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We Come Bearing Gifts


May 1, 2012

When Caroline was born, we were absolutely spoiled by friends and family with sweet cards, flowers, and such, but I wanted to make sure I told you about a special few, not to be forgotten.

First of all, the ever popular “push present”. No, I did not make this term up…for those of you out there who have been wondering and inquiring, yes, the hubby did surprise me with quite a special something to commemorate our Sweet Caroline.
Let’s back up a bit though to explain exactly what is a so-called “push present”.
I am borrowing this verbiage from Wikipedia, so giving them all the credit:
Also known as a push gift/baby bauble, it’s a present a new father gives a new mother when she gives birth to their child. It can be given before or after the birth, and is a long-standing tradition in numerous cultures, specifically in England, India, and in recent years, the United States. Apparently, it’s passed on largely by word-of-mouth and/or peer pressure. It’s a kind way to show a mother appreciation for nine months of carrying a child, putting their bodies through all sorts of fun, and let’s not forget the fun first trimester of constant morning sickness.
So, back to the moral of the story…we had discussed push presents throughout my pregnancy, as I wanted something I would keep forever to be reminded of this momentous occasion. However, seeing as my hubby simply cannot keep a secret from me to save his life, he came home 2 weeks prior to my due date after I had a particularly rough day at work and asked me to hold out my hands because he had a special surprise for me.
When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the most gorgeous earrings I had ever seen…diamond studs with pave diamonds circling the center stone. Something I can wear everyday and a piece of jewelry I will treasure always and forever. That man knows me all too well ;).

And then there is the gift that brought me to tears…
A few Sundays ago, my best friends informed me they were all bombarding the house because they had something they wanted to give me. So, they all gathered around and presented me with the book that took my breath away. They had been plotting for months to surprise me with a book for Caroline. Each one of my best friends, my mom and dad, and Jeff wrote letters to Caroline about me. Then they added a ton of pictures from over the years, which brought back incredible memories that I have had with each of them. They wanted to start a fun tradition that we will all make for each other once we have children of our own and of course I broke down {due to crazy hormones} at the thought that they had spent so much time working on this fun project. It is something I cannot wait to share with Caroline and it is a keepsake I know she will treasure always, as it’s sweet letters from those that know me best. Here are a few snapshots of the book:

P.S. I know I have the best friends in the world! Thank you so much girls…you know this surprised me beyond measure and each and every word you wrote made me so glad I have all of you in my lives. I know Caroline is going to be grateful to have each of you as honorary aunts, too.

  1. Meredith says:

    Love it all!! and that scrapbook, that's so sweet.

  2. Pamela says:

    WHAT a sweet surprise!! Makes me tear up 🙂

  3. What sweet gifts. I see why you cried at that book – it's so precious! Aaaand, those earrings are gorgeous!


  4. Kayln says:

    That is SUCHHH a sweet gift from your friends!!! They are so thoughtful! And I loveeee those earrings, Jeff has good taste 😉

  5. Sarah Beth says:

    that scrapbook is the greatest gift! You have the most thoughtful friends! Your hubby didn't do so shabby in the gift department either! Beautiful!!

  6. How precious and priceless to have that book from your friends and family! Caroline (and you) will cherish that! And your earrings are gorgeous…and you're right…something you will have forever to remind you of your sweet Caroline. 🙂

  7. The scrapbook is SUCH a thoughtful, sentimental and sweet present. You are so so loved! And of course, the diamond earrings are gorgeous!!

  8. kristen says:

    Get out of town! Those earring are to die for and the scrapbooks even better!! I wouldve cried for days! haha!! Happy tears of course!

  9. Mandy says:

    what a lucky girl you are to have such wonderful friends and family! Your "push presents" were awesome!!!

  10. chelsieast says:

    What a cool idea! Major props to your friends and Jeff 🙂 Might just have to steal this one….

  11. Sarah says:

    Those earrings are gorgeous!! Good Job Hubby!

    And that scrapbook, how sweet! I would have boo-hooed like a baby! 🙂 Good good friends, you have! 🙂

  12. Rachel says:

    What awesome presents! Diamonds and a lovely keepsake 🙂 Lucky lady!

  13. Miss K says:

    those earrings are so beautiful!! your man has great taste!

  14. Jenna says:

    Those are such special gifts to cherish! Love.

  15. Such special and meaningful gifts. Let's see those gorgeous diamond earrings on ya, girlfriend!

  16. Kristen says:

    What a sweet idea and great friends.

  17. ashley says:

    such a special gift. I love that Jeff can't keep a secret 🙂
    and that book? amazing! I love treasures like that. those are the best gifts.

  18. fillenoire says:

    The scrapbook is such a beautiful idea! You have wonderful friends and family. Also, those earrings are gorgeous!

  19. Mrs Xenos says:

    Isn't it such an amazing feeling to realize what an incredible army you've built around yourself? You have some amazing friends & family!

  20. Rachel says:

    OH my goodness I'm sobbing! That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard…what an amazing idea! I just love this so much. What a precious gift to have in years to come 🙂

  21. Shari says:

    Those earrings are AMAZING! And that scrap book is fantastic. Such an amazing gift! 🙂

  22. Kristen says:

    love the earrings and wow, that such a thoughtful gift the scrapbook is! love it. caroline is definitely a lucky little girl to have such special people in her life 🙂

  23. Cait says:

    wow girl great push gift and what an adorable and sweet idea!! you def have the best friends ever ha. its something that will keep and cherish forever!

  24. I thought those earrings were amazing but the book may top them!! How special!! 🙂

  25. you have some seriously sweet friends, family and hubby 😉 the scrapbook idea is so thoughtful- what a unique gift for baby C to treasure forever. XO!

  26. Between Jeff and your sweet friends, you are covered in love. CC is a lucky girl to have so many amazing people in her life that love her as much as you do. I absolutely love the scrapbook. To think that you and Caroline will one day read it together makes me heart melt.

  27. what a sweet momento! those earrings are too gorgeous, you deserve them!

  28. Matt and Meg says:

    Love the scrapbook. What a sweet idea. Might be stealing that one for the future!

  29. Lindsay says:

    Gorgeous earrings! And that book is such a sweet idea – you have very thoughtful, amazing friends!

  30. Lauren says:

    This is such a sweet gift! The letters are such a great idea! You have such thoughtful and sweet friends!

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