Just when I thought I had everything figured out once we found out darling #2 was a baby girl, Jeff and I realized we needed to pick a name…oh yeah, that one important detail.
I’ll be honest… we didn’t have another girl name picked-we had thrown out the idea of a few, but I hadn’t given it much thought..I had always said I would name my daughter Caroline after my grandmother, and of course we did with babe #1, so then came the difficult selection process of coming up with another girl name, which proved to be a lot more difficult the second go-around. Granted, in the scheme of things, let;s be honest, this wasn’t the end of the world, nor am I claiming it to be, but let’s face it…a person’s name is something they have forever, it’s not like an outfit you can change or a room you can repaint-it’s permanent and it matters.
We racked our brains coming up with idea after idea…polling family and friends for their input and choices, and at one point we thought we had decided on a name. That’s when I started second-guessing it and told Jeff it just didn’t “fit”. I perused the never-ending baby name websites online and googled “southern baby names” trying to come up with a winner. Honestly, I think I was putting WAY too much thought into it.
Funny enough, we went back to another option, the other name we had both loved when we were pregnant with Caroline and it stuck out to both of us… debuting in June, the next Baby Stoneking will be:
Carson Elizabeth Stoneking
Obviously, I wanted a name that was strong and would work well with Caroline…let’s face it, we’ll be calling them as a “duo” for most of their adolescence and we thought Caroline and Carson sounded cute together. As for Elizabeth, we wanted her to have a middle name that was traditional and had meaning…translated, Elizabeth stands for “God’s promise”.
So, there you have it! It’s been fun to share the news with our closest, seeing their reactions and such…Jeff and I love the name we have chosen and can’t wait to meet her in June!
Such a cute name! 🙂
Love congrats!!
Great choice! Works well with Caroline!
Love it!
What an ADORABLE name! Carson & Caroline – perfection! I also love the translation of her middle name. I am so happy y'all have decided on a name! Let the monogramming begin…
Love the name Carson! 🙂 I obsessed over baby names up until my daughter, Lily Caroline, was born- names are so hard! Carson and Caroline sound super cute together! 🙂
Elizabeth is a terrific middle name! Of course, I'm biased since it's also my middle name! We're in the middle of sorting out a name for our baby boy – such a tricky process, but so much fun.
oh love it! Very unique! xoox
It's perfect.
Carson & Caroline sound so great together !! LOVE C names 🙂
Such an adorable name and very unique!
I love the name!! 🙂 Yay for another "C" name! 🙂
Adorable name! two C's how cute!
I love it! Traditional, yet unique for a girl. Very cute!
I love it! You know Taylor's sister is Carolyn Carson, so I definitely agree they go great together!
I LOVVVEEEEE that name! People always want to shorten my name and i will have nothing of it-I was named Elizabeth for a reason and is such a great name. So cute!
I love it! And I love that both of your girls have parts of my name. Elizabeth is my middle name. 🙂
That is a darling name! So excited for you all:)
Adorable!!! It's perfect!
love it! definitely a strong name. and i can tell you for sure they will be attached at the hip. sisters are truly a blessing. such a wonderful gift from god 🙂
Awww love that we can call baby #2 by her name now! Carson is so pretty and unique…love it!!
That's a beautiful name for what I know will be a beautiful girl! Now if I could only nail down some names for my bebe. 😉
Very unique! Caroline and Carson sound great together!
What a beautiful name! I love hearing how people choose a name. Such a fun time for you and your family!
Ha- just wanted to change my previous comment- my friend Carson is Caroline Carson. Just told her about your girls' names- she approves wholeheartedly!
The names sound so great together!!! I love this name so much – different and definitely matches with your family 🙂
Such a pretty name! And her monogram will look great too!! 🙂
LOVE the name, I see a cute little blonde 🙂
Love the name!
I love it! How funny… my given name is Caroline Carson, and I have always loved my name. You did a great job!
Perfect name! Congrats!
So chic and southern! Just precious! Two little girls, what a gift from God. Congrats!!
Absolutely beautiful…. Caroline & Carson — just think of all of the fun these little girls are going to have!!!!
i LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Carson for a lil girl…it is one of my faves 🙂 Caroline and Carson – just too cute!
My 20 year old sisters name is Carsen Allyn. I have always loved the name Carsen/Carson. Her middle name was after my dad, Alan, but spelled so sweetly. Congratulations, you picked a great name!
Natasha … love it! What a beautiful name. Maybe I am biased, being an April Elizabeth myself. (Man, I miss that middle name, now substituted with my maiden name). I can't wait to see sweet little Carson!
Caroline and Carson sound wonderful together. How fun they will be so close in age! Beautiful name.
I love the name! It's perfect! Congratulations
I love the name! It's perfect! Congratulations
Love your choice! Beautiful!!!!
I love love love the name! perfect.
Beautiful I LOVE your pick! I like "guys" names for girls. Not that it's a guys name but I've just never heard it for a girl.
I LOOOOVE IT. I also love the middle name as baby M has the middle name Elizabeth as well…if you email me from this comment I will share my secret first name with you because I adore you so much =) I think Carson is perfect and I too had to think of what sounded good with the name Kendall, as you are right, were gonna be saying these names together as a duo for a long time!! xoxo shel
Congrats! Love the name
My brother's name is Carson. Always thought of it as a boy's name and not a girl's name. Interesting.
Yay! I love the name Carson! It's just beautiful and goes perfectly with Caroline. Two little lady C's. Lovely.