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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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thoughts and things


October 23, 2012

The other morning while I was watching GMA (yes I have converted from The Today Show), they featured the Neiman Marcus/Target partnership collection coming to stores on December 1st. I cannot tell you how excited I am for this… all sorts of fun products from Marc Jacobs, Diane Von Furstenburg, Lela Rose, Tracy Reese-the list goes on and on. Needless to say, CC and I will be there bright and early ready to get our shop on. I just hope for Target’s sake they have fixed internet issues since they came out with the Missoni collection when everything crashed.

Last weekend, Mom and I were at the mall and of course she had to scoop up some necessities for Caroline at Janie and Jack. We dipped into Williams Sonoma so she could get her favorite hot chocolate and mega marshmallows. Then, Mom looksed at me and said “you need a bag, too” so she bought me the perfect chambray shirt I had been eyeing from JCrew…a girl can never outgrow shopping trips with her mama, am I right?

I’m over football this year…there, I said it. I’m a VOL fan to the core, but one loss after another makes it hard to see the silver lining for this season. Can we get a redo please? I remember the days in college when we were a winning team, and we went to the SEC Championship twice. I remember beating Florida at home in the pouring rain, beating LSU on a Monday night and celebrating until Tuesday morning, and winning against Georgia in Athens and taking over the city with my best friends. Dear football gods, I’d like a few more days like that :).

Check out some of the fun loot Miss Caroline scored at the Bell Buckle craft fair this past Saturday… it was a gorgeous fall day, and us girls had an absolute ball. Funny to see how our shopping has changed from checking out all the jewelry and home decor to EVERYTHING baby. She got some adorable handmade hats for winter, loads of bows, a new bib/burpcloth set, and a dress perfect to wear during the holidays!
And finally, tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the North American Bear Company giveaway!!
You can enter here for a chance to win a $50 gift card to use on their site for wonderful gifts for the little ones you love.
As for us, we are taking it easy today…we all got the dreaded flu shot yesterday afternoon and haven’t felt 100% so it seems like a lot of Sesame Street and Real Housewives are in our future, not to mention catching up on countless loads of laundry-can you hear the excitement?? Hope yall have a wonderful Tuesday!!
  1. little b says:

    I've given up on the Today Show too – I just can't take them anymore! (And I was a loyal viewer since middle school.Middle school!)

  2. I'm about to jump ship to GMA as well! So over Today Show right now! And I love all of C's goodies! So fun you can go shopping with your mom on a regular basis!

  3. Andee Layne says:

    oh I'm SO excited for the Neimans/Target collaboration as well!!! Hope you guys are feeling better! We have Ava scheduled for her flu shot later this week because we are going to be traveling in a couple weeks but I'm so unsure ;(

  4. Caroline says:

    I cannot leave the Today show. It's an addiction. Love the shirt. And football is for the birds this year. Let basketball begin!

  5. Jess Beer says:

    Girl, I know EXACTLY what you mean about football…I still love my Hokies, but it's been a tough year for us too!

  6. Emily says:

    i don't think i'll EVER be too old to shop with my mom!! i love having her close for impromptu trips to the mall 🙂

  7. Bri says:

    GO DAWGS!! 🙂

  8. Julie Rogers says:

    I'm still a Today show girl:) And my favorite shopping trips are with my mom—which only happen a few times a year since we live so far away from one another. But I will take them when I can get them. Good luck with the shots!


  9. Wow, guess I'm not the only one! I gave up on The Today Show as well.

    I'm hosting a great girly giveaway tomorrow so be sure to visit! Caroline will love it! 😉

  10. Day Old News says:

    Girl I just bought the exact same chambray JCrew shirt this weekend. It is perfection!

  11. My husband, 5 month old daughter and I will be making a trip to Nashville November 9th-12th! If you would like to show us around at all or have any tips on fun places to visit, please let me know! We would love to hit the hot spots…within reason since we will have our baby girl with us!

  12. lori says:

    im a gma fan myself! i always try to catch it during my morning work out 🙂

    and shopping days with momma are the best… i will never get to old for those!

  13. Abi K. says:

    Your blog title caught my attention, so positive. I'm your new gfc friend, would be awesome if you visit my blog, and follow if you like it


    ~Abigail K

  14. I love the JCrew Chambray shirt. I want one asap.


  15. I have the same J Crew shirt and I love it! Good luck with the laundry – some weeks I fear I will be buried alive by it…

  16. snh says:

    Looove GMA! Those anchors crack me up. Also, love that chambray shirt. J.Crew always gets it right!

  17. Heather says:

    I feel ya' on the bad football season. I've been an Auburn fan my whole life, but this has to be the worst season EVER!! And it's even worse being surrounded by Bama fans!


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