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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed


October 22, 2012

Yall, I apologize in advance for this heavy kind of post, but I think sometimes we bypass the hard topics for ones that are more lighthearted and happy, rather than things that may need to be said.

Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed quote featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

This year, I have witnessed some pretty tragic events that have transpired to those closest to me and to friends of friends, acquaintances, etc. The reason for me saying this is that it really hits close to home and makes me stop to think twice.

Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed quote featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow, so live today like it’s your last. I say this all the time, but really…take a moment out of your day to stop and look around and never take one minute for granted. Tell your family and friends you love them and never walk away with words unspoken, because you may never get to say what you wanted and then how would you feel…

Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed quote featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

“Life is too short to be anything but happy”…one of my very favorite quotes. And yes, that is how I live my life, and you bet I won’t be changing that outlook…ever. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and challenges we all face, because life is hard, but don’t spend your time worrying about the things you can’t change or about the things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed quote featured by top US lifestyle blog, Hello! Happiness

Spend time with the people who make you happy, get outside and enjoy everything the Lord blessed us with on this earth, hug and kiss your children because you can never do it too much, don’t get too caught up with work and miss out on living life, and most of all, promise yourself that you’ll live the best life you can.

  1. Tess says:

    Sending Joel an email to tell him I love him.

    Thanks for such an important and valuable reminder.

    Life is seriously too short.

  2. AMEN!!

    I 100% agree with you and try to make an intentional effort every single day to enjoy this life and live in the moment. 🙂

    Hugs to you and that sweet girl!

  3. Kel kel says:

    Thank you so much. I really needed this today. : )

  4. You're right…life is too short. We have to embrace every day and make sure our loved ones know how much we care. Thanks N.

  5. Amen to all of that. There's no time like the PRESENT to make the most of life. Thanks for the reminder. xo

  6. Brooke says:

    This post is very related to mine today, as I lost a dear friend over the weekend. 🙁 Thank you for posting, love.


  7. Carroll says:

    What a great reminder! Thanks for these words, Natasha. 🙂

  8. Caroline says:

    beautiful post…

  9. P*P*P says:

    100% Agree!! Be happy! 🙂

  10. Lindsay says:

    This is so true! Makes me want to go hug everyone that I love!

  11. Tickled Pink says:

    This is so good to read. I was at a funeral yesterday so this post is really hitting home right now. I'd love to share a link to this post on my blog. 🙂

  12. Lindsay says:

    AMEN!!! totally needed this!! we get so wrapped up in the stresses of life, we rarely look at the little moments or the beautiful things that happen as a family. i have been going through a lot lately…and after reading this post i just need to sit back and know that God is in control. i need to just be joyful i have what i have. and love on my husband and family and friends as much as possible. they are WAY more important than work.
    the last part of your post states work isn't as important…funny thing because i was going to work late today, but i thought nah, i would so much rather hang out with my husband. and that i did. i came home and we cooked dinner together and just hung out.
    thanks lady!!! {sorry for the lengthy comment :)}

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