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The Happiness Project…


October 26, 2012

Ever read a book that you love SO SO MUCH that you just can’t wait to share it with everyone you know?? Rarely does this happen, but this is a book I am calling an absolute must read and I am promoting it wholeheartedly because I 100% think it is THAT good. And yes, this is my personal opinion, no one elses and no, this is not a sponsored post.

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was reading the above referenced and how much I was enjoying it. Never did I think it would peak my interest so much and never did I think it could be a book to change my world.
To anyone out there who wants to live a happier life, who wants to wake up and savor the small things, and who wants to conquer pesky annoyances, this is the book for you.
I had heard about this story from a few others, but have to admit that I really didn’t pay much attention to the meaning or what it was all about. When I finally picked it up (and couldn’t put it down), I would lay in bed each night thinking about what I had read and how I could incorporate some of the book’s relevant themes and topics into my life.

Here’s to say that I’m happy (hence the name of my blog), but I think we can all be “happier”. There are times when we get down, when we gossip because it makes us feel better (totally calling myself out), when we get upset and act out because well, we just do.

A little background about the book: Rubin wanted to be happier, so she created a “project” to make her own set of life resolutions, to do things to help make her happier, and held herself accountable for an entire year.

I won’t tell you how it ends, but I will tell you I am working on my own happiness project and it’s something I am going to start in January. I’ll be updating once I establish my own set of truths/goals/rules to live by, but wanted to fill you all in on a book that I loved… sometimes I think these things are worth sharing and I think it’s something a lot of you would really enjoy!

If this is something you think would be fun, check out the website with all sorts of helpful advice to get you going!

  1. I'm really happy that you posted this. I have been looking for a good audiobook to listen to for a car trip. I have reserved Bossypants, but I also have been considering The Happiness Project. I heard it was great, and now you've just confirmed that. I am placing the hold for it at the library as we speak.

    Thanks for sharing!!! Ya know how some things just see to speak to you? Well, I feel like your post has confirmed that I need to read it.


  2. Jess says:

    LOVE this book!! So glad you are enjoying it 🙂 I can't wait to read about your own project!!

  3. Rachel says:

    Read this and LOVED IT. It seriously turned my world upside down…so awesome. I've been working on my own "happiness project" on a much smaller scale, but it makes such a huge difference. AMazing!

  4. Lauren721 says:

    Thanks for posting this!! I'm always looking for new books to read. Right now I'm reading "God Doesn't Blink" and its so good also. Its along the same lines of enjoying the small things and not taking life too seriously..you should check it out!

  5. Leslie says:

    I loved this book!! =)

  6. Caitlin says:

    I read this book when I was feeling down last year in the summer and it was perfect!! I absolutely loved it.

  7. Andee Layne says:

    Girl I have not picked up a book in ages (sad to admit) but your enthusiasm for this one has me putting on my to get list! It sounds like a positive one thank you for sharing love xo

  8. I am #30 in line for this book at the library. Your book recommendations are always spot on, so I am excited to read it!

  9. Jessica says:

    Agreeing with Andee here, it's been a while since I've read anything good but I am a sucker for a good product recommendation!! Downloading on my Kindle now! 🙂

  10. Carroll says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation. Sounds like a great journey! 🙂

  11. Kristen says:

    Currently reading.. and loving it!!

  12. All At Once says:

    one of the greatest books I have read. It really helped me through my post pardum with my 2nd baby.

  13. Thank you for sharing. I'm always looking for good books! I am also a generally happy person, but it's helpful and enjoyable to "practice" our happiness skills. I discovered your blog on The Magnolia Pair and I've been enjoying following you ever since.


  14. I"m going to have to check it out. I love a good new book! I agree, we all can be happier!

  15. Anne says:

    Thanks for sharing!! I plan to snatch this up ASAP.

  16. This has been on my list of books to read… is it one that a guy would enjoy too? Just wondering if Ian would get a lot out of it as well.

  17. kari Hill says:

    So glad you posted this!
    I just bought this book last night! I can't wait to start reading it.


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