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Baby Stoneking #2…20 Week Update!


February 11, 2013

I cannot believe I am half way there…everyone tells me the 2nd pregnancy flies right by, but I had no idea it would be this rapid. With birthday party planning, designing a 2nd nursery, and all kinds of other things going on, I haven’t had time to sit back and relax and put my feet up like I know I should. I’ll rest again one day.
Here are some quick updates as to how I’m doing/how things are growing and changing as of late…
How Far Along? 20 weeks, 3 days-CRAZINESS I tell you
Size of the Wee One? A banana…about 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10.5 ounces
Maternity Clothes? Unfortunately yes. Jeans are a necessity these days so the maternity ones have made there way back into the normal rotation. However, I had forgotten how comfortable and forgiving they are…ahhh I can breath again. I am still using most of my normal clothes like tunics and dresses and wearing leggings/tights to help with length. And let me tell you, workout clothes are my “uniform”…throw on some pants, a loose fitting tank and sports bra, and a jacket and I am good to go. I am looking forward to warmer days ahead with the onset of spring…sandals and dresses will be key to staying comfortable!
Weight Gain? This is ALWAYS my least favorite part. As of right now, I am up 11 pounds. Less weight gain compared to where I was at this point in my pregnancy last go-around… I contribute that to running around chasing Caroline, and the fact I rarely sit down for any long period of time. I am hitting the gym twice a week and doing my arm/leg workouts at home to help multitask and make the most of my days. Trying to stay in shape because I know it will pay off in the long run!
Stretch Marks? No, and I intend to keep it that way.
Gender? Another baby girl…everyone tells me I’m totally a “girl mom” which is oh so true. I told Jeff at some point we could get another dog and he could get a boy and name it whatever he pleases since Tonka trucks, baseball, and Spiderman aren’t in our near future.
Name? Yes, we have finally decided on a name we both love. Stay tuned for that post soon!
Sleep? I have been having to take Tylenol PM to help combat my sleeplessness (yes this is doctor approved). I get so wound up at night and have a hard time falling asleep because I have so much on my mind. I go to bed around 10PM and wake up at 7AM when CC is ready to rise and shine. This is when it’s nice to know I am allowed to have my 1 cup of coffee each day…not sure I’d survive without it.
Cravings? Ice cream, cereal, bagels, sweet tea, pistachios, any kind of fruit, and iced coffee.
What I Miss? Gin and tonics…well, alcohol of any sort actually. There, I said it. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I’m not going to lie though-I miss having a cocktail, especially when we are out with friends. I am also ready for sushi again, too!
Symptoms? Tiredness, feeling “puffy”, and my skin is breaking out a lot more than last time…now isn’t that attractive?? 😉
Belly Button? In
Best Moment? Deciding on a name, picking out colors and furniture for the new nursery (will show you our inspiration at some point), feeling little miss flutter and kick in my belly…I forgot how much I loved that feeling! And of course, thanking God for another wonderful miracle 🙂

What some of you may or may not know is that Mrs. Kate over at Set This Circus Down and I have the EXACT same due date! She is having a her first child, a sweet boy, and she is over the moon-as she should be. It’s been fun keeping up with each other and talking about how we’re feeling, what’s changing, and all of the other interesting details that accompany pregnant women. It’s funny to see her going through the same stuff as I am…she has been wonderful to talk to and I couldn’t be happier for her and her husband Bryan and their next adventure!

  1. You are so adorable & glowing! 🙂

  2. Chelsie says:

    I'm so hope that when I have kids, I don't get any stretch marks like you!

  3. Ah you are so cute Natasha! And you look great girl! Can't wait to hear her name and see her nursery inspiration- that is the most fun part 🙂 And I'm right there with you missing alcohol- ha!

  4. Caroline says:

    You are just glowing! So happy for you!

  5. Kate says:

    You look anything BUT puffy, my friend! I'm obsessing over the photos you took and how their are pictures of Caroline everywhere, along with baskets of toys. Ahhhh, I'm so ready for all that, haha!! I know I'll probably be saying otherwise a year from now 🙂 You look amazing!

  6. Jen Gordon says:

    you are giving me SUCH baby fever for baby number two !! You look so beautiful and you are far from puffy!!

  7. Katie says:

    you are by far the cutest pregnant woman ever!

  8. You are looking SO cute!! Can't believe you are only 20 weeks!!

  9. Seriously, you are the cutest preg lady ever!

  10. Andee Layne says:

    you look fabulous hun! Girl don't feel bad for a second about missing a cocktail~ I remember complaining about that each week i was prego lol Also i def didn't give up my coffee habit either…just scaled back a tad 😉 Love being able to follow this prego journey with you as well! muah!

  11. You look amazing!! Love the outfit!

  12. You look soo cute:) I must say this too gives me a little baby fever!

  13. You look adorable {and teeny tiny still!}. Pretty sure I'll be this big the moment I find out I'm pregnant w/ babe #2! Ha!

    You guys ARE busy — lots of fun going on over there! That's so good though because as you already know, it seems like the last month or two just drag on. Cannot believe you are half way there!! Time it is a flyin'!

  14. Megan C says:

    You look great, I love that outfit! Congrats on picking out a name, can't wait for that post!

  15. genevieve says:

    You look wonderful! And congrats on selecting her name – so exciting! I'm 29 weeks along, and I commend your energy level, as I just have myself to look after but am always exhausted. You make being pregnant AND keeping up with your little girl look easy! xoxo

  16. Catherine says:

    You look so stylish, and it's true, you're glowing!

  17. You look so stylish and cute – as always! Just glowing!!!

  18. Tess says:

    You're looking so darling! I cannot wait to hear the name you two decided on!

  19. Ashley says:

    You look great! Where are your boots from?? It doesn't make you a bad person to miss alcohol – I missed it when I was pregnant too 🙂

  20. Allyce says:

    Aw, you look amazing! I am very excited to see your nursery inspiration and see the name!

  21. Jennifer says:

    You look great! I have a little boy just a tad younger than C and I am a bit jealous you are having another!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  22. Susannah says:

    You look adorable! That's so exciting that you're half way there! 🙂

  23. Emily says:

    You look great! So excited to see nursery # 1!! Caroline's nursery is perfection! Do you mind sharing where your top is from? Thanks!

  24. Emily says:

    oops I meant nursery # 2!

  25. Jess says:

    Love that color on you and can't wait to hear the name!!

  26. Emily, the top is from Old Navy 🙂

  27. Shari says:

    Such adorable photos of you! I can't believe you are so far along already. 🙂

  28. Sara says:

    I love your updates! You look amazing! I'm glad to hear that the second pregnancy goes by quickly. I can't wait to get pregnant again, but the thought of being pregnant FOREVER (which is how long I felt like my first pregnancy lasted) seems exhausting! I wish I could just start at the 5 month mark. And actually, I wouldn't mind just having a 5 month old from the get-go. Newborns are tough!

  29. Alexa says:

    Oh my gosh! You're so cute! Congrats on another baby girl! I'm 17 weeks right now and we find out the gender of our second baby on the 26th! We already have a little girl…so we'll see! 🙂

  30. When is your due date? Mine is June 19th, I'm not too far ahead of you and expecting a baby girl too! 🙂

  31. Brooke says:

    SO beautiful, mama! You are really glowing! xo


  32. Ah, I just found your blog through DON. I am a London, UK mama to a 2 yo girl and 8m old boy so I have a pretty similar age gap as you. There are tough moments-the logistics of getting them into the car haha but it is just the best. The way the play together already and hold hands all the time. You have so much to look forward to!

    Beautiful blog!!


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