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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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hello caroline…5 months old!


August 17, 2012

hey there yall! just thought i would drop in and say a quick hello…i cannot lie, taking a bit of time off has beeen incredible…for me, for my family, and for what’s most important in life. we have been able to relax and spend our afternoons lounging around the house, taking little drives in and around nashville, and spending time with just the three of us, savoring these last few weeks of summer. i know i made the right decision to back away for awhile. alas, i wanted to update you on little bit and just how much she is growing…

dearest sweet caroline,
this month, things have gone crazy at our house…with you trying food, to say you’ve become messy would be a mild understatement. my little darling, you are a pig when it comes to eating. it’s all over your face, hands, and snug seat tray, yet i can’t help but laugh at how much you love new foods.
we started with rice cereal which you weren’t crazy about, then moved on to oatmeal…hold your horses because you went NUTS and haven’t stopped since. you beg like a dog for more once you clean your bowl and then i have to reassure you a small bottle is coming your way before you freak out and think i’m not going to feed you. i love that you are trying so many different foods…so far, we have tried green beans, carrots, and squash. {and yes, everyone has their opinions on baby food, but we are using the tried and true gerber brand for now. it worked for millions of other children…i bought some ella’s brand too so we’ll try that soon}
as far as activity, you are a girl on the move peanut. your exersaucer has become your our new best friend and can keep you entertained for quite awhile. you jump up and down like a monkey, making noises and giggling and you put on quite a show (even the ladies at our church’s nursery said they were impressed with how much you love to bounce)…i think i am in for one hyper child, but that’s ok because both mommy and daddy have loads of energy and we would expect nothing less from you caroline. let’s face it, a relaxed, easygoing kid most likely isn’t in the cards for us ;).
you still like to sit and watch tv (especially baby einstein, barney, yo gabba gabba, and mickey mouse) in your bouncy seat, but you’re getting so long that i doubt you’ll be able to “fit” comfortably much longer…sometimes you wiggle your way out and i have to keep an eye on you at all times. the activity mat is a total hit or miss…one day you love it and can’t get enough, whereas the next day you want nothing to do with it and roll over quickly to get your head up and peak to see what is going on around you.
with regards to your routine, you take about 3 naps throughout the day, napping for about an hour each time, although lately you’ve been fighting me on the afternoon nap, insisting you aren’t tired and screaming until i come pick you up and tote you around with me. on the other hand, you sleep between 9-10 hours every night. we have stopped swaddling you and now we opt for the aden + anais swaddling sacks which you seem to love…it’s like a pillowcase with arm holes!


you have developed quite a funny personality my sweet daughter. you laugh, want all toys and books in your mouth, and you arch your eyebrow when you’re investigating (pappy says this is an expression you totally got from me). this past month has also marked you reaching your arms out when you want someone/something…at times, all you want is momma and you will reach out and look at me with those pouty eyes and my heart just melts. on certain occasions, we’ll sit at home and i’ll just laugh all day at some of your actions…you’re entertaining caroline cate.
we don’t go to the doctor this month, but my guess is that you weigh around 16 pounds, which helps give me a great arm workout each and everyday since you LOVE to be held. you are still in size 2 diapers and are in 3-6 month clothes…yes, i had another meltdown as we finished putting away all the smaller size frocks. i want this time to slow down because i know deep down inside you’ll never be this tiny again and it breaks my heart. i want this to last forever! i am trying to document all your milestones as frequently as possible, and we have taken some wonderful videos and captured tons of sweet, sweet pictures so we can eventually show you just how precious you were at such a young age.

here are some other notes worth mentioning:
**first trip to the zoo on august 11th, first time to try baby food on july 23rd, first time in the church nursery on july 15th
**favorite toys: sophie the giraffe, mia the monkey (plays music), anything you can chew on (wubbanub pacifier, teething rings from the fridge, and your taggie blankets)
**favorite foods: oatmeal, green beans, and squash
**nicknames: peanut, sweet cc, baby c, monkey, tuttie, pumpkin

you are our world sweet cc…you are everything that is wonderful in life and i cherish each and everyday because i get to spend it with you. thank you for the smiles, the hugs, the laughter, and happiness! mommy and daddy love you oh so very much and thank the good lord above for such a wonderful daughter.
we love you the most, forever and always!

  1. Lauren says:

    She is growing so fast! She's so sweet! And the headband is adorable on her!


  2. She is so precious! What a beautiful little girl! I can't believe how much older she looks 🙂 Enjoy this sweet time!

  3. She is just soooo sweet Natasha! Can't believe how much she's grown and all that she's doing! So much to look forward to!! xo

  4. Keri says:

    She is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for checking in : )

  5. Pure sweetness, Natasha. She is an absolute doll, and you are obviously one proud mama.

  6. Shari says:

    She is SO adorable! I love that last photo of her with the big. It's too cute. Good for you for unplugging and having some quality time with your family. Enjoy it! 🙂

  7. Caroline is so beautiful! I love reading how it is going and what she loves to do. Thank you for the peek in to your everyday. 🙂

  8. Andee Layne says:

    she is such a beautiful little girl and that dress is just darling! We are going to start miss Ava on cereal this week so good to know if that doesnt work that oatmeal is a good option! Love her updates!

  9. Carroll says:

    She is so adorable! So fun to read about your world!!
    Take care,

  10. Day Old News says:

    She is the spitting image of her mama and so so pretty! Love her little outfit!

  11. fillenoire says:

    It's so wonderful when babies are around 5/6 months and you can really start seeing their personalities emerging! Caroline is so adorable!

  12. So sweet, Natasha – what an amazing post- love how much you radiate with love for her. She is a doll – love the picture of her kissing the pig!!

  13. Sweet baby girl is getting so big!

  14. I love that first one in the chair–so serious and mature looking, hehe!

  15. Jennifer says:

    Enjoy this time with your sweet little babe. She is just beautiful! She's growing so fast and you can tell she is absolutely adored. Thanks for updating us and I'm happy to hear the blog break is doing you some good.

  16. Natasha, she is so gorgeous!! Happy 5 months to that sweet girl!! XOXO

  17. What a beauty she is!!!! It has been so much fun watching her grow and develop these past 5 months!!! Crazy how fast they change! I can't even begin to imagine what that feels like as a mom!!! Glad you are enjoying your break 😉 xoxo!

  18. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Loving the updates on sweet Caroline!

  19. Amy says:

    She is growing so fast and getting cuter w/ each passing month! What a sweetie!!!

  20. Megan says:

    CC is just beautiful!!! I have been following you through twitter and IG and can not believe how BIG CC is!!! 🙂

  21. Tess says:

    She is just the cutest little pumpkin I've ever laid eyes on! And that stuffed big that she is holding is almost as cute too!

    I hope life is treating you all well over in Tennessee! We can't wait for our Vols to start playing again soon!

    Miss you, friend!

  22. Natasha ——– it makes NO sense….I am in love with your precious girl and have never met her. She is truly such a precious, beautiful baby (and I'm not just saying that because she's a baby and I'm a baby addict). She's a doll! Please relocate to Houston so we can run around together and plan fun play dates. And drink mimosas.

    Signed, sealed, delivered.

  23. She is such a cutie. My little one loves all of her new Baby Toys now that she is a bit older and awake much more. We did a lot of shopping at Burlington Coat Factory's Baby Depot the other day. They had everything we were looking for, with the same brand names, but much lower prices. I would definitely recommend them.

  24. She has really grown so much! Miss your daily postings girl, but glad you are enjoying the break.

  25. Jess says:

    Wow, she is so big now! I love her little outfit and headband. Too cute! 🙂

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