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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wednesday…Hump Day Shenanigans


May 30, 2012

This week is FLYING by…and I thought I would have a hard time occupying myself as a SAHM-haha, yeah right. Someone is quite good at keeping me on my toes it seems.

Today, I am off to my former office to gather up all my personal necessities and have a little farwell lunch with my work girlfriends…a little bittersweet to say goodbye to my work colleagues and the company that I have grown with so much these past 6 years, but I think my new adventure is a lot more rewarding ;).

Before I forget, the winner of the PrintRuner Giveaway is none other than Megan from Living the Simple Life! Congratulations my dear…I have sent your information on to PrintRunner and they will be contacting you very soon for your business cards! Thanks to everyone else for playing 😉 {P.S. stay tuned for more fun giveaways coming up, too}

I am working for what seems like night and day on Jeff’s anniversary present and it is taking me forever! I am all about trying to think of something original and outside the box, but still stick with the traditional paper gift in celebration of year #1, though I digress I am ready to be done with my project… I know he is going to LOVE IT!

We have spent so much time decorating our back deck with new furniture, accessories, and plants and I am excited that it’s almost finished…still need to add some additional greenery and restain the deck so all our wood is one color since we had some of it redone, but I am loving our outdoor space-complete with potted herbs!

I need to finish my Seaside beach trip recap, yet low and behold some of my pictures are on my Mom’s camera so I need to get those from her ASAP so I can show yall what a great time we had at Julie’s wedding!

I’m thinking of hosting another blog sale to rid my closet of some of the garmets I either no longer wear or those I bought and simply haven’t worn yet…any of you ladies out there interested?? Most everything I’ve decided to say goodbye to are dresses {surprise, surprise} and shoes with a few other pieces mixed in.

Hope yall are having a great week…at least it’s half way over and the weekend is inching its way back again!

  1. Jenn says:

    Yay for the blog sale!!!

  2. I loved your last blog sale 🙂 I am jealous of your SATM job now. You will be fabulous at it! PS: I will have a chiropractor for you in Nashville in about 6 months when husband graduates!! haha

  3. Jess says:

    Can't wait to see what you get your hubs for a anniversary gift! xo

  4. Amanda says:

    I would be VERY interested in a blog sale 🙂 All your clothes are so adorable and I am trying to incorporate more dresses into my wardrobe 🙂

  5. Sarah says:

    I'm all for your blog sale!!

  6. Kaylyn says:

    Blog sale, puh-lease!

  7. Chelsea says:

    Natasha! Taylor does my hair too and showed me pics of your nursery.. since I don't have facebook, I started following your blog! Love it! How about a MATERNITY blog sale! I'm 8 months and running out of clothes.

  8. Kristin says:

    A blog sale sounds great! I need to have one before the hubby and I move. Congrats on your new job as a SAHM!

  9. Awww so exciting that your one-year is coming up! And I think a blog sale would be way fun! Have a great lunch today! 🙂

  10. Kayln says:

    Yes yes yes to a blog sale!!! And I can't wait to see the rest of the wedding pics 🙂

    If you have time, you should do another post of your house – I LOVE all your decorating and I want to see your deck/back yard!

  11. Jennifer says:

    A blog sale sounds fun! And I just turned into a SAHM too! I prefer to call myself retired though. Good luck!!

  12. Amanda says:

    Yay for blog sales! I am sooo excited! Also, congrats on your upcoming one-year!!

  13. Can't wait to see what you do for Jeff. It's always fun for me to think of fun anniversary gifts. We do the traditional gifts as well….sometimes with a little twist. For example, our 2nd anniversary (cotton) I got him "Cotton Bowl" tickets because his alma matre was playing. I just like the thought of sticking with the tradition for fun.

  14. Ashley says:

    Blog sale, yes definitely!

  15. Sounds like you're having a great time at home 🙂 It's exciting to keep up with the changes with the new baby–I know I'll be there one day, so I love seeing how life is for someone else in those shoes.

    P.s. I would love to shop a closet sale of yours. You have the cutest clothes!

  16. Your deck is so pretty!

  17. Mauri says:

    I'm a long time silent reader and I discovered you from Jenn Wade's blog. 🙂

    Congrats on your new job!

    Please host a blog sale – your clothes are always super cute!

  18. Congrats on your new job – so exciting! I would love for you to have a blog sale – such a great idea!! 🙂

  19. Shari says:

    Can't wait to see your outdoor space once it is all finished. That is one thing I have to give up living in the city and so I will live vicariously through you until I have a space of my own. 🙂

  20. Erin says:

    Your outdoor space is looking BEAUTIFUL!!!! 🙂 We are currently trying to fix up our gardens, flower beds etc and THEN we get to purchase the new fun stuff, like cushions and lighting, etc etc for our back deck 🙂

  21. Love your table and that umbrella – so cute! Yay for a blog sale!


  22. Brooke says:

    Congrats on being a SAHM!!! Excited for a blog sale:)

  23. Megan says:

    I think a blog sale is a great idea 🙂

  24. Lauren says:

    I think we are about the same size and I love your pictures, so I'm in for a blog sale. Also, and totally random… but you posted awhile back about a necklace from Anthro. It has big chunky beads that are tan, a coral stone, a green stone, a bejeweled black bed, ring any bells? I can't find a picture and I don't remember when you posted about it. Anyway- I got it for Christmas and it's not really my style and I didn't remember to take it back and exchange it. If you would like it, I would be happy to ship it to you. Is that creepy? Ha! Anyways, if you want it, send me a PO Box (less creepy) or somewhere I can send it.

    Love the blog! Lauren8171[at]gmail[dot]com

  25. Lauren says:

    I'd love to see what type of clothes you'd be willing to sell. You always wear such cute outfits!

    I'm hosting a giveaway for a $50 shabby apple giftcard! I'd love it if you'd check it out!! 🙂


  26. Jenna says:

    I'm excited to see what you are making for Jeff for your 1year Anniversary!! And, I'm very interested in a Blog Sale!

  27. Can you believe how much can change in a year??!! I wanted to say congratulations on staying home with sweet Caroline, you will love every moment of it!

  28. Chelsea L says:

    Yay for a blog sale 🙂 we are going on a cruise and I'm in need of some new awesome dresses. Yay!

  29. Happy almost anniversary, and I would love to see a blog sale!

  30. Yay….Blog sale! I'm in!

  31. Yes for blog sale!! I was thinking of doing one too!

    I love your outdoor space! It has inspired me to do some redecorating!!

    Congrats on 1 year!! Can't wait to see your project!! 🙂

  32. I'm definitely in for a blog sale 🙂

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