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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Summertime Heat Randomness


June 29, 2012

I think the temperatures this week have me in a tizzy…it’s only June and we’re already in the 100’s here in Nashville-oi vey! I’m scared to see what July and August will hold if all this heat and humidity don’t leave soon…you might just see CC and I living it up in the backyard with a blowup pool.

I have an addiction to lip gloss…whenever I am in Target or Sephora, it’s like I am magnetically pulled to the lipglosses and I have to add a shade to my collection-the sad thing, they are all starting to look alike. Beauty fail! I would love to be a lady who could pull off a fun bright red lip.

A few of you asked which ebay seller I ordered my necklaces from…instead of emailing you all individually, I thought I would post it here so everyone could partake in the budget friendly fun!

This weekend, we are heading out to celebrate round two of Candice’s bachelorette festivities!! Cannot wait to hit the town with one of my dear friends and toast to her last few days of being a single lady…I know loads of dancing and drinks are in our future!

Want more honesty regarding mommyhood? Yall will love this. In the past few days, we have had projectile vomit all over her upholstered chair, and when Candice was over for our 3 month photoshoot, Caroline most certainly had a major blowout and ruined her outfit…thank the good Lord mommy had a backup ;). See, it’s not perfect, I promse!

I was bad this week with shopping…although both Caroline and I racked up on some new fun goodies due to summertime sales at the mall. She got clothes and I got shoes-happy mom, happy baby! That ALMOST made up for all the vomit I’ve had to clean up–hehe. Check out some of our goodies, courtesy of Janie and Jack, Gymboree, and Nine West!

That’s it for this week my friends…I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  1. snazzy shoes!!!! and I feel ya on the bright red lip! Im too scared to try it because I dont think Ill look good with it haha! Have a fab weekend!

  2. lori says:

    what cute little outfits!! baby cc is probably the best dressed baby around 🙂

    i would love it if you shared your favorite lip glosses? im having a hard time finding a good color and one thats not too thick or sticky.

  3. Amanda says:

    Love the shoes and outfits!! Have fun this weekend. You deserve it!

  4. Malorie says:

    I had to giggle about the blow-out mid photo shoot session. My son did that same thing at his newborn photos, the whole studio smelt unpleasant! Thank heavens for understanding child photographers!

  5. Jackie says:

    Cute shoes! What are they? What are you going to wear them with?

  6. -Emily- says:

    Just found your adorable blog and was reading a bit. I feel ya on the vomit thing…I feel like I am a vomit-cleaner-upper expert! and love, love the shoes! 🙂

  7. Liesl says:

    Loving your blue and white stripped dress, I'm trying to find something fun for the 4th! You look adorable! Great baby finds too…cuteness!!! 🙂

  8. I LOVE Janie & Jack! SO many cute things!!

    Nine West has too many cute shoes right now! A couple weekends ago I bought some nude wedges, LOVE them!! 🙂

    I remember having to clean vomit and poop off of Olivia Glider, not so fun!! Good thing they are cute!! 🙂 haha

  9. Emily says:

    Thanks for being so honest, and I love the cute little outfits!

  10. I cleaned out my purse the other day and found eleven lip glosses! I have the same problem! Have you tries revlon lip butter? I'm obsessed!

  11. Hey dear!!

    Okay, please share…. what's your favorite lip gloss? I'm in need of something new and always seem to buy the wrong color and regret spending $10 on something I never use again.

    And I hear ya on the heat / need for some pool time! We bought this blow-up pool a month or so ago and I swear it's been the best $50 spent all summer!! It's perfect for little ones to cool off in and you can sit right beside them! I may or may not have actually read a magazine, while laying on one of the corner cushions during a NAP TIME or two. If I close my eyes really, really tightly, I'm on a gorgeous beach in Mexico with a yummy frozen drink in hand. 🙂

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