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Travelling Mama and Fathers Day


June 21, 2012

Last weekend was one for the books…it marked my official first trip out of town without the baby! So what does mean you ask? Yes, I left the baby alone with Jeff–woo hoo success! I have to brag on the hubby a bit because he did a FANTASTIC job without me. I returned home on Sunday morning to a happy baby beaming from ear to ear with a huge grin and a full tummy. Now don’t get me wrong (here is that whole honesty thing coming into play), the house was cluttered with burp cloths, bottles, diapers, and bibs strown out everywhere, but they made it on their own so I could have some R&R time with my friends…I’m so proud of you Jeff-you were great and I know Caroline enjoyed all that quality time she had with you, especially watching the US Open ;).
As for me, I was living it up with the girlfriends in Knoxville. I drove up early Saturday morning to hang out and then we celebrated Jamie and her little man coming soon! Baby showers are just the best and we seem to be doing a lot of them these days which makes me happy…fun playmates for CC!

Bev, Luke, and Meghan
 Adorable idea…written messages on the diapers
 Yummy spread…that fruit fluff dip gets me every time
 The glowing mama-to-be and her weekly progress pictures
 Me and the BFF
 Love these ladies
 Candice, Jules, and Meghan
 Present time…Baby Graebe did well!!
 The hostesses and the lovely mama
 Sweet pregnant ladies!!

Jamie racked up with some adorable goodies, and necessities, too and then we spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing around the house before heading out to our favorite place for mexican for dinner that night. Poor Bev and I only had 1 margarita each and have to admit we were a little tipsy, which made it a must to head to Menchie’s for frozen yogurt…yes, we are wold women! Even better, instead of venturing to one of our favorite bars for some cocktails, we all headed home to get a full nights rest-funny how things change, huh?
Sunday morning, I was on the road bright and early because I was itching to get home to my two babes. Mimi and Pappy came over so we could celebrate Father’s Day with brunch at Tavern and then the boys and I headed to see the Sounds baseball game…never a dull moment when the three of us are together and we had such a fun time. Then we grilled out and called it a night. Here are a little pics from our Father’s Day:

Caroline and 2 of her 3 guys
 Me and Monkey!!
Me and my 2 best girls…see a little resemblance??

  1. Bri says:

    You are SO pretty and have the cutest little family!

  2. Courtney says:

    Good for you getting away for a weekend already. My daughter is 11 months and I have a girls weekend planned for next weekend and as much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm already anxious! My hubby will do great, but I'm so afraid I'll miss her too much!

  3. KRISTIN says:

    Good job Jeff! And good for you for getting some girl time for yourself. 🙂 Any chance you know where the guest of honor got her dress? Pretty sure I need that for one of my showers.

  4. Such a gorgeous mama to be! Glad you had so much fun with your friends. YAY Jeff! Sounds like he did great.

  5. Sounds like such a fun weekend! Btw you seriously look awesome for only having a baby a few months ago, I'm impressed! Also, you and your mom look so much alike, both gorgeous! xoxo

  6. Erin says:

    The mom-to-be looks absolutely radiant! I love to see a glowing pregnant woman!! 😉 Cute idea too for hanging up all her progress pictures.

    Where is your adorable white/purple dress from?! I love it, you have the best dresses!

    CC is so precious!

  7. Kayln says:

    OHHH MY GOSH Caroline's yellow outfit is so freaking cute!!!! And I love your new ebay necklace! I got mine in turquoise but I'm starting to wish I had bought it in that color – maybe I'll buy another! Lol

  8. little b says:

    I have to agree with Jane – you are looking super fit and healthy!Looks like it was an adorable shower too 🙂

  9. Lauren says:

    I think you should just go ahead and start putting where your dresses are from on any post where you are wearing one because I want them ALL. Please and thank you in advance. 🙂

  10. Jenny says:

    way to go dad! That's great that you got time to get away. I have a 2 month old and I have never valued my friends and alone time so much because it is so far and few between now! Not that I don't love it but well.. you know what I mean! Girl time is a necessity for a new mama!

  11. what a smiley, happy baby you have 🙂 too adorable! i can't get over how great you look post pregnancy! one day you'll have to give me notes on how you got that body back 😉 XOXO!

  12. So glad your first night away went well! Looks like a great weekend! 🙂

  13. Kristin says:

    You are looking great! I love your purple and white dress!

  14. Taylor says:

    You, your mom and CC look SO much alike it's crazy! Three beautiful girls

  15. Lindsay says:

    She's getting so big! And you do NOT look like you just had a baby a few months ago. You look amazing!

  16. Lauren says:

    Looks like you had such a great time! And you look so pretty! I especially love your dress in the first half of pictures! It's BEAUTIFUL! 🙂

    I hope you'll check out my erin condren giveaway!


  17. Mindy says:

    You look great! And Caroline just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Glad your first night away went great, that shower looked so cute 🙂

  18. You seriously look amazing! How did you just have a baby?! Wouldn't believe it if I didn't see your pregnancy pics! 🙂 also love your dress! Where is it from?

    You and your mom are beautiful! CC is looking more and more like you two!

    Good for you getting away! Isn't it great knowing your hubby is fine alone! I love that I don't have to worry about Olivia being home alone with Jer! Obviously wouldn't have married them if our hubby's wouldn't be good daddy's! 🙂

    Great pictures!! 🙂

  19. P*P*P says:

    Looks like a blast! How wonderful also that Jeff did such a great job taking care of your precious little one! Yay for girls weekends! 🙂

  20. That's wonderful news! So glad you got to go celebrate a girls weekend and leave your little one with your hubby. She's just so precious!!

  21. katmcd says:

    love your dress

  22. Laura says:

    The dress you wore to the shower is gorgeous! And Caroline is too adorable 🙂

  23. Elizabeth says:

    I need to know where your dress is from!! 🙂

  24. Samma says:

    Such a darling shower! And Caroline is such a cute in her yellow.

  25. honey you look amazing!!! i hope i look like that after a lil bambino. one day when i am ready for babies I am soooo using your blog as a resource 🙂 i am taking notes.

  26. Charla Sneed says:

    I'm amazed at how great you look just one month after having your sweet girl! Good for you!

    Secondly, do you have any idea where your friends shower dress is from (the guest of honor that is)? It's adorable and I'm hunt for some cute dresses to get me through summer pregnancy.


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