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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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happily ever after (finally)…mr and mrs lawson


October 11, 2012

Words some of us never thought we would hear for our dear friends Lauren and Andy…I pronounce you husband and wife!! He only made her wait almost 7 years, but it FINALLY happened this past weekend and we were all there to celebrate in style.
Friday morning, the bridesmaids and special friends gathered to celebrate our darling Lauren with a girls only brunch. We had too much fun and she surprised us with some wonderful gifts, too! Monogrammed robes (AMAZING), initial necklaces, and flip flops to wear for the reception. That afternoon, we headed out to the lodge we were staying at and took it easy before heading to the rehearsal and dinner.

All the ladies at the Brunch
The gorgeous bride and her flower girl, AnnaKate
 Meg (AKA Peg) and Lauren…pretty girls
 7 of the 8 Bridesmaids…Poor Natalie had to come later
 Lauren and her family gals
 Me and my wonderful friend and BRIDE
 Ashley and Lauren

Friday night we gathered at the country club for dinner and then spent the majority of the night toasting the happy couple and closing down the bar…too much fun I tell you! (and P.S. let’s just go ahead and say a BIG thank you for the out of town bags and including multiple packs of Advil for the next day…LOL

Dinner time at the Country Club
 Lovely ladies!
 Lauren and the MOB, Ms. Debbie
 Yay!! All the bridesmaids together
 Me and the BFF
 Coach Lawson AKA The Groom!
 Cocktail Time
 A bunch of us got together and surprised Lauren with a David Yurman
bracelet to signify the occasion…she was ECSTATIC!
 Love me some Pam
 Three Amigos…Love our Fall Nail Polish Choices–HAHA
 Circle of Friends Pic!
 Late Night Munchies!!

Saturday morning, I was up and at it early to meet the other ladies to get our hair and makeup done. We lounged around all morning, then got dressed, and took pictures all afternoon! It was a bit chilly, but we couldn’t have asked for better “picture weather”…before too long, it was showtime!

Getting beautiful!
 Lauren’s gorgeous dress
 Me and Jessica…blogging star!!
 Natalie, Jessica, Me, and Kelsey AKA The Blonde Bmaids
 Are these not the cutest bloomers???
After the cerremony in Lauren’s childhood church, we all headed to the fairgrounds for their reception. It looked gorgeous inside and fit their personalities so well…it was amazing to see so  many of their friends and family come together for their wedding and we all had too much fun celebrating the happy couple! We most certainly shut it down that night all over again.
Me and my hot date
Me with a few of the KD ladies
 Mom and I…love that they were able to come!
 Daddy loves weddings
 Most of the men
 Me with the groom…looking handsome in his tux
 They were breaking it down on the dance floor
 Love this lady!
As we speak, the Lawsons are living it up in Saint Lucia and I am SUPER jealous! Their wedding was one for the books and I am happy they are finally joining the world of (mostly) married bliss. Happiest days are the ones spent with your best friend and Jeff and I love our nights out with the two of them…love yall lots Lauren and Andy!! 

  1. Jennifer says:

    hi!! Loved the pictures!! You guys look adorable! Where did you get the dress in your first picture (ivory top/green bottom) and the orange necklace! LOVES!!

  2. Oh how fun! I love weddings!

  3. kari Hill says:

    I'm loving your orange necklace! Where did you find it?


  4. Caroline says:

    Love. Where did you get that orange and gold necklace?

  5. Aubrey says:

    You and your family are beautiful! I just stumbled across your blog and love how happy and positive you are… There's no other way to live!:) God Bless!

  6. Thanks for the sweet comments y'all!! I got the necklace from Francesca's and the blue/green dress I from a local store called Muse

  7. Shari says:

    Looks like a great time! 🙂

  8. lori says:

    looks like such a fun times! loving everyones dresses… gorgeous ladies!

  9. Nicole says:

    Can I just say… you look amazing!!! Please come be my personal trainer so that I can look as good as you on my wedding day!!

  10. Nicole-Lynn says:

    You girls all looked so pretty, especially the bride!

    I really love the light blue dress the girl on the far right is wearing in the 4th pic! Do you know where she got it?

  11. that necklace is so pretty on you!!

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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