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DIY…Things I Want to Make


July 2, 2012

One of my summertime goals this year is to complete at least 3 crafting projects per some fun ideas I have seen on Pinterest. Here are some of the ideas I am set to tackle these next few months…I promise to post pictures once I am done {if they turn out successfully! haha}

What are some other crafting projects out there I need to try to tackle? I am all ears for putting my hands to work and making some homemade odds and ends…any tips would be great!

  1. Kristin says:

    I love the hydrangea wreath. I did something similar for spring and used one of the gold letters from Hobby Lobby with all white flowers. Love the look!

  2. Emily says:

    Great projects! I think making a book with cards is such a cute idea. I plan on doing this with all the cards my son has received during his first year of life. Now I just need to get busy!

  3. Tiffany says:

    I store all of my cards each year that way. It makes me happy not to have to throw them away and to have a nice organized way to keep them!!

  4. Ooo I love the wedding card one! I have all mine just in a box…that's a great way to keep them together so you can always look back at them!

    Also, love the wreath idea! So pretty!

  5. Shari says:

    I LOVE that scalloped wall art.

  6. Lauren says:

    I love the scalloped canvas! It looks so easy to make too! And I need to make a wreath for our front door. We recently moved and are still in the decorating process! It's so much fun! 🙂


  7. I want to do the wedding card holder too!!! Right now they are all tucked away in a drawer!!! I love the wreath too! Hydranga's are my favorite flower… so much my favorite they were in our wedding!! 🙂 Good luck with your crafting!

  8. P*P*P says:

    Love the wreath & LOVE that Wedding Card booklet! I am totally adding the latter to my list of to-make projects! 🙂

  9. Jenna says:

    Fun! I do the card album after ever christmas with all of the Christmas Cards we've received that year!

  10. I got married last summer and I am in the process of organizing all me wedding stuff. Love the idea of the wedding card album! Definitely putting it in on my list of "Summer To Do's" Thanks! 🙂

  11. oooh! LOVE that wreath!! I plan on making the card rings. Right now I have cards separated so I can make them. (Olivia's first bday, Olivia when she was born, Olivia when she came home, Olivia's shower and then the ones from our wedding and wedding shower!)

  12. I did the wreath and I get compliments on it all the time!

  13. These looks great. I especially love the scalloped wall hanging!

  14. Kel kel says:

    Maybe you could make some hair bows for Caroline. I did a post about making some last month. It was a lot of fun, and I am getting a little better at it. : )

  15. I love the wreath. Hydrangeas are so pretty!

  16. Kristen says:

    I have been wanting to the the card thing to, with our wedding cards and C's baby cards!

    Have fun!

  17. Love the scallop wall art! Definitely on my list too.

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