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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Life as of Late


July 3, 2012

Caroline and I have been keeping a pretty low profile these past few days…with the heat and such, it’s hard for us to get out on the town like we’re accustomed to, so we have been having our fair share of fun at home. Even more importantly, little miss decided last week that she needed to roll over…the first time was last Thursday and she rolled from her back to her tummy in her crib, and then on Saturday she took a different route and went from her tummy to her back! Big days indeed!! Now, she is rolling all over the place and waking herself up each night…oh joy!
We have also been practicing sitting up in our big girl seat (by Mamas and Papas). Basically, it’s like a bumbo, but I liked the look of it a lot better and it has an insert to take out so she can still use it when she gets bigger…this was a wonderful gift from Mrs. Marie and we love it!

 Aunt Meg came over to play for the day!

Saturday night, a few of us girls went out to celebrate Miss Tate’s 2nd round of bachelorette festivities…the big wedding is coming up in just a mere 3 weeks and we couldn’t be more excited for the fun weekend to get here!! We hit the town, danced and sang our hearts out, and I managed to certainly feel OLD–haha. It was a great night with some great friends…

our attempt at smiling with our eyes…FAIL

Today, we’re off for a ladies lunch with Meg and then spending the afternoon baking for tomorrow’s 4th of July festivities with our family…have a great Tuesday!!
Make sure to hop over to Kayln and Natasha’s blogs today…I am doing some guest posting in their absence!

  1. How fun! You look great and baby girl is as cute as ever! Love that sweet pink dress 🙂

  2. Kel kel says:

    Looks like yall had fun. The pictures are great! : )

  3. Maydelin says:

    She is a doll!!

  4. Erin says:

    Cc looks just like you! What a sweetie 🙂 Glad you had a fun weekend- YAY for friends getting married!!

  5. CC looks SO much like you!!!

  6. KRISTIN says:

    How exciting that she's rolling over! She's getting so big. 🙂

  7. LacyLouise says:

    Thats a neat looking bumbo seat! I might have to look into that one instead of the original. Baby girl is so cute and you look fab!

  8. Glad you had fun with the girls, you look fabulous!

  9. Julie says:

    I was out downtown Saturday night too, and I think I spotted you 🙂 Not to be a creeper or anything! I'm glad you are still keeping up with your girls and being a fun, fabulous mom. I'm hopping over to the other 2 blogs to check them out.

  10. Andee Layne says:

    oh fun! you have to have those mommy outings 😉 Love her little chair. I may have to look into that one for our daughter as the her chunky legs get stuck in the Bumbo lol. Hope this one has bigger openings for the legs.

  11. GREAT POST:)
    Your blog is so wonderful and Im following…I hope you follow me also:)

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration…check out my new post:)

    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

  12. Caroline says:

    I love the seat for Caroline. Where did you find that?

  13. Gosh she is so darn cute! Can't believe she's rolling! What a milestone! And you look fabulous my dear! Thanks again for filling in today! XO

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