am going to get out of being with my baby girl everyday.
When I think about walking away from the corporate world, leaving behind my life in marketing, and saying goodbye to whirlwind deadlines and crazy stress, I am elated at the thought that my new boss is someone that depends solely on me, that smiles when I walk into the room, and that gives me more joy than I have ever known. It also means I get to wear yoga pants to “work”, I get to decide our daily schedules, and I get to do the things I never had time to do before.
It means I get to take calligraphy orders again, I get to work on my business plans, I get to cook dinner more often, and I get to be a lady who lunches with friends {at baby friendly establishments of course}.

But, in staying true to myself, I have made a promise not to wear mom jeans, to take time for myself, to know there are going to be a fair share of “bad days”, and that I will never ever turn into one of those crazy moms {you know the ones I am talking about, right?}. Although yes, at some point I hope to be able to volunteer at Caroline’s school and be the “room mom”and get involved in the PTA. 😉
So cheers to a new endeavor, a new chapter in life, and to my days filled with this adorable ray of sunshine…

So tell me, all you other SAHMs, what advice, tips, and tricks can you give me for making this an easy transition? I obviously need ALL the help I can get!!

  1. Savannah says:

    Congratulations! What an exciting first day for you. I think you are going to love working with your new boss!

  2. Kit says:

    Congrats! Consider yourself very lucky that you have this opportunity. I wish that I could stay home with my little E but I know that it is not right for our family. I am already dreading July 5th when I have to return to work!

  3. Olga says:

    That must have been a tough decision to make! The good thing is, you can always return to the working world!

  4. So happy for you Natasha! I'm sure it is a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders. Excited for your new adventure!

  5. Shari says:

    That's awesome news! Enjoy your new role and your baby girl! 🙂

  6. Molly says:

    Congrats on your decision! I recently resigned from my position, as well, to stay at home with my little man 🙂 I have a feeling this will be much more fulfilling than my former career!

  7. Melissa says:

    I think it is an excellent choice 🙂 The time flies by so quickly & if you are able to stay home with her – that is wonderful. Have a good 1st day! You might not be getting a paycheck for this job, but it is definitely work! 😉

  8. Sarah says:

    So happy for you! Not only do you get to spend time with your sweet babe but now you can carve out time to develop your business you love. Big things are coming your way! Just you wait 🙂

  9. Kel kel says:

    Congratulations! I'm a stay at home mom. I have really easy days and really hard days, but I am glad that I am here for my son. When he wakes up from his nap, I'm the first person he sees! : ) I love it!

  10. Oh my goodness, congrats Natasha! I look forward to seeing this new journey in your "career" unfold. 🙂

  11. I'm so happy for you! The good news is that you LOVE your new boss 🙂 A pint sized peanut who has stolen your heart! XOXO

  12. Vicky says:

    I think it's an absolute blessing if you are able to be a stay at home mom. Great choice that I am sure you will not regret!

  13. Congratulations! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures as a SAHM 🙂

  14. yes, me too! welcome the tips!!! What a big decision that was..What a big journey for us new SAHMs!

  15. jayme says:

    congrats! such a smart decision, there's nothing better! xo

  16. Congrats, lady! So excited for you. Way to take the plunge and do what you know is best for your family. 🙂 That takes a lot of guts and I know you're going to love it.


  17. Kelly says:

    Know that it will be the best decision you've ever made and that it will be tedious, lonely, and horrible sometimes too. Join a local Mom's group to give yourself and your baby some company and Have Fun!

  18. Kayln says:

    That's exciting Natasha!!! She is so cute I can't stand it 🙂

  19. Congrats on your decision! I am sure it was not an easy one to make, but ultimiately you are at peace with it. I know you will be thankful in the long run! 🙂

  20. Jess says:

    I think you made the right choice and honestly, I'm thinking of staying home myself. And now, you quit your job for the most important job-being Caroline's sweet momma! Can't wait to read about your journey into this new chapter.

