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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Lovely Wednesday!


May 9, 2012

I am loving all sorts of things this Wednesday:
First of all, I am loving all your sweet notes and words of encouragment regarding my post from yesterday… I appreciate all of your ideas, advice, and so many of you on the work front and promise to let you know what we decide soon.

I am loving that we’re celebrating special lady’s wedding festivities next week! We are all so excited for her destination beach soiree and the fun begins with a welcome party a few of us girls are hosting next Thursday night…yippee!

I am loving that as of Friday, we’ll officially be on vacation which means time away from the blog, too…I think sometimes we all need a break to get away and catch up on “real life”. However, I have a few fun posts scheduled for giveaways and such so stay tuned!

I am over-the-moon loving {and bragging a bit too} that this darling slept from 10PM to 5AM on Monday night and from 9AM to 3AM last night-hallelujah praise the Lord! I think she sensed I was at wit’s end given the fact she hadn’t napped at all the past two days and we needed a break from 24-hour playtime. I think my dear little peanut is going through a growth spurt, which means more food to fill up that sweet, sweet belly.

I am loving home improvements going on at our house…a new roof due to hail damage, newly painted side and front porches, and new patio furniture for the back deck make for a happy home!

I am loving these pretty flowers and card from Jeff’s mom in honor of my first mother’s day coming up…so sweet and hydranges are one of my favorites!

I am loving all of CC’s adorable outfits I have packed for the trip…check out her “staging area” on one of the guest beds-yes, I went a bit overboard, but Caroline needs to have plenty of options 😉

And I am loving all these inspirational quotes…


  1. Needed to read those quotes! So uplifting!!! Love your Mommy day flowers!!! Beautiful! xoxo!

  2. Chrissy says:

    Hi Natasha,
    Would you be willing to share where Jeff got your beautiful push present? I have been looking for earrings just like that for my push present and i have never seen a pair look that pretty! Also, I totally understand your SAHM verus work issue…just remember that if you decide to go back to work and you can't stand it you can always change your mind. 🙂

  3. Shana says:

    I just laughed out loud at your little girls beach clothing selection! Fantastic! I think if I lived closer to you, we would run into each other at the shops quite regularly 😉 Enjoy your upcoming vacation!

  4. Sarah says:

    Love that you have all of her cute outfits picked out. Would you mind sharing where you bought those bows from? I am having the hardest time finding some for Miss Sally that are not tacky!

  5. Lena says:

    Oh-oh… that little lady is going to grow up quite a fashinista:) I think she has more clothes on that bed than I do in my whole closet:)

  6. Kristin says:

    Your flowers are beautiful! Happy (early) First Mother's Day!

  7. I love her little "staging" area! I can tell I'll definitely do the same with my daughter someday 🙂

  8. Kayln says:

    Caroline is so dang cute!!! And I can't believe how many adorable clothes you have for her – what a little fashion plate!

  9. Look at that sweet little love bug!!! She is SO cute Natasha – She looks so much older! Makes me want a baby 🙂

  10. Erin says:

    Haha- her staging area! 😉 A girl's definitely always gotta have multiple options. Can't wait to have a lil sweet girl of my own to play dress up with! 😉

  11. LOVE all of C's clothing!! You'll have a great time on vacation…will be really nice to get away!

  12. Jess says:

    Have a wonderful time on vacation! Can't wait to read about it when you get back!

  13. Caroline says:

    Love all of the clothes! Too cute. I am dying for new patio furniture, well, and a pool. Ha!

  14. Day Old News says:

    Your flowers are gorgeous and you will have the best baby pics from this vacay! Have a wonderful mother's day!

  15. You are so cute with your outfit planning for Caroline! Have a wonderful mini vacay and I hope your first Mother's Day is fantastic 🙂

  16. Everyone needs a blog break and vacation once in awhile!! 🙂 Can't wait to see pics of Caroline in all those adorable outfits…

  17. Anne says:

    That staging area is HILARIOUS! I'm sure you're a wonderful Mommy…and with lots of Prayer, you and Jeff will figure out what's right.

  18. What a sweet post! I'm glad everything is looking up for y'all. I laughed out loud when you called her clothes spot a staging area – we say that about our packing or decorating areas all the time!

  19. Brandy says:

    I got the same exact "daughter-in-law" Mother's day card from my mother-in-law. I loved the ribbons on it!

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