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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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woe is me…the weekly mish mash


November 16, 2012

We have been under the weather for more than a week now…I thought it was over since Caroline has been on the mend, yet I am getting worse now with major sinus problems and congestion. I forgot how much I hated being sick. And yes, we’ve called in backup-Gran and Papa came over and so did Mimi and Aunt Shell to help their sick patients. I don’t think I could’ve survivied without their help, that’s for sure.
I’ve rented way too many movies and caught up on all omy DVR shows, and I am getting ancy over here because let’s be honest, i am NOT a homebody. This “funk” that has taken over our household needs to get a move on because Thanksgiving is next week, and I have lots of prep work to do for our family celebration.

Tomorrow, we’re celebrating the birthday of one of my most special friends, Candice! She is the first to turn 30 and we’re going to their house for football, food, and fun…going to be a wonderful day and I am so excited we get to join in the fun for her spscial day!!! Cannot believe we are getting this old…I swear it was yesterday we were all in college and now we’re like real adults. CRAZY

On Sunday, we have our photoshoot scheduled for our Christmas pictures. I am SO hoping we get to do them this week since we had to cancel last week due to our sickly status. We are headed to one of our favorite local parks and I cannot wait to see how they turn out. Outfits are planned, and I have a feeling Miss Caroline is going to put on quite a show 😉

Other than that, I am hoping to do a bit more Christmas shopping, and start getting out the holiday decor so I can do a little each day so I don’t overwhelm myself, and start on my Thanksgiving menu items. Hope yall have a FANTASTIC weekend!
By the way, I am TOTALLY a lover of everything turkey related and celebrating next week, yet I did give in this morning and started listening to holiday tunes via Pandora and it put the biggest smile on my face…yes, I am such a kid when it comes to the holidays ;).

  1. a' la mode says:

    we've been sickies too (ESP no fun when preggo, ugh) and are finally on the mend. Prayers you guys are too and that your photo shoot is perfect, just like little CC….xoxo shel

  2. Kaity says:

    Pandora has the BEST Christmas station! It made my week, too 🙂

  3. I am so excited to see how the Christmas pictures turn out! 🙂

  4. P*P*P says:

    Feel better!!!!

  5. Brandi says:

    Hoping you all get better soon! No fun to be sick during the holidays!

  6. Hoping that you and sweet Caroline are all better very soon! Cannot wait to see your Christmas photos – I just know they'll be beautiful!

    Have a great weekend, friend! Sending you a virtual bowl of chicken noodle soup ; )

  7. Kate says:

    I have a question — Do you guys (or Caroline, more importantly) see Jeff's side of the family/have a relationship with them? I know you're so close with your side of the family and they live nearby, but I'm just curious if Caroline gets to see her other grandma? I sure hope you feel better soon! Thanksgiving is such a bummer of a holiday when not being able to taste the yummy food 🙂 Take care!!

  8. CMae says:

    Get well soon girlie! 🙂
    I always call my self a home body…but the type that you know you are out most of the day but always eager to come home at night??

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