  21. Alison says:

    Yay! Good for you!!! 🙂

  22. Congratulations on your new job! 🙂

    I am so happy you chose to stay home with sweet Caroline, and that your boss was so great and understanding. I truly believe it all worked out the way it was supposed to! I think the Lord has BIG THINGS in store for you as a stay-at-home mommy, wife, CEO of your calligraphy business, and everything else to come…

    Congrats again, Natasha {and Jeff}! xo

  23. Aly says:

    I am thrilled for you!! I was secretly waiting for this post!!!:) our babies are only tiny for a blink it seems, and it is sooo cool you can stay home with your daughter. major adjustments for me included feeling weird guilt when I wanted to buy myself something or do something for me (bc I wasn't financial contributing anymore) Don't let that weigh you down, You will figure out new ways to treat yourself and splurge, bc it certainly isn't a cake walk going from two incomes to one… BUT WORTH IT….. oh so worth it!!

  24. Jenna says:

    Congrats to you!! I think it's a great choice! You will never look back. I try & plan my week out for myself and plan to do something everyday to get us out of the house! even if it's just to walk around Target, which happens every other day it seems like, It helped me so much. Although I love to lounge some days, it makes me feel better about myself when I am out/about & ready to face the day!

  25. Caroline says:

    How exciting!

  26. So so exciting!! Very happy for you and know you've made the right choice! Definitely let us know how this journey goes! So so interested and excited to hear more! Congrats!! xo

  27. Tiffany says:

    Congrats, Natasha!! What a wonderful new job!!


  28. Lauren says:

    Congratulations Natasha! Thats the bets job! Caroline looks adorable in the last picture! And that's great that you can work on your calligrahy some more! I'm jealous of your handwriting. I would totally write my own wedding invitations if mine looked like that!

    Be sure to check out the giveaway I'm hosting right now, for a $50 shabby apple gift card!


  29. Keri says:


  30. So happy for you, sweet friend!!

    Can't wait to love on that precious girl in July!!! 🙂

  31. P*P*P says:

    WONDERFUL! It's so awesome that you have the opportunity to stay home with your beautiful baby girl – precious time with her that you'll never regret!

  32. Jackie says:

    Congrats on your decision! You'll do great! 🙂

  33. fillenoire says:

    Congratulations Natasha! I'm not a mom yet but my mother stayed at home with me and my younger brother when we were little putting her career as a DR on hold for a few years and she always says it was the best decision she made! The first three years are the most important in a child's life so you definitely should be there if you're able to 🙂

  34. Kaylyn says:

    Congrats! Can't wait to read all about this new adventure 🙂

  35. Congratulations! I'm sure you are relieved to have finally made a decision. Enjoy this time!

  36. Alexa says:

    I am so happy that you made that decision for your family. It's not necessarily an easy one (as much as people think: oh you have it easy, you just sit at home all day with your baby…seriously ridiculous that people think this, but anyway). Being a stay at home mom is so much work. But it is hugely rewarding too and amazing that you will be able to look back and cherish this time with little Caroline! xoxo

  37. Amanda says:

    Congratulations Natasha! It's so awesome that you have that opportunity to stay at home with baby C! I wish you the best and can't wait to hear more about your new job as a SAHM. 🙂

  38. Congrats!! I worked for the first two years after my son was born and just quit in January and have another little one due in September. I NEVER pictured myself as a SAHM, but I can tell you that I have never been happier. I have so much more freedom to make my own schedule and have loved all the time spent with my little guy. You will do great!! 🙂

  39. Samantha says:

    I am so happy for you! What a blessing! 😀

  40. AllyceR says:

    Congratulations! Way to embrace this precious time in yours and your daughter's life. Work will always be there if you want to go back. That is awesome that your boss was so supportive. One piece of advice I have is to "do what feels right." I know that may sound a little cliche and general but seriously–if there's a day you feel like mulling around the house, do that, a day where you want to be on the go, do that. I guess I'm saying try to keep a variety. Which you are good at because you like to be so busy!

    Anyway, very excited for you and your family and your big decision!

  41. Aw, congrats!!!! i know you will love it:)

  42. Hannah says:

    Congratulations on such a big desision! I am sure you will love being at home with Caroline! Though I'm not a moma yet, I want to be a stay at home mom one day 🙂

  43. Laura says:

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Have you ever heard of MOPS? This past year was my first to stay home with our toddler & I loved being a part of this group. My MOPS group meets at the church we go to in Franklin twice a month & it is SO nice having that 2 hour break and talking with other moms.

    Enjoy your time with your baby girl–they grow so fast!

