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The Daily Food Fix


July 13, 2012

Want to know what a typical day is like for me in regards to what and when I eat? Here is a breakdown of some of my favorite go-to foods and what I’m filling up on these days to help me say goodbye to those last few pounds of baby weight:
Breakfast {the most important meal of the day}
A bowl of Special K with Berries Cereal, an English Muffin Sandwich with
Turkey Sausage, Egg Whites, and Cheese, or Fiber One Honey Clusters Cereal
Sometimes I’ll have Tropicana’s 50 calorie juice and my absolute must is 1-2 cups of coffee…this is the one meal I NEVER EVER forego-it’s a must to start your day off right!
Time of Day: 7:30-8:00AM
Mid-Morning Snack
Any kind of fresh fruit we have on hand… a banana, clementine oranges, watermelon, pineapple, plums, peaches, or grapefruit…I am all about the fresh stuff!
Time of Day: 10:00-10:30AM
Leftovers from the night before {if I cooked}, a turkey/ham/chicken salad sandwich with baked chips, some type of salad topped with chicken, or a Lean Cuisine. I usually have to have something sweet at this point during the day, so either a sugar free pudding/yogurt will satisfy my sweet tooth.
Time of Day: 12:00-1:00PM

Afternoon Snack

My go-to snack is an apple with peanut butter…my absolute favorite! But if I don’t have that with me, I’ll usually grab a Fiber One bar in either the chocolate or caramel variety, a packet of apple/cinnamon oatmeal, or a tomato basil string cheese.
Time of Day: 2:00-2:30PM


We are creatures of habit at our house…we have a set menu of items we like, and we normally stick to them. We love to cook pasta with ground turkey, any type of chicken {BBQ/lemon pepper/teriyaki/buffalo/etc}, kabobs or fresh seafood on the grill, breakfast for dinner {eggs, biscuits, turkey sausage}, fajitas, grilled cheese sandwiches with soup, and endless types of casseroles.
If I am indulging and having some type of dessert, it’s usually a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich or lowfat ice cream…it’s my weakness I tell you!
Time of Day: 6:00-7:00PM

So, what did I leave off? The H2O of course! Trust me, I get my daily share of at least 8 glasses a day…I am constantly filling up my water bottle to make sure I take in enough of the good liquids! There is nothing better for your body!
Oh yeah, and I cannot tell a lie, there may be a glass of wine or a gin and tonic at least 1 2 days a week, especially if there have been some hard days with the bambino đŸ˜‰

  1. i love that recipe box/book! is that yours or a photo from the web?

    either way! love it!

    thanks for sharing these healthy eating habits! im good during the week – the weekend is when i struggle and fall off the wagon!

  2. I always have to have something sweet after lunch too. Trying to keep it low-call or fat free lately and sometimes a stick of sugar free gum does the trick. 🙂

  3. Erin says:

    I LOVE all of Fiber One's products, their cereal, bars and recentely I tried their muffins too– very yummy! 🙂

  4. Jess says:

    I agree! I need something sweet after lunch or midafternoon as well. I've been loving peanut m&ms bc of the nutrients in the peanuts–or maybe I just tell myself that to make me feel better. haha! Have a great weekend, girl!

  5. So inspiring girl! My goal is to get to goal weight pre trying to have a bambino so that its not that much harder after! You seem to have gotten really close because you were at a great place pre-baby. And you worked out so much! impressive!

  6. Kara says:

    I love that you do small meals throughout the day. I find that that works for me too 🙂 I always have to have some sort of sweet treat!

  7. Those fiber 1 bars are so good!! Idk why but after lunch I always have to have something sweet too! I let my self have a couple hershey kisses. I keep the jar far away and only take a couple because then if I want more I have to get up! haha

  8. Kris M. says:

    Please do not eat any Skinny Cow products or Lean Cuisines…sooo loaded with chemicals; look into it! Look at labels or get the great App called Foodicate and put the food UPC code from the box and it will rate your food.

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