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24 Hours In A Day…How To Make the Most of It


July 23, 2012

got an email a bit ago from a reader/friend asking how
I “do it all” and if I would share my secrets on time management…and yes, I am using her
words, not mine. To be perfectly honest, I wish I was able to juggle everything
I want to do, yet there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  However, I try to stay balanced and
compartmentalize sections of my life to make time for the things that are the most

so many changes I have had to get accustomed to lately, I knew I needed to make an effort to focus time on
each aspect of my life so that I could learn to divide my time equally. .. hence I came up with the most important areas that I want to make sure I incorporate: 

1. Spiritual: Read the Bible, pray/thank God, and participate in ministry/church opportunities
2. Jeff: Support/encourage him, be loving, and make time for date nights/time for just the two of us
3. Caroline: love, teach, and care for her…spend as much time with her as possible because she’s only little for so long and I don’t want to miss out on anything when it comes to CC
4. Me: make time for R&R, my interests/hobbies, and maintain my health/exercise
5. Home: clean/organize, laundry, cook, other chores, keep track of important stuff
6. Family/Friends/Social Commitments: social interaction and quality time with friends and family, volunteer (Junior League), and other commitments that come up
7. Work: taking more calligraphy orders, and investing time to work on future business ideas

So, how do I accomplish and meet these goals? To me, it’s all about holding yourself accountable. Making to-do lists is essential to keeping track of what all needs to be done within a certain time frame and writing it all down in a planner is the best resource I have found so far. 
Another thing that helps me is having a set schedule {we all know Caroline runs the show now so my schedule is pre-determined on whether or not she wants to cooperate on any given day}. I have found that letting myself watch TV for a set period of time each night helps me complete other tasks, too like reading more or getting the laundry done. This is where DVR comes in handy-I can record the shows I want, skip through the commercials, and then move on to other things I need to tackle rather than wasting my night away. 
I also recommend having a specific place to house your documents, files, etc so that you can access these things quickly if needed. This is one reason that I am making a goal to create my own “Home Organization Binder” here sooon…I’m hoping this will help in that area! 
And finally, I think the thing that helps me most is the ability to multitask. I know girls are WAY BETTER at this than guys, so Jeff will never be able to cook dinner, fold laundry, and soothe the baby to sleep like I can {and yes, I am bragging a bit here}. This way, I am making the most of the down time I do have. This sounds easy peasy, but it’s definitely something I’ve refined over time and I know it is still a work-in-progress. 

Ok, so now I am asking you, how do you make the most of your day and how do you keep yourself organized?

  1. Emily says:

    As a new Mommy, I feel like it is such a balancing act and figuring out what is best for you and your family is so important. Thanks for sharing your tips. I am always looking for great ideas as well. I think having a schedule is the best idea for accomplishing what you want to get done in a day. I think I really need to make a "Home Organization Binder" as well!! Happy Monday!!

  2. I LOVE this post–I am the Queen of multi tasking since Owen was born, as there is really no other way to get it all done. I'm seriously addicted to my erin condren life planner that helps me stay on task.

  3. Rachael says:

    this was SUCH a challenge when our little man came home. i had to realize that not everything will be done like it was prior to baby so i just have to take it a day at a time.

  4. Brooke says:

    I can definitely relate to 'writing it down'! If I have my to-do list, I am sure to accomplish much more than if I don't! Great advice!

    Hope you had a fab weekend!


  5. Kim says:

    The to-do list is a must. And for me, certain things are rewards, such as watching the shows I've DVR'ed. Sometimes I don't get to watch them until days later because I haven't accomplished everything on my list! We also don't turn on the TV when the kids are up so that we're more intentional about playing with them. This is probably the hardest thing we do! Thanks for sharing!

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