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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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it’s time for a little break


August 3, 2012

if i actually say it, it must be true….for so long, i have had something on my mind, yet i haven’t been able to communicate my feelings or make the change, but sometimes there comes a point where you just have to go with it and see what happens.

i have to be honest friends, i need a break. i need a break from a lot of the things i have had constantly piling up on my plate. to put it nicely, i’m tired. my priorities get shifted and i get lost and overwhelmed and emotional because it seems like i can never accomplish what i so desperately want/need to get done.

i love blogging…it’s my “thing”. it’s my escape from reality, it’s one of my favorite hobbies, and it’s something i am passionate about. i love journaling my life-all of it…the good, the bad, and the not so pretty. but i need to take a little time away. i need to spend my afternoons cuddling with caroline and my nights lounging on the couch having a cocktail with jeff and with the pace i’ve been going for the past few months (if not longer), my body is telling me to take a chill pill and step away for a bit.

i promise it’s not forever and i’ll be back soon in the coming weeks, updating on just how much peanut is growing and sharing all sorts of fun things we have had going on, but for the next week or two, i am putting away the social media and making time for me and my family. i hope you understand 😉
see you soon friends!

  1. Jennifer says:

    I never comment, but I have to tell you I love your blog! Enjoy your break!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    I never comment, but I have to tell you I love your blog! Enjoy your break!!

  3. Jennifer says:

    I never comment, but I have to tell you I love your blog! Enjoy your break!!

  4. Caitlin says:

    You are so strong and it's great you are able to realize you need a break and you deserve one SO much! Sometimes you just have to step back and realize all you have been missing/lacking. I hope you feel refreshed during your break and enjoy every moment 🙂

  5. Girl, you go enjoy your break…you more than deserve it! And we'll all be here waiting for you when you get back!! Enjoy those precious moments with CC!! XO

  6. Enjoy your break, but I will miss your daily read!

  7. You will be missed, friend, but I totally understand. Pop back in from time to time when you can!

  8. Enjoy your precious family! You will be missed but we all understand. That is always your first priority. XOXO

  9. Jenny says:

    totally understand! I think I took months off, and now only blog sometimes once or twice a week. Even though that may make me lose followers or whatever, I don't blog for them, I blog for me! so take the time off, enjoy your sweet family thats what life is about!

  10. Kelly says:

    Enjoy! You deserve it!

  11. Cynd says:

    Enjoy your break and Look forward to seeing you soon! Soak up every minute you can with that gorgeous baby of yours!

  12. Anne says:

    Enjoy your time off!! Kudos for keeping your priorities lined up. Family is more important!!

  13. Kari says:

    I get it! I took the summer off from blogging! With a move from California to Texas pending I was finding myself totally bombarded! My blog became one more thing on my never ending to do list. I gave myself a "back to blogging" date as my inspiration/goal. We are now settled in Texas and as soon as I get all three of my children settled in their new schools I look forward to getting back at it! I find your your blog to be darling and refreshing and fun! Enjoy the break!


  14. Kristin says:

    I completely understand. We all need breaks every once in a while — they are good for the soul! Enjoy it! We'll miss you while you're away!

  15. Jess says:

    I've been amazed at how you continued to blog everyday with a baby and the billion other things you have going on, so girl, you deserve this break! Enjoy, cuddle, and hang out! 🙂

  16. Keri says:

    We will miss you but totally understand! I just recently took a full 4 months away to get married and now I'm so happy to be back, so enjoy your precious time away!

  17. I will miss your posts, but I totally understand. Blogging is fun, but it is not a priority when you have a sweet little baby and a wonderful husband!

    Looking forward to your return!

  18. Enjoy your break! You definitely deserve it.

  19. Nicole says:

    Praying for you, girl!!

  20. Kim says:

    Everyone- especially moms- need this sometimes. NEVER feel guilty about putting you and your family first. Babies grow too quickly- good for you for taking the time to stop and enjoy it!

  21. a' la mode says:

    I've done it! Enjoy!!! Xo shel

  22. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Girl, I always wondered how you did it all and never seemed to get burnt out! I think it's absolutely necessary to take a break from things… I have taken a long break from blogging to focus on school and my marriage and I am so glad I did. When I have time I simply return back to it and in the end it makes me happier and I feel more fulfilled when I'm doing it because I want to not because I feel like I have to (or owe it to my follwers, etc.). Enjoy your break and time with family! 🙂

  23. Kari Hill says:

    I recently just found your blog and absolutely love it! Enjoy your break!


  24. Kayln says:

    Ahhh I'm SOO SAD!!! I totally look forward to reading your blog every day but also TOTALLY understand needing some time to yourself. Blogging is super time consuming so a break is definitely warranted!!! Have a great weekend Natasha 🙂

  25. LeAnn says:

    I typically don't comment, but you are the very first blog I started to read, and I love it!! It was shortly after your engagement and I've followed along since. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved time away. It will be good for the soul. Best of luck with everything.

  26. Jennifer says:

    I will miss my little daily visit to your bright, refreshing take on life but of course I understand. I can't imagine how you kept up the blog with a newborn at home. Enjoy your break, Natasha, and we'll be here when you get back!

  27. Madison says:

    I hardly comment but felt the need to this time! It is so great you are realizing that you need to take some time before you go off the deep end! We all need to take that chill pill every once in a while haha!! I'm sure being a new mother is challenging at times but from all the things you share with us on here it seems that you are doing a great job at it! There is nothing more important than family and I know you know that one!! I know that having precious moments to relax with the hubs, once CC is fast asleep, must feel like a godsend! You go girl!! Can't wait til you come back and fill us in on how the break is going 🙂

  28. Nat says:

    Enjoy your break! I took about 6 mths off last year and it was really nice to get away and now I actually enjoy it again. It had become such a chore I started to hate blogging and I didn't want that to happen!

  29. Andee Layne says:

    Hope you enjoy this break and kudos for you for listening to yourself and being able to see that you need it! Look forward to your return to bloggin' xo

  30. Kate says:

    You are amazing for recognizing that you need a break and for taking action. You should be proud of yourself. Enjoy this extra time with those you love most and know that we'll all be waiting for your return with open arms. Caroline and Jeff are lucky to have you!

  31. Sarah says:

    really good posts and worth reading…

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