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it only took six months


October 3, 2012

Today is brag about myself day on the old blog, so go ahead and run away now if you think tooting your horn every now and then isn’t OK… but back to the subject at hand…after 6 long months of blood, sweat, and tears (well no blood, but loads of sweat and tears), I can finally say I am back down to my pre-pregnant weight. Seeing 117 on the scale felt AMAZING and I am so excited that I completed a goal that had been nagging at me for quite awhile now.

It took a lot of foregoing desserts, a lot of time spent on the treadmill and lifting weights, and a lot of encouraging comments from friends and family, but I feel like I have my “normal” body back again.
Some people have it easy…the weight falls right off, and some of that is assisted by breastfeeding for a long span of time, but I knew I was going to have to work harder since I quit nursing Caroline at 2.5 months.
I was back down to a happy weight at 3 months, but I still had some toning up to do, most certainly in that glorious mid-section that got streteched for 9 months, and I knew it wasn’t going to be an overnight fix either, which made it more difficult because I needed to see the light at the end of the tunnel. What’s funny is that now my weight is the same as it was before I got pregnant, yet my clothes fit differently. Since I’ve focused more on weight training, my arms are more toned, my legs have more muscle definition than ever before, and my BMI has gone way done…thank you Lord!
I heard this time and time again, but it’s SO TRUE: “your body will never be the same after you have a baby”…I used to be terrified of that statement, but now I can fully embrace what I look like and just how much my body changed during pregnancy, not to mention what I had to go through to get to where I am at now.
I’m still eating 5 small meals a day, working out 3 to 4 days a week, and staying as active as possible. It’s all about small, attainable goals, and holding yourself accountable. If you give in and have pizza at lunch, don’t call it a day and say you’ll get back on the wagon tomorrow…just have a salad for dinner and forego your evening glass of vino. There are plenty of reasons to treat yourself every once in awhile…ice cream is necessary sometimes after you’ve had a rough day ;).

To everyone who has been so kind in helping me reach this goal, I appreciate your advice, tips, and sweet encouragement so very much! I am an open book when it comes to topics like this and am always happy to answer any questions y’all have related to health, fitness, etc. too so send them my way.

  1. Congrats on getting down to your pre-baby weight! It took me forever to lose mine and then I got there and it was so not what I envisioned. Of course, I'm not one to work out soooo really what can I expect. Around E's 1st b-day though it fell off to high school weight. Craziness! 6 months later I was preggo again with #2 so we will see what happens this time! Enjoy your new body! You earned it! 🙂

  2. lori says:

    congrats! i know you were so happy to see that number on the scale 🙂 i have always been terrified of the "your body will never be the same after babies" comment, too… so it made me happy to hear your take on it now. i'm hoping for smaller boobs, a bigger butt and more muscular arms after babies… is that too much to ask? 😉

  3. Shari says:

    Awesome job! Hard work definitely does pay off. 🙂

  4. Kaity says:

    You have such a good and healthy outlook! No crash diets or putting yourself down- just everything in moderation and self-acceptance 🙂

    More women should view their health and wellness like you do!

  5. BunBun says:

    Congrats!! YAY! It's wonderful that you could accomplish this goal–especially using healthy approaches!

    And I'm certainly siding with Lori and hoping for more muscular arms post-baby!! With a little work and some smart choices should certainly be attainable =)

  6. Congrats!! That's awesome!! Hoping I can share a similar story at 6 months!! 😉

  7. Woo hoo! Way to go girl!

  8. Kim says:

    So awesome… and you did it so fast! I love my post-prego body even though it's "different." I think I'm just so much more forgiving of myself because THIS bod can have a baby and THAT is amazing and beautiful. 🙂 And this post was worth tooting your own horn!

  9. Kim says:

    So awesome… and you did it so fast! I love my post-prego body even though it's "different." I think I'm just so much more forgiving of myself because THIS bod can have a baby and THAT is amazing and beautiful. 🙂 And this post was worth tooting your own horn!

  10. Emily Marie says:

    Toot your horn all you want, thats great news!!! Sounds like all your hard work has paid off! This is motivation to get my butt in gear to loose my last 8 pounds, I hope I can say the same thing at 6 months:)

  11. Laura says:

    Congrats on getting to your goal! You should be proud! I don't think moms take enough credit for all the hard work, kid related or personally, that they do. I'm only 6 weeks postpartum and have been lucky that most of the weight has just come off. There are a few nagging pounds left but I know that it will happen in time. This body helped give me my little peanut so I try to remember that when I get bummed about it being different now.

  12. P*P*P says:

    BRAVO!!! GREAT WORK!!!!!

  13. Ashley says:

    Great Job! I just recently started following your blog.
    My second child turned 4 months old today, and I'm about 6 pounds from my pre-prego weight. I breastfed my first for a full year and the weight was taken care of through that. However, with baby number 2, I had to stop nursing at 2.5 months also. I've recently begun watching what I eat and exercising more. Would you be willing to give your "weight loss plan" or whatever worked for you? I'd like to try it. Ideally, I want to be back to my pre-prego weight (117, too) by 6 months….Thanks!

  14. Laura says:

    You look great! I'm frustrated with my post-baby #2 body. I'm trying to find time to work out but it's hard when the baby isn't on a real schedule! Congrats on getting to your goal–that's awesome!

  15. Jen says:

    That's awesome! Congratulations. I gotta say though, you kinda killed my little candy corn munchin' session I've got going on here. 😉

  16. Brooke says:

    YAY! Congrats love!


  17. I knew you would do it! Whenever you set a goal, you race to the finish and never look back. Great job, friend! So proud of you!

  18. Rachel says:

    You are so inspiring, sweet girl! So proud of you!

  19. Just had my baby 5 weeks ago and working my butt off! LOVE this post… thanks for the motivation:)

  20. kristen says:

    You are the bomb! And absolutely GORGEOUS!!! So proud of you sweet girl!!! Rock on!

  21. Sara says:

    congratulations!!! all of your hard work is paying off!

  22. Andee Layne says:

    congrats mama! hard work def pays off! xo

  23. Jess says:

    Good job!!! Our little Cam is 3 months old and I still have my "marshmallow," as I call it!! Good to know that it will go away – with lots of hard work!!

  24. Sunny says:

    Good for you! You worked hard and should be proud. You are beautiful and so is that baby girl of yours. You inspire me.

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