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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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giveaway time…north american bear company


October 17, 2012

Ever find a new website you can’t wait to rave about? Let me introduce you to the North American Bear Company…a one-stop shop for finding perfect toys and goodies for the kids in your life! They are all about finding the perfect teddy bear, complete with nostalgic charm of an antique toy coupled with a new sense of whimsy!

They have all sorts of fun items on their site, ranging from goody bags to bears to activity mats and everything in between…Miss Caroline has been playing with her new animals for a few weeks and absolutely LOVES them, especially her Pink Bunny Baby Long Legs and her Farm Animal Activity Mat.

If you’re in the market for something fun and different for a special wee one’s birthday, Christmas gift, christening, and even a sweet baby shower, definitely visit the North American Bear Company!

To enter to win a $50 gift certificate to use on their site, all you have to do is the following:
1. Like their Facebook page  or Follow on Twitter (click link to the left to access)
2. Leave a comment telling me what product you would choose from their website if you won the giveaway

It’s as easy as that! The contest will run for one week (ending next Wednesday, October 24th), and I will choose a random winner the next day… good luck friends!

  1. Kelly says:

    I'm not finding them on Facebook and I'm not on twitter. Could you find a FB link to their page maybe?

  2. Such a sweet shop! And they sell Muffy VanderBear, which I collected as a little girl!

    I would absolutely buy Owen the Garden Hop Activity Belt because he loves to be in the yard!

  3. And PS I liked them on FB and Followed them on Twitter!

  4. Robin O says:

    I like the North American Bear facebook page!!
    Robin O'Sullivan


  5. Robin O says:


    If I won I would choose the Rosy Cheeks™ Big Sister Brunette and the
    Rosy Cheeks™ Snowsuit (for winter)!

    THANK YOU for the giveaway!!

  6. Robin O says:

    I follow @NABearCo on Twitter


    Thank you so much!!

  7. Lindsey says:

    I liked them on Facebook and would choose an activity mat and the calico hippo!


  8. Such a cute website! I follow them on Twitter now.

    And we LOVE the capes! Ryan had one when he was a little guy…so this would be super fun to get one for Ethan! 😉

  9. Lauren says:

    I love that farm activity mat. I would be a great addition for Finn:) Thanks Natasha!

  10. Ashley says:

    If I won, I would have to go with one of their doll sets. Too cute! great giveaway!


  11. Julie Rogers says:

    Liked on FB and love the Baby Long Legs Bear!


  12. kate says:

    liked and followed:)
    love the large peanut bear!!!

  13. Christy says:

    liked on FB
    WE love Peanut™ Bear Large

  14. Liked them on FB and loving the pull along puppy!

  15. Laura says:

    Very cute!!! I have my eye on that farm animal mat for little Reese~

  16. i liked them on facebook

  17. and if i won i would pick the
    Baseball Bear 10"

  18. Liked them on Facebook – I would choose the Farm Animal Activity Mat

  19. Reagan's Mom says:

    Love Rosy Cheeks, what a great giveaway! I am following them on twitter.

  20. kellyr78 says:

    I like them on FB(Kelly D Saver) and follow them on twitter(kellydinpa) and I would get the
    Muffy VanderBear Beary Poppins


  21. Amanda says:

    Such cute things. I have so many friends with babies..this is perfect! i love the farm mat too! I liked N American Bear on FB. 🙂

  22. Kelly says:

    I love the Peanut Honey Rabbit – so simple and cute!

  23. Mrs.W says:

    I am following them on twitter and I would choose the ABC of Animals Activity Mat!

  24. Following on twitter! I love the little bunny long legs! Too precious!

  25. Jenn says:

    I love the Loopy Blue Bunny!

  26. What a cute site! I love, love, love the Wizard of Oz dolls. They are precious. I liked them on Twitter 🙂

  27. Elise says:

    I've loved this brand for years. Liked on FB! I'd get either the Baby Long Legs Bunny or the Flatjack Medium Pink Bunny. Baby girl is due in March and would LOVE one!!!

  28. Carroll says:

    What a great website! I think my nephew might need the farm animals mat for Christmas. 🙂

  29. Sarah says:

    I like them on FB and would choose the calico hippo….so cute!

  30. MaggieTheMrs says:

    I liked them on facebook!

  31. i would love the Ollie™ Dog Mobile

  32. Krystal says:

    Liked on FB! The bunnies are adorable.

  33. Mariah says:

    I would love one of the activity mats!

  34. Kate Hollis says:

    What fun toys! My baby girl just turned 10 months and is discovering baby dolls. She loves Baby Stella and her magnetic pacifier. We would have to do a rosy cheek baby or big sister doll. The topsy turvy dolls are so fun, too!

  35. MaggieTheMrs says:

    I would have to get Big Mouth Dinosaur. Love it!

  36. Lauren says:

    I would pick their dark haired angel doll or their ABC animal play mat! Their stuff is adorable! Love it!

    Liked on facebook!

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