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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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a whole lotta catch up


November 26, 2012

hello, my name is natasha and i used to blog…hehe. i know, i’ve been away for a bit haven’t i? i am so sorry for the absence, especially during my FAVORITE time of the year! we are now 100% healthy here at the stoneking residence and are happy to feel like ourselves again…through caroline’s first ear infection, more teething, and a sinus and upper respiratory infection for me, it was a rough few weeks indeed.
this past week we had all sorts of fun with the family over thanksgiving! we all gathered at my aunt michele’s house for lunch and dove right in…and yes, luckily this girl got her appetite back JUST in time for turkey, dressing (my favorite), and loads of pumpkin pie. we celebrated all we have to be grateful for-specifically this little one seen below-and spent the day relaxing…what could be better!

friday morning, i woke up and jeff was instantly persuading me to hit the ground running with mom and take on the black friday shopping extravaganza, as he knew i’d be devastated if i didn’t do some major shopping for presents. i was so ready to get out of the house and it was so thoughtful of him to hang out with caroline for the day so i could have some 1 on 1 time with mimi… lucky for us, we racked up on some GREAT sales (a few christmas gifts purchased and some must haves for us, too) and i finally bought our very own cuisinart/keurig coffee maker…OHHH LALA! fyi: i’m in love with it already. i have been converted and doubt i will ever go back my friends. and yes, it makes the most heavenly hot cocoa, too.  

saturday, jeff did some shopping while cc and i went out and about for some girl time to hit up target’s holiday decor, old navy’s super sale, and shopped for a new dvd player for the house so we could break out all the holiday movie favorites we love so much!
that evening, we got out the hoards of holiday rubbermaid bins, put on some christmas tunes, and let the decorating commence…being at home with my little family made my heart so very happy. this holiday season is going to be my favorite i do believe!

sunday afternoon, we were FINALLY able to meet up with our wonderful photog/friend for our family holiday session. this was the 3rd time trying to get these taken and i was beginning to think it just wasn’t going to happen…but luckily candice didn’t give up on us and i think we got some AMAZING shots for our cards this year.
ok, another start to the week…wanting this to be a productive one because we have a gala friday night and saturday we fly out for california! hope you had a FANTABULOUS thanksgiving!

and p.s. before i TOTALLY forget again, the winner of the East Coast Bride prize package is Jamie…she said she’d be using the giveaway for her upcoming March 2013 wedding…how perfect! I’ll be sending your info to Keri and she’ll be contacting you soon!

  1. P*P*P says:

    Sounds like a wonderful holiday! Love all the photos too! 🙂

  2. Erin says:

    Caroline looks just like you! Her little Thanksgiving outfit is the cutest

  3. Could Caroline be any more precious? She is such a doll! Glad y'all had such a wonderful holiday and are all feeling better!

  4. Brandi says:

    Glad everyone is feeling better and it sounds like you guys had a great holiday. Love the pictures!

  5. Katelyn K says:

    Love C's shirt! She is such a well dressed baby.

  6. Caroline says:

    Caroline is so cute!

  7. Meredith says:

    Caroline is adorable!!! Her outfit is too cute!

  8. It sounds like you had an amazing holiday weekend!!! Yay for getting some christmas shopping done early! =)

  9. Katie says:

    Glad you all are better! CC looked so cute on Thanksgiving! Nothing better than Black Friday shopping huh? You will love your Keurig, seriously the best thing ever.

  10. Brooke says:

    Caroline is SO sweet – love her! That hot cocoa looks so festive…yum!


  11. I saw your packing list on insta! What are you going to Cali for?! So fun! Also, I noticed Jeff didn't get a pretty list. I bet he wishes you would pack for him too. 🙂

    Yay for a successful first Thanksgiving as three!

  12. So happy to hear that everyone is feeling better!

  13. Brown Girl says:

    Glad you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, little Miss C is looking so grown up. And your hair is getting long, I love it!

  14. Arielle says:

    omgosh Caroline is so adorable!! & are her eyes green? I never noticed that!

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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