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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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monday randomness…you know the jist


September 24, 2012

i feel like death today…no, i’m not sick, but rather coming off a bachelorette party coma from this weekend’s shenanigans in charleston celebrating my beloved lauren. let’s just say there was way too little sleep and way too many adult beverages ;). can’t wait to show yall this recap…hilariousness all weekend long.

it is officially fall at our house. jeff whipped up our first batch of chili last night and it was amazing!!! not to mention i have pumpkin scents all over the place from baking and lighting way too many candles… is fall NOT the best season? i cannot get enough.

i have a fascination with boots…i might have bought 2 of the same boots just because i love them so very much. they go with everything and they are OH.SO.COMFY. there simply is nothing better than boots, jeans, a sweater, and scarf=perfect fall outfit for this lady. i’ve been eyeing a few of these beauties and just might have to make them mine!

1 / 2 / 3

i wish i was a bit more patient. it’s not my best attribute friends. when i want something, i want it now. (oh…maybe THAT is where caroline gets it from). i need to learn to trust in the big guy up above and know that He is in control and i need to realize it’ll all happen in due time.

i have so much to get caught up on at our house this week…we have a babyproofing consultation this morning (oh this should be fun), junior league meeting tomorrow, switching out closets (who am i kidding? i LOVE doing this), and stocking up on mums and pumpkins to make a friendly welcome outside our front door!!

on a random note, i am reading an amazing book right now and wanted to share…The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. it’s the true story of how the author spent a year trying to bring more happiness into her world by setting goals for each month-some were small goals and some were larger ideas she really had to work towards, but it is SO inspiring. i’m a happy person most of the time, but i think almost all of us could take at least one important lesson away after reading this book and i totally think it’s a great read!

that’s it for today my friends…hoping to catch up on some of your blogs that i feel like i have missed out on over the past weeks. hope you all have a wonderful monday!!

  1. . says:

    I was just looking for a new book! Thanks!

  2. Coach Hayley says:

    Ohmiword! I read The Happiness Project last summer and LOVED it, its very enlightening! Where did you get the boots from??

  3. Brooke says:

    Lovin the boots!
    I might have to read that book, or get it on audio for driving!

    Can't wait to see your pics from the weekend!


  4. You are the second person who has mentioned that book in less than a week! I may need to pick up a copy for myself!

    Check out my blog, I'm having a jewelry sale and giveaway!

  5. P!nky says:

    Love those boots and great quotes.

  6. I've been wanting to read that book, you are not the only one raves about it! It is next on my reading list for sure!

  7. Tess says:

    Glad you had fun in Charleston! Isn't it sad how much a fun weekend takes out of you?! Hopefully you and CC can just chill today.

    The Happiness Project has been on my list for a long time but I think it's going to be my next book for sure.

  8. Mmm. Nothing says fall more than a big bowl of chili! yum!

    I've heard of that book, but never really knew what it was about. Sounds like an excellent read!!

    I'm also obsessed with Hunter boots. Then I tried them on and they gave my man calves muffin top. I wish I was kidding.

  9. Caroline says:

    Have fun with the baby proofing. It sucks!

  10. emily says:

    Who are you using for your baby proofing consult?

    and one can never have too many pairs of boots!

  11. Brooke says:

    I love a great pair of boots, too! My mom just bought those Frye boots…I'm jelly! I might have to take them from her closet 😉

    Hope you had a great weekend! xo

  12. I loveeee that quote – what's for you won't pass you by. So true!

  13. Jess says:

    Love this post 🙂 So simple, but puts a smile on my face! Boots, books and a great quote!!

  14. who r u using 4 baby consultation?!

  15. Rhiannon says:

    Yay for a new book rec 🙂 Hope you're doing fabulous beauty! xoxo

  16. All At Once says:

    That book got the through post partum after my 2nd child. It is truly an amazing book!

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