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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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One Month In…What I’ve Learned


June 28, 2012

Today, June 28th, marks 1 month since I decided to throw in the towel on my corporate career in exchange for the life of a stay-at-home-mom. The time is passing by in a whirlwind and it’s safe to say we have officially “settled in” to our new routine.

Did I think this is what it was going to be like? Absolutely not…there are good days, and there have been a handful of not-so-good days, but all in all it’s better than I could have ever imagined.
Sometimes, I’ll catch myself thinking about what life would be like if I had gone back to work, if I would’ve been able to give 110% at my job AND at home, but then I think of Jeff’s crazy travel schedule coupled with my stressful daily deadlines, and I reassure myself we made the right decision for our family.
I know it’s been a challenge for us to define what each of our roles are with Caroline..I am the nurturer, the one who seems to calm any crying episode, the one she wants when she doesn’t feel well or the one she reaches for when she is ready to eat, and Jeff is the one she loves to play with, sit side by side and watch TV with, and of course spend countless weekend afternoons lounging on the couch together.

I feel so lucky that I get to wake that smiling face up each morning, that I am the one she spends most of her time with…I know we will both grow from this experience and I can only hope she will know just how much joy I get from this new position. It’s funny how some days we don’t leave the house, but yet we still find plenty of ways to pass the time…life is definitely much different these days.
I do have to share something I heard last week on one of my favorite shows, Pregnant in Heels. Rosie was coaching one SAHM and had her meet up with other moms who had gone back to work post-baby. They shared their feelings and emotions and it really hit home when they talked about their jobs…the SAHM envied the moms who were able to balance work and personal life and still successfully do both, while the “worker” moms envied the SAHM because she was able to be at home day in and day out.
It just really put into perspective that both careers are difficult and rewarding in their own ways and everyone should be commended on a job well done!

And yes, now as I finish typing this post, CC is in the living room stirring and waking up from a nap…back to business friends. Thanks for letting me talk a little bit this morning 🙂

  1. I've always wanted to be a SAHM when the time comes, but I can't imagine having the urge to want to work and have a career sometimes, because I can imagine I'll feel the same way at times. I think you made the best choice, and little CC will be so grateful you stayed home with her!

  2. Erin says:

    Thanks so much for posting this! I'm entering my third trimester and we're still undecided on what I will do once our daughter is born. This helps!

  3. Tiffany says:

    I hope you are enjoying stay at home life. I am sure sweet Caroline is loving being with her mommy every day.

  4. -Emily- says:

    I do believe it's the hardest job out there especially when you have a sick baby & your going on 3 hours of sleep 😉 I'm a new reader 😉 Very cute blog!

  5. Leah says:

    I'll be in the same situation in a few months & I'm so glad you're sharing your experience. I can't wait to stay home with my baby girl but I'm nervous about losing "myself" in the process. Thanks for sharing!

  6. So glad month 1 was a success!! Love that poodle outfit! 🙂

  7. Jess says:

    I love that you are staying at home. I am planning on doing it too, but felt pressure to tell everyone that I'm going back to work, so I appreciate your candor and openness. Right now, I'm taking the summer off-bc I'm a teacher-and I find my days filled with little odds and ends so I know that I'll be busy when I have my little one. xo

  8. Courtney says:

    I think congrats are in order– what a great thing to be a SAHM:) Definitely there are frustrating days but the time you have with those little ones is irreplaceable!

  9. I love hearing more about your day to day life. I have always been confused when it comes to whether or not I'd want to be a SAHM or a mom that works. I know when the time comes the decision will be hard. It's nice to hear your insights! You are a lovely momma. 🙂

  10. Lindsay says:

    I really hope that when I have kids I'll be able to stay home with them… At least until they're on school, anyway. To be able to dedicate 100% of your time to raising your children is priceless and such an amazing thing to be able to do. Lucky you!

  11. A month already?!!! Omg time is flying by! We have the best and most challenging job in the world – so happy things are going well

  12. I think everyone can relate to this post, especially me!! I cried for that mama on pregnant in heels bc she kind of lost herself and identity. Being a stagnant is amazing but we have to remember about ourselves too 🙂 Even if it is just going out alone to grab a coffee or to shop at target:)

  13. Staying at home is definitely not as easy as it seems. I think a lot of people think I sleep in, enjoy a cup of coffee, go for lunch dates and shop all day—so NOT the case!

    Glad you're enjoying it!! It is the greatest most important job!

  14. Julie Rogers says:

    Glad to hear that you are enjoying life as a sham;) It's still a job and not an easy one! But definitely rewarding and who else better to share your day with?!?!

  15. She is such a sweetie! I'm thinking of working part time when I have kids…I definitely don't want to do full time!

  16. Such a sweet post! CC is so precious!

  17. Christina says:

    I'm also a new reader/blogger myself and just adore your blog because I can relate to soooo much of what you write. I have a daugher who just turned 1 on June 16th. Today I put in my resignation from work! I went back for a full year after Tess was born and once the realization hit me that she was 1, I recognized how much I had missed. So, here we go! I'm joining you as a SAHM!!
    And like your blog says…whichever position you are in, you envy the other – but either is ok as long as it works for you and your family.
    Take care and enjoy every moment!!

  18. Cait says:

    great post Natasha 🙂 you're doing everything for you and thats what matters! your family will be obviously thankful for it and CC will grow up to know shes so loved by you!

  19. I hear you, my husband travels a lot too and I cannot imagine working full-time and juggling two kids with his crazy schedule! We live in Nashville too! CC sure is adorable!

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