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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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halloween is coming!


October 4, 2012

I can’t get enough of this season…the parties, the food/treats to hand out to the trick-or-treaters, the fun decorations to flank your house-I have always been a huge lover of halloween and now that miss caroline is in the mix, I hope she gets just as excited for all hallows eve as I do!
Costume planning was always a big deal in our home growing up-Mom always got really creative with my costumes and I won a few local contests…the best ones being The Statue of Liberty and Mary Poppins!
Here are some of my favorite things i’ve spotted as of late!

Caroline’s costume was purchased a few weeks ago, and we may have already had a little “test run” to make sure she approved of her first Halloween attire…I cannot WAIT to show off just how sweet my little pumpkin is!

  1. Carroll says:

    What fun Halloween ideas! 🙂 I feel like Halloween is the kickoff to the holiday season!

  2. Sarah Wyland says:

    I've got that Halloween Peanut Butter crunch recipe saved to try soon. It looks delish!

  3. Oh I love the Halloween PB crunch. I'll have to try that out. I love Halloween too, it really starts the Fall season off!!

  4. Fun, fun, fun! I need to get on top of getting a costume for O!

    Its just so hard to decide!

  5. Samma says:

    I need to learn how to sew for Halloween costumes of the future for Dell Harper! She is going to be a little lion this year, and I am soo excited.

  6. Ashley says:

    I die everytime I go into the PB kids store! They have so many cute holiday stuff!

  7. Nat says:

    I'm not a huge Halloween fan but I do love baby and kids costumes- they are too cute!

  8. Brooke says:

    So many adorable things !


  9. Tara says:

    Fall is such a lovely time of year! Can't wait to see what outfit the little one sports:)

  10. Kaleigh says:

    Love the fall season, escpecially for decorating! Your little one will be adorable in whatever costume she's in!

  11. Heather says:

    I purchased the peacock costume for my daughter. It looks just as cute in person as it does online!

  12. LOVE ALL OF IT!!! And please, oh please, do tell….. What is sweet Caroline going to be for Halloween?! I cannot wait to see photos!!!!!!

  13. Kel kel says:

    the little haunted house is too cute! thanks for sharing! : )

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