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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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bucket list…fall edition


September 21, 2012

i’m sure you’ve seen these popping up all over the blogging world, but i wanted to take a shot at writing my own to-do list for this upcoming fall season seeing as the fall solstice begins TOMORROW…this is when i love to get out and enjoy the cool mornings and afternoons, spend countless hours baking away in the kitchen for yummy treats for friends and family, and making the most of everything that’s going around in and around nashville.

here is my “bucket” list for fall 2012:
**make as many pumpkin and apple recipes as i can find (bread, muffins, cobblers-you name it, i am hoping to bake it)
**visit the pumpkin patch and corn maze farm
**make fall candy mix and give out to family and friends
**go shopping with mom on black friday
**make a batch of hot apple cider
**take caroline trick-or-treating for halloween (her costume is ready to go and as any parent would say, she could be the world’s cutest halloween baby)
**decorate the house for fall/halloween/thanksgiving
**visit bell buckle for the annual craft festival
**paint and carve pumpkins to decorate our front porch
**help cook for our family’s thanksgiving lunch
**give/donate to those who are less fortunate
**have friends over for a fun football party

so excited to get going and knock out some of my favorite pasttimes!! so tell me, what are you most excited to do this autumn??

  1. Love the list, especially Caroline's FIRST trick-or-treating!

    Happy first day of fall {tomorrow}!

  2. Great fall bucket list! I want to try to make a chevron pumpkin like I've seen seeing all over Pinterest! GO VOLS! 🙂

  3. Mindy says:

    I LOVE your fall bucket list! It makes me so excited for fall to get here!

    The thing I'm most excited about is probably the fall outfits and pumpkin flavored everything! 🙂

  4. Love your list! I made a list too! I'm actually in Nashville this weekend for a friend's wedding…SO good to be back! Fall in Nashville is the absolute best!

  5. Lily says:

    What a cute list, I think I might have to make one as well sometime soon! I definitely agree about baking pumpkin stuff, my pinterest is basically overflowing with all of the fun recipes I've found lately!

  6. These pretty pictures got me in the Fall Spirit! Can't wait to see pictures of Caroline's first halloween!

  7. erica says:

    great fall bucket list! I definitely have some of the same items on mine. newest follower! :] xo

  8. Katelyn K. says:

    Great bucket list! I've always wanted to go Black Friday shopping but crowds make me so nervous, I don't think I'd last.

  9. Katie says:

    Love your bucket list! So many great ideas and I am right there with you on the baking anything and everything pumpkin! Here was my favorite recipe from last year: http://www.bakingdom.com/2011/09/pumpkin-bread-streusel-topping.html


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