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Baby Essentials…6 to 9 Month Edition


January 23, 2013

I’m back here in the new year to talk all things necessity for the growing babe…this time, I’m talking products and must-haves for the 6-9 month old. Things have started to get REALLY interesting around here since Miss Caroline is quite mobile and it’s getting much more tricky to keep her entertained for any period of time so that I can get a task accomplished. Here are my top picks!

Sea Party Squirty Set. Tuttie sure loves bath time and with toys this fun, who wouldn’t want a nightly splish splash? Mimi got her a set of these a few months back and they have been a hit ever since! They each blow  water out of tiny spouts and are great for CC when she is going through teething phases, too. 

V-Tech Sit to Stand Activity Walker. Mimi bought one of these for their house first, so of course once I saw how much CC loved it, I knew we were going to have to get one of our very own. It plays music, helps the wee one learn to stand/walk, and can be used when they are smaller as well (just pull the top part off and there you go!). If you’re going away on a quick weekend trip, it’s also easy to take along for entertainment once you get to your destination since it’s not too bulky.

Sippy Cups. I feel like I’m an expert on sippy cups, since I think we have purchased EVERY.SINGLE.BRAND on the market as someone wasn’t very fond of a lot of them. The winners in our household that don’t leak, allow enough liquid to flow, are easy to clean, etc are the Nuby brand cups as well as the Playtex variety. For Nuby, we started with the handle variety and then worked our way up to the ones without (which CC prefers).  We also have a few others that are “so-so” in my book…Tommee Tippee, Munchkin, and the OXO Tot brands.

iPad/iPod Cover by Fisher Price. Here is the iPhone variety and here is the iPad cover. These are heavent sent covers because Caroline loves all the technology gadgets Mommy and Daddy are always on. We’ve travelled with both and they are great time occupiers as well. You can download free apps from the iTunes store for doodling, games, shows, and such and we know this is only going to get more popular with peanut as she grows and her attention span increases. 

Plum Organic Food Pouches and Spoon. I’ve been in love with the food pouches since Caroline was about 6 months. They make it easy for us to feed her when we are on the go and eating out and just last month I was told about the spoon attachment that screws on the top…genius I tell you! This eliminates a lot of the mess that comes with eating from pouches and makes cleanup a breeze. 

High Chair and Shopping Cart Cover. This cart/highchair cover has been a lifesaver! From the moment CC was able to sit up independently, we have taken this thing everywhere…stores, restaurants, and everywhere in between. It has hooks so you can attach her beloved toys so she can’t throw them (and believe me she will), it’s super soft and cushy so the hard parts of shopping carts and highchairs can’t poke, and I know we are staying germ free, too. I love the Itzy Ritzy brand and haven’t been disappointed with this purchase! 

Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Musical Table. We started using this fun gadget as soon as Caroline turned 6 months old. We took the legs off, sat it on the floor, and let her work her magic. Once she grew and was able to pull up, the leg attachment came in handy and now she walks all around it, playing and dancing and making all sorts of crazy noises. I have to admit, this is a favorite because I can grab it and take it to any room in the house and the songs are really cute (especially when you hear them 100 times a day). 

Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes. Leave it up to Mimi to always find the best toys, I’m telling you…she has magic radar! She bought this for her to have and much to her dismay I stole (AKA borrowed it forever) because Caroline loves it THAT much. It’s like her own personal toy MP3 player and she takes it everywhere with her. This is our first Baby Einstein toy and I’ve been happy with the quality and how well it’s held up! 

  1. Jennifer says:

    I LOVE those Boon spoons!!! Genius!

    Watch out for those bath toys because they collect mold. I've hot glued the holes in all our bath toys now!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  2. Yes to all of it! Especially the last one, Baby Einstein tunes toy. That was Avery's favorite toy ever, until we lost it 🙁 I like those bath toys a lot. Do you know where they are from? Avery would love those for the bath!

  3. Kate says:

    Bookmarking this post!

  4. So many great recommendations! Especially now that we're entering the 7 month stage! We love the good pouches too…I need to get the spoon attachment. Did you just order online or did you find it in store?

  5. whitney lowe says:

    So glad you did this post since Gage just hit the six month mark yesterday! Perfect timing! I just love your blog and positivity!! â™Ĩâ™Ĩ

  6. whitney lowe says:

    So glad you did this post since Gage just hit the six month mark yesterday! Perfect timing! I just love your blog and positivity!! â™Ĩâ™Ĩ

  7. Hilarious! My parents bought the walker first and then we bought it after seeing how much she loved it! Grandparents always seem to get it right:)

  8. Allyce says:

    We have had such bad luck with cups too! I feel like there is always just something that I don't like about them–leaky, flow, etc. I will have to give this kind a try!

  9. Joanna says:

    my 10 month old doesnt even care for sippy cups 🙁 I have tried them all. This one seems great though, I'll have to give it a try


  10. Amanda says:

    Love this post!! I am due in March so I am trying to soak up as much info on "must haves" as possible.

  11. Samma says:

    I love all the Laugh and Learn toys songs- it's nice that they have words instead of random tunes.

  12. I LOVE hearing what works for other babies and moms.

    I've been thinking about trying out new sippy cups since our DR just said no more bottles. We currently like the NUK brand.

    I like the Plum Organic pouches and spoon too, although Owen usually just wants to "drink" out of the pouch. Has CC tries the Plum Organic Smoothies? Owen loves the Blueberry Quinoa!

    The iPad/iPod Cover is GENIUS!

  13. Caroline says:

    I will definitely need to remember this post!

  14. melissa says:

    That Baby Einstein handheld music thing is baby crack! Blaire loved hers and I've heard from so many parents that their little one does too.

    Blaire still likes to play with her activity walker – but these days she likes to run around the house with it, ramming it into whatever she can hit – including me!

  15. Ashley says:

    Love that you post these! We are 6 months behind you, and I bookmark them all to refer back to 🙂

  16. Kris M. says:

    She will not have a long attention span at all if you expose her to technology at such a young age. Extremely unnecessary at her age. Go on line and look at the research..especially for children under 2 yrs of age. And be careful of those bath toys..after a month or so they grow mold inside because they never dry out. Just giving you my experiences..hope this helps.

  17. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Thank you for doing these posts! Very helpful 😉

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