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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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latest things occupying my brain…it’s friday!!


January 18, 2013

a. My friends Leslie and Dusty just launched their new photography brand this week and it’s INCREDIBLE! Leslie is one of my great friends, sorority sisters, and fellow mommy to adorable Davis (CC’s boyfriend) and we were lucky enough to attend their launch party the other night. We are so proud of them in this next venture and know they are going to do OH so well as a duo…yippee! P.S. if you’re in the Nashville area and are in need of a photographer or if you’re in the south, they do travel for weddings, too. Check out their new site HERE and you can enter their giveaway for a new iPad Mini HERE

b. I have finally given in…I picked up 50 Shades of Grey the other day at the store. I know I am totally late joining the Christian Grey bandwagon, but I’ll join the rest of you crazies out there who swear by this book and just how amazing it is. (sidenote: Jeff saw it sitting on the counter and said “isn’t this that mom porn book everybody keeps talking about”? HAHA)

c. This weekend, myself and 5 other girls will be heading west to spend the weekend with Cami and have a mini-Delta Gamma reunion of sorts. I am SUPER excited for some much needed girl time and a weekend in Memphis will be perfect because our tour guide and hostess is the best at showing us the hot spots around town! I know there will be lots of reminiscing about the “good old days”!!

D. I recently stumbled upon The Beaufort Bonnet Company…my heavens their stuff is just way too sweet and I think Miss CC is going to have to get a few things for springtime and summer. Seersucker and monograms get me every time!!

E. Due to some machine complications, we weren’t able to go to our ultrasound appointment on Wednesday…talk about a bummer. So, what does a crazy pregnant person do when the going gets tough? She finds the next closest ultrasound specialist and books another appointment…so, today at 2:30 we’re going to try again!! Fingers crossed everything works out this time and we’re able to see if Baby Stoneking #2 is pointing to pink or blue. (And P.S. for those that have emailed/texted/tweeted me, I’m not trying to torture you, I promise…I’m dying to know, too!) 

Cheers to the weekend my darling friends…hope it’s wonderful!!

  1. Highly recommend Local on Main in downtown Memphis if you'll be in that area! Their food is incredible – it's the only thing I really miss about living there…

  2. Rachel says:

    I cannot wait to hear how the ultrasound goes…praying for a healthy, happy baby and mama!!! Memphis is only about an hour from me–I know you'll have a blast! They have some great restaurants! I had no idea you were a DG–I was a KD in college! Miss sorority life some days, I definitely miss seeing all my girls! Hope your weekend is fabulous πŸ™‚

  3. Kate says:

    The ultrasound machine didn't work. Gaaaaahh!!!! I'm pretty sure I would have screamed… or cried. Haha!! Praying everything goes well today and that you know that you're having a healthy pink or blue coming your way by 2:35pm πŸ™‚ Good luck sweet friend!

  4. I hope all goes well at your ultrasound!

  5. Samantha says:

    Oh my, Fifty Shades of Grey is one of those books you can't put down until you're finished. And then pick up the next one right away! It gets better the further you read, so just be ready πŸ˜‰

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend in Memphis and can't wait to hear the news on whether the new little one will wear pink or blue!

  6. Have fun in Memphis (one of my fave places)! Can't wait to hear about baby #2!

  7. Sara Cate says:

    I didn't know you were a Delta Gamma! Me too – Arizona State – and I traveled for DG after college (CDC). I love my DG family! ITB

    Wishing you all the best with your US today!

  8. Ahh good luck at the u/s appointment today!!! Can't wait to hear!!! Happy Friday N!!

  9. 2 1/2 hours until you'll know!!! Cannot wait to hear the BIG news!

    Enjoy today! πŸ™‚

  10. melissa says:

    I am crossing my fingers for you that the machinery and baby cooperate and you get to find out today! Are you doing a reveal or will you spill the beans to us ASAP?

  11. Catherine says:

    Thats to bad about the technical difficulties! I hope your appointment goes well today!

  12. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Ahhh can't wait to hear! πŸ™‚

  13. LEA says:

    I grew up with Cami!!
    Hope yall have such a fun weekend!

  14. Vanessa says:

    Love your blog! Can't wait to hear what baby #2 is…good luck!!! πŸ™‚

  15. Caroline says:

    Have fun in Memphis! It's supposed to be beautiful this weekend!

  16. Courtney says:

    I had a Dg this weekend too in kc! How you enjoyed it

  17. a' la mode says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I am DYING to know!!! Does that make me a weirdo? LOL. Ok, I am obsessing over the hot pink hampton bonnet from The BBC….they are all so sweet!!! xoxo shel

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