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This Weeks Mindless Chatter


July 11, 2012

Back in Business
Now that I am starting to get a fairly manageable daily routine in place, I am happy to announce that I am getting back to my calligraphy. I have missed working on invitations for more than a year now, but I am back in business…
Funny enough, I had some sweet blogging friends emailing me asking if I was ever going to get back into it, and it really made me wonder if I could figure a way to make it work…well, it seems I have (during nap time and when Caroline is occupied on her activity mat) and I am excited to work on something I am passionate about again. I am completing my first order right now, and already have 2 additional orders to fulfill this fall-yippee!!

The Little Things
This past Sunday, prayers were answered in and around Nashville and we FINALLY got a substantial amount of rain! We were so excited. We spent our afternoon catching up on TV, doing laundry, and spending time with Caroline just soaking up the free time…it was such a welcomed day of rest.

The Kitchen is Calling
One of my summer goals was to cook dinner at least 2 nights a week. Thanks to our menu planning for each day of the week, I am tackling that to-do and even making a habit to do it 3 or 4 times a week…obviously we can’t eat out as much as we used to, so we’re having date nights in these days and enjoying cooking dinner together! We assign each day of the work week a specific idea, and go from there…Mondays are chicken nights now so we’ll do Buffalo Chicken Breasts, Chicken and Dumplings, Barbeque Chicken on the grill, etc and we love that we have a “base” from which to work from to  make planning our dinners a lot easier.

Jam Packed Calendar
My availability for the next two weeks is minimal…I swear it’s crazy just how much we pack into the summertime, but I can’t lie and say I don’t love every minute of it. From Junior League committee meetings starting to hair appointments to lunch dates to getting ready to take in all the festivities for Candice’s wedding, I need to buckle up and make sure I stay on track and don’t forget something!

Public Service Announcement

I am standing on my soapbox today to deliver some advice…I, like many of you out there, worship the sun and can think of nothing better than to lounge by the pool soaking up the rays and getting a good summer “glow”, but last week I decided to take a visit to my dermatologist for a skin check. Let’t just say it had been awhile forever since I had gone, and it was time. Unfortunately, I had to have 2 spots biopsied to make sure it’s not skin cancer. Praying for good results later this week, but I am here to say that we need to be cautious and put that SPF on your skin EVERYDAY!

Fitness Shortcomings…
For some reason, I am having a really hard time keeping up my exercise habits as of late. Blame it on the heat, the fact of having to cart around an infant to the gym, or my sheer lack of willpower, but this momma needs to jump back on the bandwagon and SOON! I still have 3 more pounds to shed and I know it’s not just going to fall off like it used to. I’m still working out, just not as much as I am accustomed to. Maybe my body was trying to tell me to take a little “break” of sorts…not to mention I have got to work on this neverending sweet tooth that I can’t seem to shake. If you’ve got some good motivation tips to get me back in motion, send them my way please!

Until next time my dear sweet friends…happy hump day!

  1. little b says:

    Have you tried spin classes? I just started and I find that it's a really good motivator (since it's a class, it's something I have to get to at a certain time and not just 'when I feel like it.') It's addictive too!

  2. Holly says:

    Happy Wednesday, Natasha! We all have three punds to lose, right? Enjoy CC and the sunshine… Those three pounds will come off fast.

  3. Sassy says:

    Happy Wednesday to you too! I have a love/hate relationship with being busy-busy all the time. I actually took a step back last year and resigned from some of my volunteer commitments b/c they were stressing.me.out. Maybe when I'm a little older and have more free time…(haha, yeah, that won't happen).

    I have had the hardest time motivating myself to workout lately too, and I think it's the dang HEAT. I just feel lethargic in general. I'm not even carting around a baby and all I want to do is stay inside and hide in the A/C. I may be the only weird person who does this, but I gain weight in the summer and lose weight in winter. One would think that the idea of being in a teeny bikini would motivate me…but no. I'd rather drink my sangria and sweat it out poolside.

    Hugs to you, mama! You're doing a great job!


  4. Kristin says:

    I have had a MAJOR sweet tooth lately too. I don't know what the deal is! My sweet tooth and I have a love/hate relationship that's for sure!

  5. Miss V says:

    A good updated playlist to rock out to at the gym and scouring pinterest for images of fit women and new workout tips always kicks my booty in gear! Ha! Happy to hear y'all had some rain! Enjoy your summer and all of your fun activities I feel the same way busy with soo many fun things!

  6. What a great reminder about sunscreen – I will send good thoughts your way for being in the clear with your results!

    Yay for calligraphy! I absolutely love taking on calligraphy projects. Currently I'm working on my sister's wedding invitations. It is a true labor of love.

  7. Menu planning can be really daunting some weeks. I like the idea of having each night have a theme–I might try that for next week!

  8. Amanda says:

    Great reminder about the sun. I go once a year for a full body scan. It pays to be cautious 🙂

  9. Shari says:

    Menu planning is the best! It's the only way I stay on top of cooking. 🙂

  10. Happy Wednesday! We finally got some rain here too, and it was very much needed. I love your menu planning idea of having a base to work from – such a great idea!

  11. Ever since college, I have been trying much harder to protect my skin! The whole "being tan all the time" just isn't necessary anymore. What a good reminder!

    So glad you are back in business for calligraphy, you definitely have quite a penmanship gift! I wish I had more time to get back in it myself. I'm not even sure where my pens are right now!

  12. Brooke says:

    LOVE this post – It makes me excited to be where you are in just a few, short months with the arrival of my baby girl! Sounds like you are so busy, but that beats bored…right? 🙂 (not always, I know)

    In regard to the workout, I know it must be SUCH a challenge to find the time, make the trip, and squeeze in a workout with a newborn – that is something I am a little nervous about, as well. I have looked into buying the Tracy Anderson workout DVDs…I have seen amazing results on people that I actually know, and really like her methodology – it allows you to get extremely toned without bulking up, and it all can be done from the living room! Win-win! 🙂 I have done a couple of her workouts (early in pregnancy), and they are tough, but surprisingly, fun!

    She even has a post-pregnancy DVD you can find here:


    Hope this helps! Have a great day!

  13. Have you tried Loreal Sublime Tinted sunless tanner or St. Tropez sunless tanner. They are both my favorites for that perfect summer glow without having to layout in the sun! 🙂

  14. Happy Wednesday!i hope you acomplish all that you wish to and it makes you happy. i'm allabout the happy. Look for the Twinkles, Follow the Winks, and Find your Happy Visit twinklesandwinks.com and contact me at twinklesandwinks@gmail.com 😉

  15. Kel kel says:

    I have a sweet tooth too! I have started making my deserts with half of the sugar or chocolate that the recipe calls for. It has really helped and I still get to enjoy having desert! : )

  16. BELL HERE says:

    hey girl hey! my advice is to figure out a way to hold yourself accountable. i do something on my blog where i set some fitness goals every sunday for the coming week. then that next sunday i report on how i did and set new goals. my fitness goal for this week was to do 45 minutes of cardio every single day. because i think a few people people read my little bloggy it motivates me to complete what i said i was going to do. wow…did that make any sense? maybe something like that would help motivate?


  17. Caroline says:

    I love the idea of scheduled cook nights. With it being so hot, I have no desire to get in the kitchen. Props to you. And so excited for your calligraphy!

  18. Summer's are always incredibly busy and it sounds like you have A LOT going on! I can see why your workout routine has gone down a little. Take care of yourself and I hope everything is fine with the biopsy!

  19. I didn't know you were a junior leaguer! I am, too! 🙂

  20. I didn't know you were a junior leaguer! I am, too! 🙂

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