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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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taking over memphis…girls style


January 22, 2013

this past weekend, us girls had a mini-delta gamma reunion in memphis with our dear friend cami serving as hostess. it was just TOO much fun, all of us being under one roof, staying up way too late, catching up and telling those stories that make you pee your pants (no i didn’t thank you very much), eating at some fantastic local restaurants, and just relaxing with my gals. these are the weekends i live for.
when we arrived friday night, we headed to hog and hominy for some pizza…this place was awesome. very relaxed and laidback, but incredible and crazy combination style food. afterwards, we headed back to cami’s so everyone could put on their pajamas, indulge in some wine and sparkling cider for moi, and celebrated hurt’s belated birthday with a cookie cake. we stayed up until almost 3am, talking about the boys, venting about all that other stuff that consumes our lives, stalking crazy people on facebook, and just enjoying each other’s company. it was a WONDERFUL night!

the next morning, we went to the infamous rendezvous for lunch. in all my travels to memphis, i had never gone there so i was super excited we were finally going! i got the bbq ribs (what they are famous for) and it sure didn’t disappoint! i even brought home a bottle of their spice rub for jeff, too. that afternoon, we all hit up the pottery barn, west elm, and williams sonoma outlets like some old ladies…we all got a sack so it was obviously a worthwhile trip, too ;). saturday night, cami had made reservations for us at the coolest bar/restaurant called mollie fontaine’s. we ordered practically 1 of everything on the menu and spent hours lounging, drinking, and eating. we then went to a fun bar called alchemy which is known for their drink specialties and mixologists. the bartender was sweet enough to whip me up a mocktail, so she was awesome in my book! us girls went home way past my bedtime and i called it a night…this mama was tired!
sunday morning, we got the chance to see preston (cami’s adorable son) before heading back home to the loved ones. we decided to make this an annual tradition on MLK weekend and i cannot wait to see what we come up with next year!
p.s. girls, i’ll bring the crafting supplies for picture frames and coasters 😉 hehe

  1. So much fun!! I would kill for a girls weekend and some BBQ;)

  2. I've eaten at all of those places! Soooo good! I even tried the pig ears and pig tails at Hog & Hominy! (I actually ate it before knowing what it was!) It wasnt too bad! 🙂

  3. What an awesome girl's weekend. Those are definitely needed from time to time. You look amazing by the way! One hot mama. 🙂

  4. Rachel says:

    Love a little getaway to Memphis! I can tell y'all had such a fun time. Isn't girls time the BEST?! I'm actually headed to Memphis Friday for a little Kappa Delta reunion for a friend's birthday…so excited 🙂

  5. Amanda says:

    Your mini getaway looked like a blast!

  6. Hannah Heres says:

    Rendezvous is definitely a must in Memphis! There's nothing like a good girls weekend 🙂


  7. Nicole says:

    What a FUN weekend! Love my memphis town!!!

  8. Sarah says:

    You went to some amazing places…next time you MUST go to The Beauty Shop, Gus's Chicken and Local Gatropub. They are so yummy!

  9. Caitlin says:

    Ok I'm from Memphis and I have yet to go to any of these places! I'm brainstorming ideas for my friends stay-cation bachelorette weekend and I'm thinking some of these may be winners because it sounds like you sure had a blast with your ladies!

  10. Jess says:

    Gosh – you guys haven't changed a bit. Love that you're still getting together 🙂

  11. Brooke says:

    OOoh that iPad cover is pretty amazing/necessary! Sophia is already so attracted to any piece of technology!


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