  44. Kristen says:

    I'm so happy for you! It truly is the best job there is 🙂

  45. Congrats! Im excited for you!

    I've only just begun being a SAHM myself, so I don;t have a lot of experience to offer advice from, but I agree with a previous poster who said to plan your days (to the best of your ability) and try to shower and get dressed each day (of course there will be days when you just stay in your PJs each day and are fine with it too).

  46. Tess says:

    I hope you have found a lot of peace with this decision. You will be an amazing SAHM and Little Miss Caroline is a lucky lady! xo

  47. Kendyl says:

    Thank you for always being so open and honest!!! My little guy is a month younger than Caronline so I am going through a lot of the same things, specifically trying to decide about whether or not to go back to work! It is so helpful for me to be able to read about your thoughts and experiences!!

  48. Ashley says:

    Congratulations! So very exciting!

  49. Malorie says:

    Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, as well as very jealous!

  50. Nicole says:

    This is so great for you! I think that women who can stay home with their babies make one of the most selfless sacrifices. I pray that the Lord would bless you through this new journey!

  51. How exciting! So happy for y'all!

  52. Good for you!!! Congrats on this decision!!! That is great that your boss was so nice!! 🙂

    I say take everyone's advice with a grain of salt, the best way to learn is trial and error. 🙂

    You are going to love being at home with your princess!! I hope you will show posts on your business!! I'd love to see your work!! 🙂

  53. Cait says:

    so happy for you hun! my mom became a stay at home mom when i was born and i was so grateful for her growing up 🙂

  54. The best choice you ever made!! I love that my mom was home every day for me! Caroline will appreciate it too!!

  55. Day Old News says:

    Yay! I'm sure you will love being home with C!

  56. lori says:

    yay!! congrats, lady! i am so glad your manager was supportive and understanding. your new "boss" is super cute. i am sure you will enjoy the new job!

  57. Callie P says:

    CC is so adorable I can hardly stand it! I love those little rolls! Glad you made the decision that works best for your family!

  58. Congratulations!! That is wonderful for you, Caroline and your family!! 🙂

  59. Tori says:

    Aw, congratulations, Natasha! Though I don't know you, I could really sense your struggle to make that choice and I think it's fantastic!

    And as a professional woman who's not a mommy (and honestly probably won't be) I 100% support women that choose that choice. I think it's AMAZING! Congrats again!

  60. It definitely is a hard decision to make, and good for you for making it! In Canada, we get 1 year of maternity leave, so for me i had longer time than you to decide. Well actually not really because baby #2 came the following year…lol.
    I've been a SAHM mom for the last 5yrs. Let me tell you time flies so fast!!! This September both kids will be in school and i'm not sure what to do with myself… hahaa

    My only advice is to cherish every moment and milestone with Caroline. You only share your 1st once, make it count!

  61. Emily Marie says:

    Congrats to you on your decision to stay home… lil caroline is one lucky lady! I just had my baby girl 2 weeks ago and I'm only going back to work 2 days a week, the advice I was given was to make lots of mommy play dates or get involved in mom groups and go to the gym to get your me time they usually have daycare there! Good luck on your new adventure you will do great:)

  62. heather says:

    Congrats on your decision. I to have the same feelings about being a stay at home as you did prior to baby. I can only imagine how hard it was to make that choice.

  63. Natasha, I'm thrilled for you. Both Ian and I had mothers who stayed at home with us, and we hope to have the option one day of making that work. Best and most rewarding job there is.

    I have heard from other SAHMs that having one or more "mommy groups" to belong to is quite helpful.

  64. SGanguly says:

    I wish you a fantastic time ahead…and your baby is the cutest little kid! 🙂

  65. Suz says:

    What great news! This is something Caroline, and your husband, will be forever grateful! Good luck! I hear being a stay at home mom is the hardest thing to do 🙂

  66. Tammy says:

    Yay & Congratulations! You will never regret this time with Caroline. I will tell you from my own recent experience, some days are hard and you will question your decision. You will think "Going back to work would've been SO much easier!" But those few bad moments & hard days are far outnumbered by the GREAT moments and memories you will make. I think the #1 enemy of SAHM's is isolation, so make an effort to get involved in a mommy group of some sort. Also, remember to take time for yourself whenever you get the chance. Good luck, you are going to be fantastic at this!!

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